Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 285 He is actually...

With Ye Yang's super heat pressure of five billion, no one present could muster the courage to pick up the heater.

But the silence didn't last long.

Soon, Han Jingjing, who had put on makeup in advance and ran out, fell into hard dancing and singing again.

And Ye Yang always felt that the other person's eyes were looking at him intentionally or unintentionally.

At first glance, it seems that he is plotting against himself!

However, considering that the other party was a beautiful woman, if he really had evil intentions against him, he would have no choice but to surrender.

"Ding, it was detected that the host spent 500 million Huaxia coins for entertainment rewards, and the reward was 51% of the equity of Huabo Film and Television Company worth 30 billion."

"Huabo Film and Television?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Huabo Film and Television is still very famous in China. It was formed by the integration of the top two super film and television companies in China.

Now he is a well-deserved giant among China Film and Television Company.

"The reward is not bad."

Ye Yang nodded slightly, feeling quite satisfied.

When you look at beautiful women, time always flies by.

The second half gradually came to an end amidst lively performances and singing.

After the concert, what people were discussing surprisingly was not the star of the concert. The words that appeared most frequently in their mouths were Ye Shenhao, five billion hits and other words.

Obviously, compared with the beauty that comes once in a thousand years, the powerful battle in the midfield that is enough to be experienced once and will be unforgettable for a lifetime is more shocking.

After all, for boys, beauty can only be seen.

And with a lot of money, you can realize many of your dreams, including beauty.

So from this point of view, when success and beauty are both within reach, most people will choose the former.

Ye Yang will choose the latter. After all, he is already successful enough.

"Mr. Ye, you won the midfield popularity championship. Jingjing invites you to the backcourt for a chat."

The female assistant smiled ambiguously.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and patted Lin Xueer's smooth back: "Let's go and meet your idol."


Lin Xueer nodded.

"Um, Mr. Ye, you..."

The female assistant was a little confused: "So you have a female companion!"

"Of course, the reward I just gave was for her."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

The female assistant was petrified on the spot, and her heart was shocked: something was wrong! There's something wrong with this script! ! !

"Lead the way?"

Ye Yang raised his hand.

"Uh, uh, okay."

The female assistant's mouth trembled, but she immediately led Ye Yang and the two of them towards the backstage.

Why is the development of this plot different from what I thought... No, it is very different!

Is it possible that rich people like multi-player sports? ?

If Ye Yang knew what the female assistant was thinking, he would probably roll his eyes.

However, before they walked into the backstage, they heard some chaotic sounds inside.

"what happened?"

Ye Yang frowned, pushed the door open and entered.

I saw that Li Changzhi and other young masters were already inside, and Han Jingjing faced them with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"what happened?"

The assistant frowned.

"They are the young master who gave me the second reward before... They are all big benefactors. I think it's not easy to stop them..."

Several staff members on the side were scratching their heads.

"You trash!"

The assistant gritted his teeth and felt a little panicked. Things were obviously developing in a direction beyond his control!

"Hey, we met again."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

"Damn it, it came so fast..."

Li Changzhi frowned, but in the gap just now, he had told Han Jingjing everything. How to make a decision depends on whether Han Jingjing is smart enough.

"Haha, Mr. Ye, what a coincidence. I have just made an appointment with Miss Han for dinner in advance. I think you should just stay and cool off."


Ye Yang looked at Li Changzhi who looked confident with interest. Needless to say, this wretched trash must have said something stupid and self-righteous to Han Jingjing.


Just when Han Jingjing was about to say something.

The assistant's phone rang.

As soon as she answered the phone, a look of disbelief came over her face. She looked at Ye Yang beside her, her hands trembling.


"Jingjing, don't say anything! Call the headquarters directly!"

The assistant winked at Han Jingjing frantically, fearing that she would say something wrong.

There was also a tacit understanding between Han Jingjing and her assistant. Seeing this situation, she understood and answered the phone.

Li Changzhi on the side looked unconcerned, as if he was certain that Han Jingjing would definitely follow him that night.

The followers behind him were also sneering with their arms crossed, waiting to see the joke.

Li Shaodu has already identified himself and explained the situation between them.

In the final analysis, this Ye Yang is just a self-made independent householder. Although he seems to be rich, he is ultimately unable to support himself. He has now offended many families in the entire Li family faction in Spring City!

Li Changzhi is the direct eldest son of the Li family.

On one side is the entire Li family faction with a market value of tens of billions, and on the other is Ye Yang himself, a rising star. I believe this young artist can figure out which one to choose.

Even saying that there is no need to think about it at all.

In their opinion, Ye Yang was destined to lose.


Han Jingjing picked up the phone, feeling nervous. Her superior is an artist studio, and the superior of the studio is the headquarters.

It is very rare for the headquarters to directly bypass the studio and call her!

It can only be said that a super emergency has occurred!

"What happened..."

Han Jingjing was a little nervous. The assistant herself was a calm person, but she was scared when she answered the phone just now...

"Hello, Jingjing, I am the company's executive president and vice chairman Han Jiachi, and I am talking to you now."

A steady male voice came from the other end.


Han Jingjing was stunned. Her company has a market value of tens of billions!

The vice chairman of the entire company is talking to her! ?

Inside the company, except for the mysterious chairman, this vice chairman has the highest status.

A small artist like herself who has just become famous is not qualified to see him at all!

"Listen to me, the person in front of you is the new chairman of our Huabo Film and Television. No matter what method you use, you must make him feel comfortable. Now the entire Huabo company is paying attention to this matter! Please!"

Han Jiachi's voice was extremely heavy.


Han Jingjing's mind went blank. She looked at her assistant for a while, and then at Ye Yang.

Until she saw the assistant nod affirmatively, she had to accept this fact...

The person in front of her was actually her new chairman! ?


It's too outrageous!

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend Mengmeng, I have to read it even if I die~

Thanks to book friend 1931/1297 for a love letter~

Thanks to book friend 2233/8183 for the inspiration glue!

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