"Lafite Winery?"

Ye Yang searched casually.

He found that it was indeed the winery that produced the most famous Lafite wine.

This winery was established in the 14th century.

It has continued to this day and is a family winery of the Lafite nobles.

I didn't expect the system to be so powerful that it directly got it into my hands.

"This Lafite winery is the largest and most valuable winery in Europe, with an estimated value of 6 billion euros! Although it is a little different from the super rewards like the Empire State Building, it is still a very strong reward!"

"But compared with the Centurion Black Gold Card, there is still some gap."

Ye Yang did not expect that he would be rewarded with a Centurion Black Gold Card this time!

This is a symbol of status!

Only high-level officials, billionaires and people with extremely prominent status in various countries can get this card in the world.

The Centurion Black Gold Card is also known as the king of cards!

The overdraft limit in the Huaxia area is 10 billion, and there is no limit to overdraft internationally!

This is an extremely terrifying concept!

If the Dongfa Black Card represents that he has entered the 100 million club, then the Centurion Black Gold Card can represent that he has entered the billion-dollar club!!!

After all the state banquet chefs left.

Ye Yang was also preparing to send Lin Xueer home.

As for the hygiene in the villa, Yu Weiwei was naturally responsible for finding someone to clean it up.


The Lamborghini Venom stopped at the entrance of Fuhua Community in a flash.

After the kiss, Lin Xueer got out of the car.

Ye Yang habitually opened his phone to check the new messages, but he didn't expect that the news would explode.

"Ye Yang, is that you in the video?"

"Great job, Boss Ye, you are very popular on Tik Tok!"

""Brother! You can play the piano! ? I'm afraid it's not true! ? I haven't seen you play before! ?"

Ye Yang was a little stunned and clicked on the videos that many people sent him.

The scene in the video was in the Purple Light Pavilion.

In the video, he was sitting in front of the sunken ship, next to the classical piano, in the halo, his fingers flying flexibly, playing"Croatian Rhapsody".

Handsome face, exquisite master-level performance.

Romantic environment.

All these factors also made him completely popular on the Internet!

He smiled and shook his head. Yesterday, he was just in the mood and played a piece casually. It was actually filmed and posted online, and it became inexplicably popular!

Turn on the vibrato.

The first video on the screen is himself playing the piano.

The likes have reached two or three million, and there are hundreds of thousands of comments.

Ye Yang also clicked on the comments with interest.

"So cool! So cool! It's my cup of tea!"

"Love it, he is my new husband!"

"Haha... I have more new material to dream about at night……"

"I want to marry him and give birth to his children!"


Not only Tik Tok, but also other major video apps including Bilibili, Xigua, Kuaishou, etc., their own videos are all very popular!

"Oh...I really didn't want to be famous.……"

Regarding the sudden misfire, Ye Yang shrugged his shoulders and was somewhat speechless.

Back at the villa,

Yu Momo stared at the phone screen with shining eyes.

"What are you looking at? Why are you so absorbed in it?"

Ye Yang glanced at it and saw that it was a video of himself playing the piano.

""Master, you are so amazing!"

Yu Momo's eyes became even more starry:"You have been rated as the new generation of grassroots male god on the Internet. If you start a live broadcast and show your face, and take advantage of the popularity to create momentum, you can directly become a big star! Maybe the title of the new generation of national husband will be yours!"

"Haha... forget it, husband of the whole nation, I am afraid I will be exhausted to death."

Ye Yang rolled his eyes.

Yu Momo smiled with her hands covering her mouth. It is rare to see such a little girl's style in her.

""Ding Dong~"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows:"Who is it?"

He glanced at the display screen and found that it was the maids who applied for the job. They were too proud to come at first. But when they heard that the annual salary was 8 million, they couldn't wait until the evening, put on makeup, and rushed to the No. 1 villa of Yunding Mountain in a hurry.

"Really diligent.……"

Ye Yang said with a smile.

Outside the door.

Guan Ruoyu grabbed her arm in some confusion. She was also a little worried. What if the boss was a wretched old pervert who offered such a high price just to do those shameful things... Then what should she choose at that time! ?

Should she succumb to money, or...

Just as she was struggling.

The door opened.

She took a deep breath:"No matter what, it's an opportunity with an annual salary of 8 million after all! We must work hard to grasp it!!!"

Guan Ruoyu and the nine beauties behind her walked into Villa No. 1 together.

"Welcome to Villa No. 1. I am the housekeeper here, Yu Momo.

Yu Momo stood up and resumed her cool and aloof image.


Hello... Hello, my name is Guan Ruoyu.

"My name is Chu Xunxun……"

Although the girls had excellent academic qualifications and abilities, it was the first time they saw a mature, beautiful and imposing housekeeper like Yu Momo, and they were a little nervous for a while.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just working for the master."

Yu Momo gave up his seat and bowed respectfully to Ye Yang on the sofa.

"Master... Master……"

Such an extremely shameful name made the faces of the young girls blush instantly.

However, when they saw Ye Yang smiling at them on the sofa, their faces instantly became even redder...

Isn't this... the piano male god they just saw! ?

Several girls widened their eyes.

They were all prepared that the owner of the villa was a perverted rich old man.

This contrast seemed a bit outrageous!

For a while, several girls were in a state of panic.

Among them, there were some who had just said in the comment section that they wanted to have a baby with the piano male god...

Guan Ruoyu was one of them.

She shouted in her heart, let alone an annual salary of 8 million, even if there was no money, she would be willing to serve such a perfect male god!

He is rich, young and handsome, and can play the piano!

"Don't be restrained, just clean the house and take care of the villa, that's all your job."

Ye Yang understood what these girls were worried about and explained.

"No no no…we’re willing to do anything!"

"Yes, if you want!"


Guan Ruoyu and several girls blurted out what they said. After they finished speaking, they realized what they had just said. Their faces were like ripe apples.

Ye Yang scratched his head. He didn't expect the other party to react like this:"In this case, let's go and get familiar with the structure of the villa with Xiao Yu first."

Yundingshan Villa dares to sell for more than 1 billion.

Naturally, it has its own confidence.

There are nine bedrooms alone.

It goes without saying how big the entire villa is.

Moreover, the basement is completely different from what ordinary people understand...

The entire interior of Yundingshan has been transformed.

The whole mountain is the basement of Yunding No. 1 Villa.

There is even a large library inside...

Before seeing the large library in the basement, Ye Yang could never imagine that a rich man would be so... willful!

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