Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 282 Are you contradicting me?

Soon, Han Jingjing came on stage.

The whole audience burst into cheers, and the entire venue was plunged into a sea of ​​carnival.

"Jingjing is so beautiful!"

"Love you for ten thousand years!"

"Call for you!"


Lin Xueer snuggled in Ye Yang's arms: "Hey! It really deserves to be a thousand-year beauty, so beautiful!"

Ye Yang nodded slightly. With the addition of lighting, makeup, and clothing, Han Jingjing on the stage was indeed bright and beautiful.

Bright eyes, proud figure, black hip skirt embellished with shiny chips, sweet with a hint of frivolous smile.

Enough to make the hormones of the boys present soar.

However, if it really comes to comparison, Ye Yang feels that if Lin Xueer, Yu Momo, Xiao Qingxuan and others have the same stage blessing, makeup, and atmosphere rendering, they should not be inferior to Han Jingjing.

"You are more beautiful than her."

Ye Yang told the truth.


Lin Xueer blushed and said shyly: "Brother Ye, you are such a straight man, but you can make girls happy."


Ye Yang was surprised and said: "What's straight about me?"

"That's it! Straight and hard! Straight man!"

Lin Xueer snorted.


Ye Yang's mouth twitched. What he said was really ambiguous.

The atmosphere of the concert was very warm.

Han Jingjing kept changing her outfit, sometimes like a queen, sometimes like a sweet girl, which made the audience feel so excited.

Especially Li Changzhi at the front desk, his eyes were straight, and a strange smile appeared on his mouth.

The young masters on the side were also hot, looking at each other, with evil smiles on their faces.

"That part will come soon, right?"

Li Changzhi knocked on the armrest next to him and smiled.

"Yes, that's a great opportunity."

The other young masters all smiled.

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

Li Changzhi rubbed his hands, his eyes gleaming with excitement.


After singing more than a dozen songs and dancing, Han Jingjing was also tired and announced a halftime break.

The beautiful assistant also appeared on the stage in a professional suit. With a wave of her hand, a large screen with vote counting appeared on the entire screen.

"Dear audience, in order to give back to the enthusiasm of the fans and thank you for coming to support us, we have launched a live heat reward system. There are heat reward devices on the armrests of the chairs next to you!"

"If you are the fan who gives the most on-site rewards, you will have the opportunity to have dinner with Jingjing!"

"Everyone, come and show your enthusiasm!"

The sweet assistant demonstrated how to use the heat reward device and then stepped down.


Ye Yang directly picked up the display screen on the armrest: "I was wondering why there was this little thing, it turns out to be used for on-site rewards."

Nowadays, it is indeed a commercial era. Even concerts are full of the smell of making money.

Maybe the amount of reward from each fan will not be very large, but there are tens of thousands of people here. In order to have a meal with the goddess, even if everyone only gives 1,800 yuan, it is tens of millions!

In one night, you can earn tens of millions in the time of having a meal!

This is an unimaginable super income!

Sure enough, on the display screen in the center, various avatars are moving and the rankings are constantly changing.

Because only the top ten rankings are displayed, the amount of rewards from the top ten soon soared to tens of thousands of yuan.

"There are so many rich people watching the concert!"

Lin Xueer exclaimed.

"There are probably a lot of people here."

Ye Yang smiled faintly. Now he has seen a lot of things in the upper circle. Naturally, he knows that what is happening now cannot be behind the scenes without the participation of Han Jingjing's own operation team.

Many of the top ten are people.

They are people from Han Jingjing's own operation team, in order to continuously increase the upper limit and guide the fans present to spend a lot of money.

Moreover, if nothing unexpected happens in the end, then someone from the operation team must get the first place and have dinner with the goddess.

To put it bluntly, no matter how much money the fans spent, they actually had no chance to have dinner with the goddess from the beginning.

That was just a bait thrown out.

However, that was the normal situation.

This routine was very successful in the previous concerts in several places.

Tonight, however, an abnormal situation occurred.

"Damn, who is this, who directly invested one million!?"

"Is he crazy!? Could he be the eldest son of some family!?"

"Is he not going there for dinner?"

The audience was stunned.

At this time, the first position on the big screen was directly occupied by a person nicknamed Li Dashao.

And the heat value of the reward was as high as 10 million!

One dollar can buy ten heat values, and 10 million heat means a reward of 1 million at once!

This is simply mind-numbing.

One million can buy a small building, but he actually threw it out directly just to have a meal with the goddess? !

This Li Dashao is not an ordinary person!

Now, even those in the operation team are in trouble.

If the amount is small, it won't be noticeable if they are just internal agents, but if the amount is too large, the fans will be outraged.

Once it is on the hot search list, Han Jingjing will be almost finished.

Although she was a little timid, she finally bit the bullet and followed the one million and two hundred thousand.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He had no desire to get involved in the small fights before. Now that the reward amount has finally reached more than one million, he finally has a little interest in participating.

"Do you want to have dinner with your idol?"


Lin Xueer answered decisively this time.

She knew Ye Yang's character too well. She hesitated a little before, but he saw through her and spent hundreds of thousands to buy her an antique hairpin.

Although she knew that Ye Yang was not short of money, normal girls would subconsciously avoid wasting their wealth because of their love for a boy.


Ye Yang smiled and rubbed Lin Xueer's little head: "We are not short of money. There is no need to do this..."

"I, I don't mean to save you money! I'm just... simple..."

Lin Xueer blushed and defended.

"Haha, you are not good at lying."

Ye Yang shook his head and directly clicked on the display screen and randomly clicked on an amount.

"Who said I won't lie... I just won't lie to you..."

Lin Xueer sighed inwardly, and her eyes looking at Ye Yang became brighter and brighter.

This man is damn charming!


The whole audience went quiet because of the heat of the million-dollar reward.

Li Changzhi also looked at the number one on the big screen in disbelief, and stood up: "Who is this Ye Shenhao! Damn, he deliberately sang against me! Damn!!!"

(First update)

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