Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 275: A mere 108 meters, not worth mentioning

"It's just a 36-meter fishing boat."

A trace of mockery flashed across Li Changzhi's eyes: "Then, you can declare yourself defeated."


Yang Haoming sneered: "Do the Li family only know how to talk? How funny!"

This Gangzheng was customized through a special channel with an investment of nearly 80 million yuan by the Yang family!

It can be said that the Yang family spent a lot of money this time.


Li Changzhi waved his hand.

Among the only two pieces of black cloth left behind, the last one slowly fell down, revealing the huge steel beast underneath.

The Gangzheng, which looked like a steel giant just now, also looked quite thin in front of this ship, and seemed to be much smaller.

"The Mysterious Steel Fishing Boat, priced at 150 million, with a displacement of more than 1,000 meters and a length of 49 meters! Haha, you are doomed to lose!"

Li Changzhi's eyes showed a mocking look, and he looked down coldly at the people of the Yang family.

Seeing their jaws almost dropped in shock, he felt extremely happy.

This is the feeling he wanted!

This wonderful feeling of being confident of victory, being invincible, and everyone else being trash, was really great.

In his opinion, the Mystery was already the uncrowned king today.

There was no other ship that could compare with it.

After all, he knew the strength of other families, and each family had a limited budget for autumn fishing every year.

If the Li family's profits had not far exceeded expectations this year, they would not have had so much money to upgrade their own fishing boats and directly upgrade to a 49-meter super steel behemoth.

Yang Haoming was also gritting his teeth.

Everyone was not a professional fisherman, and their fishing skills were similar. How much they could catch in the end depended on their equipment.

In this case, unless one party was extremely lucky, displacement was everything!

The displacement of the Mysterious reached an unprecedented level of thousands of meters in the autumn fishing competition. One boat was almost equal to the displacement of all other families combined...

How many fish would be caught in this net...


He sighed inwardly, it seemed that he had lost this time.

No wonder the other party suddenly raised the stakes this year, it turned out that they were waiting here.

"Mr. Ye, let's get on the boat."

Yang Haoming bowed.

Although he knew that he would lose 80% of the time this year, he could not give up hope until the last moment. What if the other party had extremely bad luck and could not catch a single fish in one net? This was also the case in previous years.

"Why are you in a hurry? My boat hasn't been launched yet."

Ye Yang smiled faintly.

"Mr. Ye also..."

Halfway through, Yang Haoming seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and looked at the last black curtain in horror.

All the young masters present also looked in the same direction as Yang Haoming.

Even Li Changzhi felt something was wrong, and he trembled in his heart, looking at the black curtain.

"Don't tell me it's a ship!"

"That's impossible!?"

"If it's a ship, how big must it be! I'd believe it if you said it was a castle on the sea! How is that possible!"


Everyone was suddenly shocked.

The last curtain was more than ten meters high, and it was extremely huge. No one dared to imagine that the thing covered by the curtain was a ship.

Because, that was too incredible!

If it was really a ship, then the mysterious ship that Li Changzhi was proud of was simply a fart! ! !

Ye Yang smiled lightly and nodded slightly: "Yes, this is what I bought online a few days ago. It just arrived yesterday. I wanted to unpack it today, but you invited me here."

He had confirmed with Yu Momo that the last black curtain was the fishing boat he asked the other party to buy!


The scene suddenly became quiet.

No one could describe how he felt now. It was actually a fucking ship! ?

"Let's launch it."

Ye Yang waved to the staff in the distance.

Li Changzhi shook his head, trying to calm himself down, and comforted himself: "Maybe it's just a small ship, but the curtain is raised high to pretend to be scary... Just a nameless kid, haha, your little trick has been seen through by me!!!"

As soon as the corners of his mouth curved up, his smile froze instantly.

The curtain slowly slid down the edge of the hull.

The huge steel beast suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

The proud steel beast roared to the sky, and the whole body was cold, like the most terrifying steel torrent in the world.

Just standing there, there was an indescribable sense of oppression.


Everyone present couldn't help swallowing.

"This is simply too amazing!"

"This... How long is this ship!"

As some people came to their senses, everyone finally caught their breath, and indescribable shock and emotion broke out from the crowd.

Ye Yang raised his hand and motioned Yu Momo to explain casually.

Just now, Li Changzhi was a little too arrogant, and he didn't mind destroying his inexplicable pride and complacency.

"This ship is called Taichu, made of fine steel, with a total length of 108 meters and a displacement of 10,000 meters. The interior decorations are made by a high-end private customization company, including many luxury decorations, and the overall price is 580 million. That's about it."

Yu Momo said in a relaxed tone.

But every word seemed to hit Li Changzhi's heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

In terms of data, the Taichu is only more than twice as long as the Mysterious, but in terms of visual shock, it is simply beyond words!

Just like comparing a normal person with a giant as tall as a two-story building, although the data may only differ by two or three times, the visual impact is hundreds or thousands of times more!

This can also be seen from the ten-fold difference in displacement.

The Mysterious, which he was proud of and wanted to use to determine the fate of the world, was like a chick in front of an eagle in front of the Taichu. It only took a small scratch to overturn his boat!


Li Changzhi's face turned black. This was too abnormal! ! !

This was directly pulling the ocean fishing boat into the lake! ! !

It was simply a cross-dimensional dimensional crushing!

"This is really an aircraft carrier in the fishing boat world!"

Yang Haoming couldn't help but sigh, and his eyes were shining.

"A mere 108 meters, not worth mentioning."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and waved his hand, which immediately made many young masters present want to cry without tears. Li Changzhi was almost so angry that he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

"Then Mr. Ye, your fishing boat is launched..."

Yang Haoming rubbed his hands and said expectantly.

"Of course, the credit goes to the Yang family."

Ye Yang smiled lightly. This kid is quite sensible, and the Yang family has now surrendered to him, so he can't accept the compensation of more than 2 billion yuan from Binyue Restaurant in vain.

After all, helping the Yang family win this victory is just a piece of cake for him.

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Young people don't talk about martial ethics, 4287/6860,1931/1297, half of the likes~

Thanks to the book friend What did I use to keep you?

Thanks to book friend Dong for the update reminder, a love letter and praise!

Thanks to book friend Xuyong's Uncle Scrooge, China, 2955/0870 for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friend Qiankun Xianzun for a love letter~

Thanks to book friend Zhenlong Tianzi for sending a blade and praise!

Thanks to book friend Hongye Love Song's Xiu'er!!! Thank you very much~

Thanks to book friend 4468/0170 for Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to book friend Jingluo/Weiyu for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to book friend Still on the way for praise~

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