Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 284 If it was him... I could

"My eyes are not bad!"

"This...this, this, this..."

"I'll count carefully..."

"I'll go, 5000000000!?!?"

"Five billion heat!"

"It directly increased the heat limit just now by more than ten times!"

The audience exclaimed. Originally, they thought that the 400 million heat should have been capped, and there could be no higher amount.

As a result, this time, the heat increased by more than ten times!

"I must be dreaming, who can give me a slap to wake me up!?"

A little fat man demanded angrily.


The girl on the side didn't say anything, and slapped her in the mouth.

"Holy shit, you really hit me! It hurts me to death!"

The little fat man was immediately stunned.

"Actually, I also want to know if I'm dreaming, hehe..."

The girl stuck out her tongue: "It seems to be true!"


The whole place continued to boil.

Five billion heat!

Converted into Chinese currency, that’s 500 million! ! !

Five hundred million! ! !

How appalling! ?

Even in the most powerful cities in China, such as the Magic City and Beijing, this money is enough for people to achieve true financial freedom!

However, so much money was thrown away just to have a meal with the person I like! ?

Is this the real Shenhao! ?

In the audience, those who knew Ye Shenhao's name were not surprised at all, but were very excited. After all, everything that happened to Ye Yang was too legendary.

No matter what legend is revealed, they think it is normal!

Who told him to be Ye Shenhao! ?

But the audience who had not followed Ye Yang before were completely crazy.

"Ahem, could it be that the capital side deliberately created a hot spot in order to build momentum!?"

"That's not true. Wouldn't Han Jingjing's competitors check the information of the person shrouded in the spotlight and the matter will be exposed? They will not take such a big risk, especially on such a big matter."

"That means... that young man, really, casually threw out... 500 million!!!"

The audience's throats were hoarse, and they felt that the scene in front of them was so magical.

"A real super boss, but I feel like this Ye Shenhao obviously has some issues with that Young Master Li, and it feels like slapping him in the face."

"Yes, this should be the grudge between the young and the old, right? Even if it is really 500 million, I think the team behind Jingjing would not dare to accept it."

"Hahaha, the truth is revealed."

"Why! Why don't you charge so much money?"

"Haven't you ever heard a wise saying?"

"Don't be too pretentious, just tell me what it is?"

"The fans' money will be divided into three-quarters, and the money from the rich will be repaid in full! This is 500 million, and it is given to you for free. Do you dare to do it? Is it so easy to get money from a big boss?"

"That seems to make sense! It seems that Ye Shenhao has a big plan!"

"Maybe there is a conspiracy..."

"Shit! I am an old fan of Ye Shenhao. He simply has too much money to spend and just wants to spend it! You old conspirators! Hmph!"

"Ah this..."


The auditorium was so lively that even Han Jingjing, who was putting on makeup and changing clothes behind the stage, was so frightened that she almost wiped her lipstick crookedly.

"Real or fake! A one-time reward of 500 million!?"

She was confused.

The agent on the side also had his phone ringing frequently, confirming: "It is indeed a one-time reward of 500 million! And... the operation team behind us has no arrangements at all, just wild super rich people!"

"Oh My God……"

Han Jingjing never thought that this kind of thing would happen to her. If she were an ordinary person, she might be rewarded with 500 million yuan, and she would be extremely happy.

But the more she was in that circle, the more she understood that there was no such thing as a free dinner.

Everything is an exchange of equal value, and it is impossible for a huge sum of 500 million to fall safely into the pocket of the company behind her without any effort.

You must sacrifice yourself for this benefit.

After all, she is just a popular actress who has been praised. The net profit may not be worth 500 million in the eyes of the company. It is possible to sell her directly for this money.

After all, without her Han Jingjing, the company will soon be able to create the next popular female star on the assembly line!

The cost is converted into net profit, which is less than 500 million worth.

Don't look at the financial reports of entertainment companies. The amount of turnover is terrifying, ranging from billions to tens of billions.

However, most of that is cost.

In fact, the net profit is not much. Many activities are even loss-making.

"You're not really going to sell me to that Ye Shenhao, are you!?"

Han Jingjing felt uneasy inside. Spending so much money on rewards would most likely be a greasy rich uncle.

Just thinking about that scene makes me feel cold all over my body.

"This is the one who rewards you."

The assistant sent over Ye Yang's live image.

"Holy shit! I can do that!"

Han Jingjing's eyes lit up instantly and she stood up directly. Then she realized her gaffe and sat down awkwardly. Then she said righteously: "Ahem, I mean, I follow all the company's arrangements." !”


The assistant didn't know whether to laugh or cry. You must have fallen in love with this little brother's good looks, right?

"The team has already uploaded the information about this super hero to the headquarters. This matter is quite involved. We still need to wait for the handling opinions from the head office for details."

Help the serious way.

"Well, I've put on my makeup, let's get on stage!"

Han Jingjing said eagerly.

"Um, you obviously haven't put on your lipstick yet!"

Zhu Li covered his forehead. There was no need to be so excited to see a super handsome guy... But thinking about it, although Han Jingjing had seen many handsome guys, this was probably the first time she had seen such a rich handsome guy.


Li Changzhi slumped on his seat and instantly lost the desire to struggle.

He was so angry just now that he finally woke up after being crushed by money that surpassed him countless times.

No matter how many there are, they are just a group of rich second generations.

No matter how bad Ye Yang is, he is still a rich generation who truly made his own fortune from scratch!

Why do they think they can beat others in money offensive! ?

It’s simply a fantasy!

I am really too naive!

After realizing this, Li Changzhi shrank up and had only one feeling in his heart.

That's damn regret!

"If she is covered by that Ye Yang, I won't be able to get back the tens of millions..."

Li Changzhi gritted his teeth, feeling so aggrieved that he was going crazy: "Damn it, we can't just let it go."

"Brother Li, what do you mean!?"

Several young men came up to him, their faces pale with a hint of sternness.

"We must make up for the losses before Ye Yang meets him in private!"

Li Changzhi's eyes were deep, as if he had already thought of a plan that he thought was perfect...

(First update)

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