Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 283: Astonishing Heat

"Wait, Ye Shenhao...Ye Yang!?!"

Li Changzhi turned his head in disbelief. As a young master, he of course bought a VIP seat, and was not far from Ye Yang.

He frowned and looked at Ye Yang, who put down the monitor with a calm face and was chatting with a beautiful woman beside him. He was so angry that his teeth itched.

"You already have a lover, and you still want to pick up my reserved girl!"

Li Changzhi was so angry that his nose smoked: "This is too much!"

The audience was looking at the flashing 100000000 popularity on the screen and sighed!

That's 100 million popularity!

100 million popularity, that's 10 million Chinese yuan!

10 million Chinese yuan, a big villa was bought!

It's just to exchange for a meal with a star! ?

Is this world really crazy to this extent! ?

The person in charge of operation and internal trust also put down the monitor in his hand with a sigh. The reward of 10 million Chinese yuan was just for a sentence.

Not to mention the audience, even the agents thought it was outrageous.

They didn't have the courage to follow suit, otherwise they would definitely be the center of attention and then be exposed!

Once exposed, they couldn't bear the consequences.

"Is there really someone so rich?"

They all sighed.

The operation team responded instantly.

With tens of millions of rewards, let alone just a meal, they could even ask their artists to do that kind of thing.

They couldn't afford to offend such a super boss, so they decided to fulfill his wish.

"Let the front desk lighting team focus the lights on the seat with the most rewards from now on, so that they can enjoy the feeling of being the center of the audience!"

In an instant, they thought of a countermeasure and directly shone the light on Ye Yang's seat.

"Damn it! It's him!"

New hatred and old hatreds piled up together, Li Changzhi was directly jealous: "If I don't press you to the ground and rub you like crazy tonight, I'm not surnamed Li!!!!"

He shouted in a low voice, and said fiercely to the guys next to him: "Do you still have money in your pocket? Lend me some. After I sleep with her, let her return the extra money to us."

"That's good!"

"With Brother Li in the picture, this matter will certainly come to fruition."

"Haha, I think that Han Jingjing knows your identity, Brother Li, and she dare not really ask you for tens of millions. At most, she will leave her a few hundred thousand for accommodation."

Several young masters are all the same kind of people. At this time, they are also cunning and collect money to transfer to Li Changzhi.

Looking at the amount in the bank card, Li Changzhi is now more confident and hardened.

"Damn it, you are the only one. I gather so many people to smash the old bottom together, and I can't beat you!?"

Li Changzhi sneered and started to press the keys directly with great confidence.

Anyway, he didn't really plan to give the money to Han Jingjing.

He was just a traffic star. If he really met a rich second-generation like him, he would do whatever he wanted!

Now he just wanted to fight for this face, and by the way, crush Ye Yang, and relieve the pain and depression in his heart that was difficult to express in the past two days.

"Oh my god!!! It changed again!"

The audience exclaimed.

The amount of rewards followed by Li Dashao, who was originally the second, directly increased from 10 million popularity to 150,000,000 popularity!

150 million popularity!

15 million Chinese yuan!

"Damn, is this crazy!"

"I didn't expect to see a super rich battle here."

"I guess these two super rich have a grudge! For sure, otherwise how could they really spend only more than 10 million just to have a meal?!"

"You are too naive, how could it be just for a meal!? There must be activities after the meal!"

"You mean..."

"If it was 100,000 or 80,000, then it would definitely be a meal, but this is tens of millions, if it doesn't make you feel good, do you believe it?"

"Well, that's true, I'm envious! Spending money blatantly to hit people! When can I feel so good like this!?"

"Yeah... I'm envious! It's so cool to have such a chance in my life!"


"Don't think about it, everything is possible in dreams, you can only hope to have eyes in your next life and find a good family!"

"It hurts my heart..."



Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, interesting, no one dared to challenge him in spending money for a long time!

It's really interesting!

This is exactly what he wants.

I have spent very little money recently, which really makes the system of getting rich quickly covered in dust!

When he thought of this, he was also a little emotional. He actually forgot his original intention!

How can I make money without working hard!

He reflected on it carefully and must resolutely implement the method of making money by brushing money! Don't forget your roots when you have money! ! !

With emotion, he was more generous and the finger that clicked "zero" was also more resolute.

Soon, the big screen refreshed the next wave of the first.

"Damn! It's really crazy!"

"Who is this Ye Shenhao!?"

Everyone looked over.

"Oh my god, it's really him!"

"Do you know him!?"

"You don't play Douyin! He is the Ye Shenhao who is very popular in Douyin recently. Super awesome! It is said that his assets are hundreds of billions, and he can spend hundreds of millions casually. Super rich!"

"It's just a marketing account. Who would make a video account if they are really rich! Are you stupid!"

"Bah! Ye Shenhao is my belief, you are not allowed to insult him!"

"...Okay, I'm scared!"


The audience was either amazed or jealous.

There were also many people taking pictures.

The 300,000,000 popularity on the screen was exciting!

"Damn, double it directly..."

Li Changzhi felt his lips turned pale, the money that the few young masters put together was only this amount.

After all, there are many young masters in the family, not everyone has a lot of money.

Just like the poor young master of the Bai family next to him, his personal assets are only a shameful million.

"Damn it, fight, I don't believe that the deposits of more than a dozen people here are not as good as yours alone!"

Li Changzhi gritted his teeth and directly gave all the money away...

The number 425,698,750 also appeared on the screen.

"...There are both zeros and integers here."


"More than 40 million, so damn rich, damn!"


Ye Yang sneered. This is a number with both zeros and integers. The other party must have given all the gas money for tonight's car trip.

But it's a pity... In his eyes, it's still unbearable!

On the big screen, a number appeared proudly, ruthlessly suppressing the tragic number with both zeros and integers.

Ye Shenhao, topped the list again!

When the popularity value behind the nickname appeared, the whole audience trembled...

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends Zhatianbang/Wang Ye for the update reminder!

Thank you book friends 1931/1297, Xiao Yuxuan for the likes~

Thanks to book friends I love meat, Xue Yuehua for a love letter~

Thanks to book friends Lei Yi who loves ginger, 2528/4944 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Ai Lu's tomato sauce for a love letter~

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