Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 281: Thousand-year-old beauty Han Jingjing

Li Group, the head of the Li family, Li Zihuai, hammered the armrest with a gloomy expression.

The heads of other factions and families below were also in a bad mood, and the atmosphere was dull.

"This time, it's all my fault that this boy named Ye Yang suddenly came out halfway, otherwise the Yang family would definitely lose this time."

The head of the Xu family said in an angry voice.

"Where does this kid come from? I don't know where he got such a big ship. Alas... I have never heard of his name in Spring City before."

The heads of other families also frowned.

"Okay, no matter where he comes from, he will ruin our good deeds this time."

The head of the Li family sneered: "There will always be a time when he will pay off his debts."

This time the Li family put a lot of effort into making a big bet before Qiu Yuan, and even spent a lot of money to buy the mysterious number.

Just to do something ruthless.

As a result, he was directly intercepted by Ye Yang.

Now he has long held a grudge against this boy.

"Ahem, I'm afraid this guy has a big background. After all, the news we got here is that this guy can talk directly to Mr. Yang."

"There are two explanations for this. One is that he has developed very well in other places and can be on an equal footing with Mr. Yang on his own. The other is very scary, that is, his father's generation..."

Several family leaders responsible for investigating Ye Yang's information looked embarrassed.

"Don't worry about this. I have asked someone to check his whereabouts in Spring City. His family are all ordinary people. The only relative who has some assets is only 10 million."

"Well, it should be that he has developed outside. We are still investigating the details."

Several others expressed other opinions.

"What? The best relative only has tens of millions of assets!?"


The whole room burst into laughter, and they couldn't help but have a very low opinion of Ye Yang.

You know, if China wants to succeed now, it is difficult to achieve great success by itself.

If the family is not good enough, relying on oneself, where can we go if we continue to move forward! ?

Assets worth hundreds of billions?

It's basically impossible.

It is not ruled out that some talented people can develop very well on their own, but after reaching a certain extreme, they will always find the limitations of advancing alone.

Relying on intelligence, opportunity and luck, you may be able to earn hundreds of millions, but if you really want to stand at the top and earn hundreds of billions... it is basically impossible.

"We actually asked an upstart to..."

When the other family leaders heard this, their faces looked extremely ugly.


Li Zihuai stood up with a gloomy expression: "Okay, keep an eye on this guy. Don't let him get into my hands in the future. Otherwise, I will let him know that he is young and energetic and will not end well!"


The heads of other families nodded repeatedly.


Spring City Stadium has been transformed into a concert venue.

The venue is large and can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators.

The Ferrari came to a slow stop.

Ye Yang took Lin Xueer out of the car.

As soon as I got off the bus, I saw many familiar faces.

"Mr. Ye."

When these people saw Ye Yang, many of them looked respectful and shouted politely.

They are none other than the young men from various families who participated in the autumn hunt with Ye Yang yesterday.

When a popular beauty star comes to Spring City to hold a concert, how come these young men are missing to support her! ?

"Haha, why are you everywhere!"

When Li Changzhi got out of the car, he saw a group of people kneeling and licking Ye Yang, and they were so angry that smoke came out of their nostrils.

I managed to catch a full net yesterday, and I was almost certain to win! You know, the family has invested huge bets and preparation funds in this autumn hunt.

Once you win on behalf of your family, you will get extremely huge benefits!

But it was all deprived of all this because of this hateful guy in front of me!

"I said I smelled something bad, but it turned out that you stinky piece of shit came here."

Ye Yang glanced at Li Changzhi lightly and said casually.

He didn't have a good impression of this kid, and he was naturally not polite at all in his words.

"You!!! I was fooled by you yesterday, don't try to fool me today!"

Li Changzhi sneered. He already knew from his uncle that Ye Yang's family was an ordinary family.

No matter how awesome he is personally, he cannot rely on his own strength to compete with the combined efforts of so many families around the Li family that form one force.

Some people in the Li family even suspected that everything yesterday was a conspiracy between Ye Yang and the Yang family!

"With your level, you are not worthy to talk to me."

Ye Yang stretched out his hand lightly and slapped Li Changzhi aside. He didn't even bother to pay attention to such self-righteous things.

"How dare you tease me!"

Li Changzhi was so angry that he wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by the rich second generations who were following him.

"In a civilized society, don't do anything!"

"Harmony is the most important thing!"

Several young masters kept talking.

Although the rich second generation is not afraid of fighting, when the target of the fight is a rich man, it is a different story.

When they think about it, judging from the level of the Li family alliance, they are definitely not afraid of Ye Yang.

But they are just some rich second generation. If they really take action, they might end up suffering a loss...

In other words, they had to admit that Ye Yang was right when he said that they were not qualified.

"Oh shit!"

Li Changzhi waved his arms furiously, and then gradually calmed down when he saw Ye Yang leading Lin Xueer into the venue.

"Okay, Brother Li, aren't we here to have fun tonight? Not to sulk, it's not worth it!"

"That's right, let's go in and listen to some songs and dance, the most important thing is to feel comfortable."

Several rich second-generations advised.


Li Changzhi then straightened his clothes and snorted coldly: "That's true."

Thinking of Han Jingjing's appearance, a greasy smile appeared on his angry face: "Let's go in and see the beauties!"

Inside the venue, the lights were flying and the voices were noisy.

"As expected of the super beautiful star who has just become popular recently, it's almost full."

Ye Yang looked around and was also a little emotional.

"Of course! After all, she is a star I like!"

Lin Xueer laughed.


Ye Yang rubbed his chin, it seemed that there were quite a lot of girls present. Could it be that the pretty girls...

In order to prevent himself from thinking wrongly, Ye Yang coughed softly, and took Lin Xueer to sit in the front row super VIP seat, waiting for Han Jingjing to appear...

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends 2101/8908 for sending blades!

Thanks to book friends 2695/6464, Zhatian Gang Lich King for their praise and love letter~

Thanks to book friend Kudo Chiying for Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to book friend 9803/6288 for two praises~

Thanks to book friend 1931/1297 for a love letter~

Thanks to book friend Di Dao Men for the praise of the exiled immortal sword and the wind and rain~

Thanks to book friend Gu Deng, Kong Cheng who loves to eat dry pot fish nuggets for the urging talisman!

Thanks to Li Mo Pan and Gu Siyi who love to eat milk garlic~

Thanks to book friend Chen Wucuo for five praises!

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