Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 279 Ye Yang: This is a bit bad luck

"Boom boom..."

The Taichu, which is more than 100 meters long, is ridiculously loud whether it is launched or docked, and has a kind of shocking power.

Ye Yang stood at the front of the deck, feeling the breeze. Although it was cold outside, he got used to it.

Standing on the deck, watching the waves rolling under his feet and feeling the breeze on his face. But he felt a kind of passion to conquer the lakes and oceans.

"This is our last hope."

The head of the Yang family looked at Ye Yang with a complicated look. Originally, Yang Delin's compensation of the restaurant to Ye Yang caused an uproar in the Yang family. Yang Haoqiang, who originally controlled the Binyue Restaurant, was obviously the most opposed.

Everyone felt that Mr. Yang Delin's reaction was too extreme, and there was a sense of weakness and cowardice.

But today, when they saw that Ye Yang actually took out such a super big guy of more than 100 meters and worth 500 million or 600 million from nowhere, these people shut up.

Especially now, Ye Yang felt like the last glimmer of hope for the whole village.

It made them feel mixed.

"But looking at his expression, I can't tell anything... It's as if winning or losing has nothing to do with him..."

The old guys of the Li family were all grumbling in their hearts.

In any case, the size of Ye Yang's boat was there. Maybe if he really caught more than a dozen fish, the Yang family would have surpassed him.

"I guess he is pretending!? He is just a young man. Even if he doesn't know where he got such a boat, but he doesn't know the background, maybe this boat is rented!"

"That's right, our bets add up to billions! Can a young man remain calm and indifferent to billions of bets!? I don't believe it."

"Unless he has seen more money, but is it possible... Only a father at the richest level can have the ability to let his son come into contact with tens of billions of wealth at such a young age!?"


Everyone was constantly discussing.

At this time, the fishing net of Taichu was also pulled out of the water.

When they saw the fishing net, everyone in the Li family breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are only a few fish! Haha, I worry for nothing. Just say he is pretending to be calm!"

"Haha, I think we can open champagne to celebrate. I have asked my personal assistant to get it..."

Before the words were finished, everyone found something wrong.

The further out of the net, the denser the fish in the net.

At first, there were not many fish, but after more than ten meters, the fish began to gather.

Although it was definitely not a "full net", it was considered full.

"At this rate, we are doomed to lose!"

Li Jia was about to cry.

The fish were dense for a while, then began to become sparse, and then dense again, and then sparse again...

The fishing net was too long, and everyone's heart was up and down, and they stumbled.

On the Mysterious, Li Changzhi's expression was like laughing and crying, like a juggler, which made Ye Xiaozi chuckle: "Brother, the guy next to him is so funny!"

Ye Yang glanced at Li Changzhi. This level of small character was not in his eyes at all. If he hadn't provoked him, he would not bother to crush the other party's hope.

"How long is this fishing net!!! Oh my..."

After collecting for a long time, the net was not completely out of the water.

The live broadcast room also burst into exclamations.

"To be able to cast such a big net in Songhua Lake, this captain is awesome! I am ashamed of myself!"

The fastest driver on the sea said a little embarrassedly. With his eyesight, he could naturally estimate that there were more fish in the net that was out of the water than the maximum limit he asserted: 20 dense.

What no one expected was that they were tortured for a long time and their hearts were up and down until now.

The fishing net was only one-third out of the water!

Gu Dandan, with big breasts and a proud smile on her face, stood beside Ye Yang and boasted with a little arrogance: "I said, I am a professional!"

Ye Yang looked at Gu Dandan's cute look, and was slightly happy in his heart: "Well done."


Gu Dandan nodded with satisfaction, and then he returned to his heroic and serious captain's appearance.

The crew behind were all stunned. They had been working with Gu Dandan for three to five years, and it was the first time they saw the dashing and capable captain show this expression...


In the end, they were amazed and became numb.

After all, the length of the net was ridiculous. By the last third, no professional was needed. The enthusiastic citizens who were watching the excitement on the fence in the distance could see that the amount caught by Ye Yang's boat alone was almost equal to the total amount caught by all other boats on the scene today...

"Damn, this guy is so bad. He first gave us hope, and then made us despair!!!"

The leaders of the Li family faction were all slumped in their seats at this time, lamenting.

Li Changzhi's face was already unbearable. He no longer had the arrogant look just now, and ran off the boat in shame.

In the end, the catch of Taichu was completely counted.

A full sixty-three jins!!! , 126,000 jins!!!

This is almost the total catch of all other boats...

This shocking number made the live broadcast audience and members of each family who were originally mentally prepared couldn't help but open their mouths.

It was too shocking!

But Ye Yang, who caused all this, shook his head and sighed. Facing the live interview, he looked sad: "My luck is really bad! If the network was not longer, I almost lost this time!"


Li Changzhi, who was preparing to get off the boat, heard this sentence and almost stepped on the air and fell directly into the lake. Is this a human language! ?


The audience in the live broadcast room who were paying attention to this scene also spit out the instant noodles in their mouths in shock: "It's worthy of being Ye Shenhao! I'm fucking calling him an expert!"

"Hahaha, the Li family members are probably going to be angry and green, right!?"

The people of the Yang family finally put their minds at ease. Thinking of the other party's sarcastic look just now, they felt very comfortable in their hearts...

"Thanks to Mr. Ye this time, I must thank you handsomely! Thank you handsomely!!!"

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Xingshen Pavilion Ancestor Elder-Xianyu for the praise~

Thanks to the book friend Yuyi for the reminder, a love letter and praise!

Thanks to book friends 1931/1297 for the likes~

Thanks to book friends 1508/1585 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Bei Tangjun who likes Taigan for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friends Ling, 2805/5670 for the likes~

Thanks to book friends 1363/0197 for Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to book friends Shixue*Shishen for the likes~

Thanks to book friends Ziyun for the likes of Izanagi, Meng Lingxiao,~

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