Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 277 Live Broadcast Frenzy


The white waves surged toward both sides as the Taichu cruised.

A hundred-meter giant ship breaks through the waves and comes!

The full picture of the Taichu, which seems to be slow but is actually full of power and oppression, is revealed in the drone camera.

Even at a low altitude, it was impossible to take a complete picture of the ship. As a result, the drone adjusted its height upwards before being able to see the entire Taichu ship clearly.


"This, what the hell is this a fishing boat!? This is a cruiser!"

"The first two tied together are far less captain than this one, let alone the others."


The knowledgeable audience was immediately confused. After reaching a certain size limit, the technology, materials and costs required for each ship's appearance increase soaring!

After all, ships are three-dimensional.

Just like a three-dimensional cube, building a steel block with a side length of one meter is only one-eighth of the materials used for a steel block with a side length of two meters!

And what kind of astronomical figure will the craftsmanship and price of a super fishing boat more than 100 meters long be? ?

"This is a fucking whaling ship being moved here!"

"Maybe it's an Arctic icebreaker, good guy, I'm so damn good guy..."

"This ship can't cost 100 million?!"

"I'm laughing so hard. Does that person above know anything about boats? I bet this boat starts at least 300 million yuan! And not counting the decoration inside, the price of the bare boat alone is at least this price. If the decoration is more gorgeous, I It is estimated that it will cost four to five billion to buy it.”

"Really or not, damn it, I'm going to damn it!"

"Is this a game for rich people!? You see!"

After listening to the analysis of this industry insider, the audience was dumbfounded. Several hundred million had been invested, just to buy a boat? !

If you say it is used for fishing, only a ghost would believe it...

You have to catch hundreds of thousands of dense fish to make your money back? ? ?

"I don't know who this fishing boat belongs to."

"I also want to know!"


The live broadcast room was instantly overflowing with gifts, and the scene of a 100-meter fishing boat breaking through the waves was really shocking.

The following live broadcast angles mostly followed the three large ships.

The hot topic about the appearance of this 100-meter fishing boat in Songhua Lake spread quickly. The number of attracted viewers soon exceeded the historical peak of 300,000, and it is still rising.

"Boss, we think we can gain a lot here."

Captain Gu Dandan reported.

"Then go to the Internet cafe here."

Ye Yang replied in agreement.

"Brother, I want to go take a look."

Ye Xiaozi looked curiously at the crew members who were pulling the big net and preparing to operate it.

"Well, it just so happens that it's my first time to see a large fishing boat fishing, so we just want to go and see it together."

Ye Yang turned around and glanced at Yu Momo: "Are you guys going? It's quite cold outside..."

"I'm going, I'm going!"

"Always follow the boss!"

"Who asked me to be your 'personal' bodyguard? Just follow me reluctantly!"

Although the three women spoke in different ways, their attitudes were surprisingly consistent.

"Uh, okay."

Ye Yang nodded. Girls are generally afraid of the cold. Why are these three women so different...

"Ta Ta."

Stepping out of the deck, the biting wind hit my face, carrying the unique salty smell of the lake.

At the stern of the ship, a large net-casting tool has begun to operate under the control of many professional team members.

Huge various coordination tools roared together, and huge fishing nets with buoys were continuously launched into the water, making huge splashes.

"We can only use the smallest net on the boat this time."

Gu Dandan came over and explained: "The Taichu was originally designed to cope with distant ocean fishing and large-scale offshore operations. Fishing in lakes is overkill and can only exert a small part of its effectiveness. "

"Um, is it because the lake is too small?"

Ye Yang said doubtfully.

"Yes, if all the largest fishing nets are spread out, the other fishing boats will probably become 'prey' in the nets."

Gu Dandan said with great confidence.


Ye Yang nodded slightly. Even though Songhua Lake is considered a relatively large inland lake, it is just a lake after all. Putting a super fishing boat like the Taichu that handles large-scale sea fishing here is indeed overkill.


While Ye Yang was watching the offline process, the live broadcast room suddenly became more lively.

"Let me go, my eyes are not blurry! That's Ye Yang Ye Shenhao!"

"Yes, yes, absolutely, I will recognize him even if he turns into ashes!"

"This boat belongs to him!?"

"As expected of Ye Shenhao, he is so amazing!"

"Isn't he in the Magic City? Why did he suddenly come to Spring City to participate in the fishing competition..."

"You don't understand the joys of rich people."

"Ahem, I really don't understand."

“He is truly the husband of my dreams!!!”

"Stop dreaming about the one above, look at these beauties around me, they are absolutely stunning!"


The news of Ye Yang's appearance instantly became popular.

It is difficult to find relevant information about Ye Yang on the Internet. As a major Internet celebrity with 20 million fans, he rarely posts videos.

You can only see him on live broadcast.

Therefore, once Ye Yang appears, it will be a big wave of Douyin craze.

His fans also flocked to the live broadcast room.

The number of online viewers in the live broadcast room instantly exceeded 600,000, doubling the previous record!

Even the bigwigs who were watching the live broadcast silently behind the scenes of various families were dumbfounded.

"What's going on?"

"Is the data broken!?"


After the number of viewers exceeded 600,000, the number of viewers increased instead of decreasing, and there was a trend of hitting one million...

"Crazy, crazy! Not long after the broadcast, the total amount of gifts exceeded 10 million! This is too strong..."

And the initiator of this frenzy, Ye Yang, was surrounded by stunning beauties and laughing, and had no idea of ​​all this...

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends 4505/315/100, 6887/0425 for the likes~

Thanks to book friends 3251/0053 for the likes and sending the blade!

Thanks to book friend Han Junbing Xinling for the Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to book friend Langzi Yimei for sending the blade and urging for more updates!

Thanks to book friends Luo Sen who loves pumpkin flower cakes and Xingyao*ying*mo for a love letter~

Thanks to book friend Scp-166 for sending the blade!

Thanks to Yuan Meng, a book friend who loves dried vegetable and pork rib soup, for the update reminder!

Thanks to the book friend who sent the razor blade even if he died!

Thanks to book friends 3755/5622, Brother Tao, Shixue, Balang of Nanxiang, 1110/2156, Liao Zan, who loves quail eggs and mushrooms, for the praise

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