"How dare you talk like that, Wang Daleng! You are bringing up all sorts of issues. How dare you expose my brother Xu's scars?"

Wang Guan, a lackey working under Xu Pengfei, jumped out and said

"What's wrong? Can't you just tell the truth?"

Wang Daleng was famous for his straightforwardness, and he did not show any weakness at all.


Just when both sides were about to quarrel,

Ye Yang calmly sent out a message:"Since everyone wants to get together, then of course it would be best to get together."

"Ye Yang is out!"

"How is Brother Ye doing?"

"I heard that Brother Ye seems to have joined a good software company?"

Ye Yang's popularity is obviously not low.

After all, he is sunny and handsome, his studies are also good, and his presence in the class is not low. However, except for a few rare good friends like Zheng Xian, most of the male classmates are looking forward to his failure in society.

"More than that! Boss Ye's achievements are beyond your imagination!"

Zheng Xian couldn't help but speak when he saw that someone actually looked down on him, Boss Ye.

"Eh? Isn't this Ye Yang's follower... What? Is he still following Ye after graduation?"

"Not so good, he still calls me Boss Ye, it makes me laugh to death, now that you have entered the society, can you be more realistic! Whoever has money is the boss, okay?"

"That's it.……"

When it comes to this, many people in the class echoed it with emotion.

After entering the society, they really deeply realized the meaning of this sentence. No matter how capable you are, you are still working for rich people. When they respect you, they say you are a top student, and when they don’t respect you, you are not even as good as a dog.

And those who have powerful families are born into that class, and after graduation they will become executives in their father’s company like Xu Pengfei.

That will be the goal that most people in the class will strive for for half their lives.

As for the second half of their lives?

If they can’t become executives, they will be fired by the company when they reach a certain age, and then live the rest of their lives in poverty.……

"Don't you still not believe it! If we get scared by Boss Ye at the party, it will be over!"

Zheng Xian said indignantly

"Were you scared by him? Haha, stop kidding, okay?"

"Oh, I want to see who he is and whether he can scare us?"

"Tsk tsk, no matter how strong you are, can you be as strong as my brother Xu?"

The boys, led by Wang Guan, were all extremely sour.

"Really, Zheng Xian? Is Ye Yang successful?"

Some girls were looking forward to it, after all, they also hoped that their former male idols would develop better.

But this hope was not great, after all, Ye Yang's family was just an ordinary family, no matter how powerful he was, what could he achieve?

Maybe it was because Zheng Xian was used to being a little follower, so Ye Yang's slight achievements were infinitely exaggerated.

"Haha, I'm just an unemployed vagrant, there's nothing much to say."

Ye Yang sent a message to stop Zheng Xian from speaking.

"Hahahaha, unemployed? Fired?"

"No way? Brother Ye is unemployed right after graduation. The society is really dangerous!"

The male student who appeared seemed concerned, but in fact he was secretly happy while sending messages.

However, Ye Yang ignored these messages.

With his current status, if he told them, he would feel distant.

"Okay, it's settled. Three days later, at the Magic City Fengshan Restaurant……"

"What is Fengshan Restaurant? I've never heard of it. Eating there is too cheap."

Han Caili, who had been silent, spoke up.

"Hmm? Fengshan’s cost is not low, the average cost per person is several hundred yuan, and most of the people are interns, I think it’s too high.……"

Yu Chenggong was a little surprised by Han Caili's tone.

Han Caili had a low sense of presence in college. She was the kind of person with low self-esteem. Although she was pretty, she was always indifferent to others and was not keen on group activities. The title of class flower was never considered.

How could such a person who seemed to dislike group activities suddenly speak so arrogantly?

Contrasts often attract the most attention. The whole class was waiting for the other party's reply.

"I told my boyfriend, and he said he would book a place for us in Han Pavilion in three days, and then we can just go there."

In front of the screen, Han Caili curled her lips, and the disdain in her eyes was self-evident.

She never paid attention to these rubbish classmates in college.

Even Xu Pengfei, the son of a small boss, was not taken seriously by her!

Her goal is to be a real big boss!

Therefore, she seldom moves around in school. Whenever she has time, she goes out to various nightclubs and KTVs, and fishes by the way. Her efforts pay off. After four years, she was lucky enough to find a real big boss!

And she became his private lover.

Now that the classmates are reunited, of course she has to make a good show.

"Holy crap! The most awesome Han Pavilion in the Magic City! ?"

"That super restaurant that claims to be a five-star restaurant in China! ?"

"The average per capita consumption there is at least tens of thousands. If there are dozens of us having dinner together, that would be... hundreds of thousands!"

"Caili, what does your boyfriend do?"

"Ahhh, I envy you so much... You actually found such a rich boyfriend!"

Some girls' eyes were red

"Alas, he is just an ordinary businessman. He has no advantages, but he has a lot of money. Haha~ It's okay, we will all be there when the time comes."

Han Caili's pride was evident in her words.

"……So... what do you think?" asked squad leader Yu Chenggong.

"No problem! The super boss is treating me! I also want to meet such a super boss! Maybe I will be chosen to be a little follower, that's fine!"

"I fully agree with this!"

The students said repeatedly.

Most of them had never been to a restaurant of this level. This time someone invited them, so of course they had to go and see it.

"Okay, that's settled.

Yu Chenggong finally finalized the information.


Ye Yang shrugged indifferently.

He just wanted to meet a few good friends who had done well in college. As for the others, it had nothing to do with him.


The door opened, and Yu Momo was wearing a hot black silk outfit, and Ye Yang's blood boiled at the sight of her.

"��This is……"

Ye Yang quickly put down his phone and controlled his breathing.

Such a hot and sexy super beauty, wearing a black silk suspender and showing her white thighs, stood in front of him.

If he was a man, he would probably find it hard to stay calm, right?

"It's what a maid should do...serve the master~"

Yu Momo bared her teeth and looked at Ye Yang with a fiery gaze.


Ye Yang licked his lips.

Before he could say anything, Yu Momo walked over to Ye Yang with her long legs and started massaging him.


Ye Yang looked at the hardworking girl and didn't think any more about it.

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