After getting familiar with the villa, the girls were all amazed.

Anyone who lives in Shanghai knows the name of Yundingshan Villa, and Villa No. 1 is the king of villas.

But only when you have seen it, you will know how luxurious it is!

"If there is no objection, then we can sign the contract directly."

With Yu Momo's efficiency, he naturally prepared the contract in one day.

""Yes! We have no problem."

Several girls glanced at the contract and said impatiently.

Ye Yang nodded slightly and paid the salary directly.

He was not afraid that these girls would run away halfway. After all, they had to pay compensation for breach of contract. Even if they sold these people, it would not be enough to pay half of the compensation.

"Ding! It was detected that the host paid the maid group an annual salary of 9000w Chinese currency, and rewarded Jincheng Law Firm with 51%!"

""Law firm!?"

Ye Yang's eyes lit up.

As his assets grew, he might be involved in legal issues in the future. Having a law firm could save him a lot of trouble!

He had also heard of Jincheng Law Firm.

It was well-known throughout China, at least in Shanghai, it was firmly in the position of the number one law firm, and no one could shake it!

Whether it was domestic or international disputes, it had never lost.

It was known as the Pizza Hut of Shanghai!

Its network of relationships extended to all levels of society. No matter what lawsuits or disputes, as long as the relationship energy was used, it could be easily settled!

This kind of firm was no longer a place where money could easily buy equity!

After all, this kind of lawyer team that dared to call itself Pizza Hut could earn at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions for a case involving a high amount of money! It was not short of money at all! There was no need to sell equity at all!

Even if Ye Yang spent more money, he was afraid that he would not be able to get it done...

At this moment, Ye Yang was once again impressed by the power of the system!

Almost at the same time.

In an office building somewhere in Shanghai.

Fang Han looked at the secretary in horror:"Are you sure!? Did the other high-level shareholders all sell their shares to Mr. Ye?"

"That's right."

The secretary smiled bitterly and said,"According to the acquisition information, Mr. Ye already holds 51% of our company's shares.……"


Fang Han was also amazed.

Jincheng Law Firm was like a treasure trove. As long as they guarded the treasure trove, they would never lack money. They could make those joint venturers sell their stocks. I'm afraid that Mr. Ye had an irresistible power background behind him!

And he also invested a huge amount of money!

"Can I find his information?

Fang Han calmed down for a long time before reacting and asked

"The information that can be found is extremely limited... I can only find that the other party is the owner of the Magic City Empire Trade Building, and it seems that he is also the holder of the Centurion Black Gold Card... In addition, he recently invested in the French Lafite Winery"

"Now he has become the actual controlling shareholder of Chateau Lafite."

"He is the real owner of Vacheron Constantin watch industry.……"

"We have used all our resources, but we have only found this much."

The secretary said with a wry smile.

He knew too well how powerful the network of Jincheng Law Firm was!

From the top to the bottom, there was no news that could not be found.

Only Mr. Ye's personal information could not be found no matter what!


Fang Han clenched his fists:"It seems that this Mr. Ye is definitely a big shot."

He founded Jincheng Law Firm, and today the other party actually changed the owner of this famous Chinese super law firm!

The original owner himself was completely unaware of it.……

"This person... is too scary."

Fang Han knocked on the table and said,"Go call Caiqi and Ai Wei. The three of us, the main partners, have to go and meet Mr. Ye together.""

""Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

The secretary also knew that this matter was not a small matter, so she notified the remaining two main investors and arranged the itinerary...

At night, Ye Yang was also free.

With the establishment of the maid group, the villa finally had a bit more busy atmosphere.

Before, Ye Yang lived in such a big villa by himself, which did seem a bit lonely.

When he was bored, he would ask a few maids to play flying chess together. If he lost, he would drink a penalty.

Or he would go to the outdoor heated swimming pool on the roof of the villa with the girls to swim.

It can be said that he lived a very comfortable life.

The life experience of ordinary people may not be as good as Ye Yang's one night of pleasure.

"It feels so good to be rich……"

""Master~ what are you doing? Come and play~"

After adapting to the new environment, the maids had a lot of fun. No matter how big the Genting Villa is, after all, ten of them can clean it up quickly.

After finishing, they can have fun with the handsome and rich master.

Heaven is not as beautiful as here!

"No, no."

Ye Yang waved his hand and turned on his phone.

He saw that the university class group that had not spoken a word for a year suddenly became active.

"It's 99+? What's going on?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised. After graduating from college, the class group was almost dead. No one talked for a year or two. It suddenly became popular tonight.

He clicked in and scanned it, and he saw the announcement.

"Old classmates, is the graduation internship over? If you are free, why don’t you get together in a couple of days?"The person who posted the announcement was Yu Chenggong, the class monitor of the university.

This announcement also ignited the university class group again.

Many classmates started to reminisce about the past, and talked about work.

"Oh, forget it. That stupid manager forced us to work overtime every day and told us that 996 is a blessing! Fuck him! It’s ok that he doesn’t pay overtime, but I have to thank his ancestors for eight generations! ?"

"You are lucky, at least you found a job! I am so miserable, I still haven't found a job yet... Oh, it makes me cry when I think about it……"

"Lao Xu should be mixed���Wrong? He is a rich second generation!"

"Who told you that you are Lao Xu? Did you call Lao Xu? He is now a senior executive in his father's company. I am now working under Brother Xu."

"I'm so jealous, she's indeed a rich second generation! By the way, where's Maomao? She's the most beautiful girl in our class!"

"It is said that Xu Ge and Cai Maomao are a couple now.……"


Ye Yang raised his lips.

It was quite a coincidence. He happened to meet Xu Pengfei and Cai Maomao, who were praised by the class, when he was buying a watch a few days ago. When they knew that he was the actual controlling shareholder of Vacheron Constantin, their eyes almost popped out.

He still remembers their funny looks.

"Well, I won't go this time.……"

Xu Pengfei finally appeared

"Come on, Brother Xu, you are the most amazing person in our class! If you don't come, what's the point of this dinner?"

"Yes, yes, buddy, I haven't found a job yet, why don't I go to Brother Xu's place to make a living?……"

Xu Pengfei was flattered by these few words and felt elated:"Haha, sure, sure, since you guys are so kind, I will definitely go!"

"By the way, where is Ye Yang? He was the idol of our class in college... Didn't Cai Maomao like him before?"

Wang Daleng said something shocking, and he made Xu Pengfei dive directly with just one sentence.

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