Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 276 Who is the ‘biggest’?

"Thank you so much, Mr. Ye."

Yang Haoming nodded repeatedly, looked at Li Changzhi whose face was already pale, and sneered: "What? Are you not crazy now?"

"Huh, what's there to be proud of? Even if the fishing boat is big, it doesn't necessarily mean that there will be more fish."

Li Changzhi sneered.

"Tsk, these words sound quite familiar."

Yang Haoming buttoned his ears: "Should I say something back to you: Can you declare that you have lost now?"


Being retorted with his own words, Li Changzhi's face turned blue with anger, so he had no choice but to wave his hand and lead his men on board the ship first.

"Mr. Ye, I'll get on the boat first."

Yang Haoming said with a smile.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, and then took Yu Momo and others to the Taichu.

"Wow, it is indeed a super ship worth hundreds of millions. There is actually a sheepskin carpet in the ship. It is so comfortable to step on. Even if you walk barefoot in it in winter, it is super warm."

Ye Xiaozi was jumping on the carpet, very happy.

"Boss, be ready to sail at any time."

The busty beauty captain was wearing a captain's uniform and looked very heroic. She saluted Ye Yang.

For such professional things as sailing, a professional sailing team is naturally equipped. They don't need to do things like launching the net themselves. In this game, these young men mainly give orders.

When to get off the net, where to get off the net, etc.

"Well, let's sail the boat."

Ye Yang looked up and down at this heroic and beautiful captain, and was very surprised that he bought a boat and got a beautiful woman as a gift! ?

This big is not an empty word, but really big!

Ye Yang subconsciously glanced at Yu Momo and nodded in confirmation: It's actually bigger than Yu Momo!

Yu Momo felt a sense of crisis and secretly regretted it. He only heard that buying a boat would come with a professional team, but he never expected that it would be such a beautiful and charming female captain!

"Alas...I actually added a competitor to myself, wuwuwu..."

Yu Momo wanted to cry but had no tears.

But it's normal to think about it. Such super toys worth hundreds of millions are generally only affordable by the top rich.

Although it is called a fishing boat, the price is so high. As long as you have a brain, you will know that the purpose of buying it is definitely not for fishing.

It is also natural to equip a team of beautiful women to drive the boat to satisfy the strange pleasure of the top wealthy people who buy it.

"Ahem, master~ don't look at her!"

Yu Momo squeezed Ye Yang's arm with his chest and pulled him into the captain's room on the top floor.

"She's so slutty!"

Xiao Qingxuan pouted.

"that is!"

Xiao Xiaozhu said, fighting the injustice.

"You misunderstood, I actually envy her! If I dared to face my feelings as frankly as she does, maybe I would have fucked my boss."

Xiao Qingxuan sighed viciously.

“(⊙o⊙)…So that’s it!!!”

Xiao Xiaozhu just stayed where he was.

Ye Xiaozi jumped up and down as soon as she entered the ship. She ran the fastest and reached the captain's room earlier than Ye Yang.

On this super-money beast that sells for nearly 600 million, the captain is just a part-time worker, and the ship owner Ye Yang, who cannot drive a ship, is the real owner.

Therefore, the captain's cabin is the most luxurious place.

The owner's cabin is surrounded by floor-to-ceiling bulletproof intelligent transparent glass, with an excellent viewing angle. Looking around, you can see the magnificent scenery of Songhua Lake in 360 degrees without blind spots.

Once you get tired of it and want to sleep, just press the remote control and the smart glass will automatically turn black, making it look like it is made of black iron.

The owner's cabin is large and has all the facilities inside.

There was a biting cold wind outside, but Ye Yang was able to hold a glass of red wine, stand in front of the transparent smart glass, stand among the warm leather carpets and electronic fireplaces, and enjoy the indescribable and magnificent scenery around him.

Wonderful, indescribable.

"Brother, look! What a big fish!"

Ye Xiaozi pointed at the white light jumping out of the water with some surprise.

Ye Yang also nodded slightly. Just looking at the size, I am afraid that this fish must be grown by one person. It seems that the Internet said that fishing in autumn and winter can catch hundreds of kilograms of king fish is not false.

In order to ensure objectivity and fairness, this family autumn hunt was broadcast live with drones.

The live broadcast is open to the entire network, and the revenue from the live broadcast is naturally included in the chips.

This huge scene of a huge fishing boat launching the net and thousands of parallel products landing on the shore attracts many viewers every year. At one time, the number of online viewers exceeded 300,000. The reward revenue alone amounted to tens of millions a day, enough to buy a fishing boat. The fish boat is gone.

Of course, the referees from the major families will naturally watch to prevent any fishing boats from catching too many nets, making the game unfair.

At this time, in the live broadcast room.

The number of online viewers has reached 100,000.

"Why haven't you started yet?"

"I haven't seen the fishing boat yet, emmm..."

"If you're hungry, order takeout and watch while you eat."

"It's so rich, I'm still cooking instant noodles."


The water friends in the live broadcast room were also talking casually to each other.

"Holy shit! It's coming, it's coming!"

"Really! It's finally here..."

"High-energy early warning, the super fleet is about to arrive on the battlefield!"

The audience became excited.

They are very enthusiastic about large boats, especially looking forward to the scene of countless fish being caught at the end.

"This year's boats look better than those of previous years. They are seven or eight meters high. I remember the first live broadcast, the largest boat was only a dozen meters long?"

"These families are getting richer and richer. I envy them. When can I earn a boat?"

"Don't think about it. Just wait for the pie in the sky."


One after another, the steel fishing boats left the dock and officially sailed into the waters of Songhua Lake. The audience was very excited. After all, the boats this year are obviously of higher quality than in previous years.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I wonder how spectacular the two boats that will be the finale this year will be."

Every year, there are two largest boats that will be the finale. Although the inside story is not clear, it does not prevent the audience from summing up this rule.

"Damn! This is awesome!"

As soon as the Gangzheng No. 1 sailed out of the dock and entered everyone's field of vision, it caused a wave of rewards.

"It must be more than 30 meters long! It's definitely a heavy fishing boat. It's a real feast for the eyes! I don't know how spectacular it will be when the net is cast."

"This should be the ultimate, right? After all, it's just a lake fishing ground. A bigger boat would be too expensive."

"It should be the largest..."

Before the words were finished, the Mystery broke out of the water.

"Oh my god! A 50-meter super fishing boat! Love it. This year's live broadcast is so explosive!"

"You know, after a fishing boat reaches a certain length, every additional meter is very difficult, and the displacement and cost are soaring!"

"Yes, this is definitely the largest this year. There will never be any bigger boats. I bet ten bags of spicy strips!!!"

"Too shocking!"

"Why doesn't the drone land yet? Let me appreciate this super big guy up close!"

Just when the audience was wondering why they didn't give a close-up view.

The wave rolled up.

A huge shadow came over, and the shadow alone pressed over half of the Mystery in front.

An indescribable sense of oppression came over me, and countless viewers swallowed their saliva silently...

Could it be that the real giant appeared at this moment! ?

(First update)

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