Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 286: Different treatment, Young Master Li is upset

"What, have you thought about it?"

Li Changzhi sneered, raised his head confidently, and even raised his hand.

Before he could react, Han Jingjing had already ran over and bowed to Ye Yang with a smile: "Mr. Ye, let's go have dinner!"


"I go!"

"Is this woman crazy!?"


The other young masters were also confused.

What's going on! ?

Rejected directly! ?

I gave up Li Changzhi and chose Ye Yang! ?

He is just a trash boy who started from scratch and can only rely on himself!

How can he compare to a noble man from a family like Brother Li? !

These young men are all in disbelief and feel that their ears are broken.

"You, what did you say!?"

Li Changzhi looked at Han Jingjing in disbelief, the corners of his mouth twitching wildly, completely unable to believe what Han Jingjing just said.

"Mr. Ye originally won the championship of our popularity rules tonight. I'm sorry that I can't meet Mr. Li's request."

Han Jingjing refused righteously without any hesitation.


Li Chang was confused. When he threatened the little girl just now, Han Jingjing was not so decisive!

How come after receiving a phone call, his attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees! ?

I don't care about his threats at all, and I don't take him seriously at all! ?

Could it be that that guy also asked his subordinates to call and threaten her? ?

Haha, on the surface he looked like a gentleman, but it turned out that he was also a scumbag just like him, and he was no better at all!

Li Changzhi sneered, thinking he already knew the inside story, and said to himself: "You don't need to be coerced by him, just mess with me, I will protect you."

"I don't know what you are talking about. If it's okay, please don't disturb the time Mr. Ye and I spend together. Please go out."

Han Jingjing frowned and shouted, rolling her eyes inwardly: "Funny, why don't I go out to dinner with my own chairman, why should I go out with a scoundrel like you?" ? I'm stupid!


Li Changzhi was criticized twice, and his face turned red: "Hey, you old woman, you are so shameless, aren't you!?"

"Do you want to be rough?"

Han Jingjing asked coldly: "I have many colleagues and video recorders here, and I am also a public figure. I advise you not to act recklessly."


Li Changzhi stared, completely confused as to why Han Jingjing was suddenly so cold to him.

"Mr. Ye, please come with me."

Han Jingjing smiled sweetly, pulled Ye Yang's arm affectionately, and smiled with bright eyes.


Li Changzhi opened his mouth so wide that he was stunned.

The contrast is too great! ?

She looked like an iceberg beauty to herself. When she turned her head, she smiled so sweetly at Ye Yang.

Is there such a thing as such a bully? ?

After so many years of wandering around the world, it was the first time that Li Changzhi was so completely defeated in this kind of thing. He felt like he was being tortured and cried!

"If you don't get out, I'll call security."

Han Jingjing turned her head, and the smile on her face instantly faded, turning into a cold and noble look. She glanced at Li Changzhi and said coldly.

"...What the hell!"

Li Changzhi was filled with anger at being treated with double standards. His face turned red and he was about to roll up his sleeves, but was stopped by several young men around him.

"Forget it, Brother Li, forget it! There are cameras all around. If we really use violence, it will be on the headlines tomorrow. Our family cannot afford to lose face."

"Yes, yes, it's not worth it for a woman..."

"That's right! Let's retreat first!"


Li Changzhi finally woke up a little and took a deep look at Ye Yang: "Okay, I will remember you!!!"

Ye Yang shrugged and didn't care at all: "Then just remember it for the rest of your life."


Li Changzhi was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but he really couldn't do anything against the other party. After all, according to the family's estimation, although Ye Yang was only one person, his financial resources were probably not weaker than those of the entire Li family.

Otherwise, the Yang family would not praise him so highly.

But if compared with the Li Family Alliance, it should be incomparable.

As a second-generation rich man from the Li family, I really don't have the qualifications to play tricks on Ye Yang, so what if I remember him? !

Then, I can only remember it like this...

After thinking about this, the haze of failure once again engulfed his heart. Originally, he came here to have fun and clear away the haze of failure in the fishery.

As a result, the shadow in my heart became even heavier...

Almost in despair, he was helped out by a group of friends, and the dressing room became quiet.

"Finally gone."

Han Jingjing curled her lips: "It's really annoying!"

In her heart, she is more inclined to go to dinner with Ye Yang, even if he is not her boss... After all, Ye Yang is so handsome! Extremely handsome.

"What a relief."

Lin Xueer curled her lips towards Li Changzhi who was running away in despair.

"Then, let's get to know each other formally."

Ye Yang also smiled slightly: "My name is Ye Yang, and the person next to me is Lin Xueer. She is your fan, and I came to the concert because of her."


A trace of disappointment flashed in Han Jingjing's eyes, but then she cheered up again. Being able to go out for a meal with the legendary chairman was something that was only a dream but not something that could be achieved. How could there be so many demands?

"You may not know that I am a new artist under the Huabo Film and Television Company you just acquired."

Han Jingjing bowed respectfully and said, "Mr. Ye."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. This is really a coincidence. No wonder the system gave this reward after he gave the reward. He originally thought it was nothing, but now he sees that there is an ulterior motive!

"Don't be restrained. Just think of it as me accompanying my friends to chase stars tonight. Haha, it's strange to call me chairman. Just call me just an ordinary friend."

"No, no, no, this... How can this be..."

Han Jingjing was a little flattered. There are many rules in the entertainment industry. People usually behave in a disciplined and cautious manner. Ye Yang is so easy-going that she can't believe it.

"If I say yes, it's okay."

Ye Yang patted Han Jingjing's shoulder and smiled lightly.


Han Jingjing also understood Ye Yang's thoughts and nodded repeatedly.

The assistant's eyes lit up.

What a great fortune!

If this were put in a palace drama, it would be that the lady served by her, a maid, was accidentally favored by the emperor, and he treated her very well!

This is the prelude to becoming the top empress!

As her agent, I am afraid that she will also be promoted to heaven soon. Thinking about it, she is a little excited?

"Where are we going to eat?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

Since the other party dared to put up this activity, they must have chosen a place to eat.

(First update)

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