Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 280 The seafood is really delicious

Needless to say, the outcome of this competition can be easily judged by ordinary viewers.

The Li family had no room to defend themselves, so they had no choice but to admit defeat and retreat with their men in despair.

The king fish caught in this autumn fishing, not surprisingly, also came from the Taichu fishing net.

A super big fish weighing a hundred pounds!

"What a big fish!"

Ye Xiaozi stood next to the fish: "It's almost as high as me!"

"Ha ha."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. Catching the first fish was also a huge honor. He planned to take this big fish back and make a whole fish feast to try it out.

After all, it is a rare super-large fish in Songhua Lake, and the meat is probably very delicious.

The main reason is that the bones of this kind of big fish are generally very large, so it is easier to pick the bones.

"Thank you very much this time, Mr. Ye."

Yang Haoming also came over repeatedly to express his gratitude.

"No need to be so polite, just do it casually."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

"I just received a call from Uncle Delin. The Li family's bet won this year is about 3.5 billion, and half of the assets and funds will be transferred to your name."

Yang Haoming also conveyed the truth truthfully.


Ye Yang nodded casually.

Half of 3.5 billion, which is less than 2 billion, doesn't make any sense to him at all.



Yang Haoming didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The real Shenhao's structure was so big that he couldn't understand it at all!

"Okay, I'm going back with the fish to make a fish feast. Do you want to eat together?"

Ye Yang smiled with interest.


Yang Haoming collapsed even more: Is it my illusion? ? ! Why does it feel like Mr. Ye's expectations for this all-fish feast are higher than the nearly 2 billion bet compensation! ?

"The Yang family still needs to make various arrangements for the handover of this bet, so I won't disturb Mr. Ye."

Yang Haoming said respectfully.

"Yeah, okay."

Ye Yang shrugged and didn't care.

When Ye Yang said that there were still some things to do at the fishing ground, Yang Haoming arranged the follow-up and then left with the Yang family members first.

At this time, Yu Momo came over with a middle-aged fat man wearing a leather jacket.

"Oh, is this our new boss!?"

The big fat man stretched out his hands repeatedly and shook hands with Ye Yang: "I didn't expect you, boss, to be so young and promising!"

The big fat man is the acting manager of the fishery, and he has a very honest face.

He was really shocked today. You must know that the entire Songhua Lake fishery is only valued at seven or eight billion.

The new boss directly brought in a super fishing boat. The price of the boat alone was almost worth the value of the fishing ground!

“Boss, you are truly a god descending from the earth, you are extraordinary!”

"Songhua Fishing Ground is so lucky to be taken over by you as your asset!!!"

"I will work hard and work hard to make this Songhua Fishing Ground a success! Don't worry, boss!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. This big fat man looked honest and honest, and when he flattered people, he was a smooth talker.

He was probably also afraid that the new owner of the fishery would kick him out as the agent operator.

After all, it is too common for an emperor to change his subordinates once he has a new boss or a new boss.

"You did a good job."

Ye Yang nodded slightly to reassure him: "I'll leave this boat with you first and keep it safe for me."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

When he heard that such a super big ship was actually going to stay in the fishing ground, Big Fatty was also extremely surprised. In the future, it would not only be used for fishing, but also for tourism, because of the existence of this huge ship, it would also get publicity points!

"That's it for now."

After Ye Yang explained, he took the girl and the Fish King back to Jingyue Villa.

In order not to waste the delicious food, he also cooked it himself and made an extremely delicious whole fish feast.

Tender fish belly is made into sashimi, charcoal grilled fish steaks, fish meat is made into fish balls, cut into ultra-thin fillets, and cooked into hot pot.

Let’s have another bowl of fish head soup with solid ingredients.

You can smell the delicious smell through the kitchen door.

"The food is served, the food is served!"

Several girls came up to help serve food and help.

The family was eating and drinking happily, and was very happy.

Eat well, drink well, and be full of energy.

Not long after the meal, Ye Yang took Yu Momo back to the bedroom.

“The whole fish feast made by the host is so delicious! It feels like eating a super seafood feast~”

Yu Mo licked the corner of his mouth with unfinished meaning.

"Then it's time for me to try your seafood."

Ye Yang raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and raised his chopsticks to Yu Momo, who was cooking seafood.

After a long time...

On the bed, Yu Momo squinted his eyes.

The pale body lay limply on the bed, stretched out, obviously it had been tortured enough just now.

Soon, Yu Momo fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Yang, on the other hand, was scrolling through his phone casually, and the message rang again.


It was a message from Lin Xueer. Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. It was a link. He opened it and took a look.

It turned out to be a tweet from a celebrity who was coming to Spring City for a concert.

"A super beauty who is rare to see in a thousand years, the recently popular actress Han Jingjing?"

Ye Yang felt that the name was familiar, but nowadays there are so many posts from traffic stars that it is normal for him to be a little familiar with this name.

"I've bought the tickets. If Brother Ye Yang has time, can you go with me?"

Lin Xue'er continued to send sweet voice messages.

"You actually like female stars?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"Beauty can't like beauty!"

Lin Xue'er said repeatedly.

"La La..."

Ye Yang imagined a wonderful picture of two beauties sleeping together. He still has a bit of bad taste in this aspect.

"Hehe, Brother Ye Yang, don't think wrongly. I just like her singing and dancing!"

Lin Xue'er explained repeatedly.

"Yeah, I understand!"

Ye Yang nodded. Anyway, there was nothing important recently. His sister's National Day holiday was still a few days away: "Okay, I'll go with you tomorrow night."

"Great, love you! Hehe~"

Lin Xue'er was very happy and rolled happily on the bed. In addition to the fact that she really liked listening to concerts, most of her thoughts were actually looking for an opportunity to go out on a date with Ye Yang.

The next day, as soon as Ye Yang got up, the Yang family had already arranged the stakes from the Li family, and half of them were transferred to his name.

"The efficiency is pretty good."

Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction, and the specific handover and personnel replacement were all left to Yu Momo. He naturally packed up and prepared to accompany Lin Xueer to the concert in the evening.

(First update)

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