Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 292: Eight hundred million! Peach Blossom Garden?

"Hey! That's weird."

Yang Haoming raised his eyebrows in confusion: "There's something wrong with this kid today."

If he had been retorted by me before, this kid would never have given up. But now, he seems to be 'very magnanimous'?

Is it my own illusion?

Just now he said he was here on behalf of the entire Li Family Alliance?

He is here on behalf of the Yang Family Alliance!

Although he was a little surprised, Yang Haoming didn't pay much attention to it. After exchanging pleasantries with Ye Yang again, he chose a seat, sat down, and prepared for the auction.

"It's interesting."

"Yes, the attitudes of the Yang family and the Li family towards this young man are completely different."

"I have a feeling there will be something good tonight."

"Haha, not bad, do you want to place a bet?"

"You want to open a casino in the auction? Forget it."

"Ha ha……"

All the guests were also talking a lot, obviously they got unusual signals from the different attitudes of Li Changzhi and Yang Haoming towards Ye Yang.

Many discerning people are beginning to look forward to what will happen soon.

With their shrewdness and sophistication, they can clearly understand with a little thought that the upcoming auction will be a fierce battle and it will be very exciting.

"Whenever these three companies raise prices in a while, please be careful. Don't raise the price, don't talk nonsense, and act based on my eyes."

Some elders have even begun to warn some juniors within their own companies or families.


"Don't worry, boss..."

As time passed, the guests were all seated.

The entire venue was very lively and peaceful on the surface, but in reality there was a turbulent undercurrent.

As soon as the lights flashed, the hot host wearing a hip-hugging red dress walked onto the hosting stage in a flash.

Not to mention what his face looks like, his figure alone is enough to make most men present drool.

Ye Yang felt that he was not too cold about this type, but he just looked at it a million times more.

A beautiful auctioneer can increase the transaction price of an auction in which most of the participants are men by 10%.

This is a rule summarized from previous auctions.

Especially the auctioneer with a hot body can better stimulate the competitive genes in men and burst out blind hormones.

"Welcome to our auction, Xingsheng Auction House welcomes you."

"As we all know, this is the first public auction of over-standard high-end villas in Spring City and even Jilin Province. Each one represents unparalleled status and identity."

"It can be said that each one is very rare and precious. The construction period of super luxury houses is very long."

“If you miss this one, it may be a long time before the next wave of luxury homes of this level is sold.”

After saying a few words casually, I aroused everyone's desire to buy.

The beautiful auctioneer Tangtang smiled slightly, waved her hand, and the big screen behind slowly lit up: "This is the first super-standard villa we are going to auction. These are the photos we took on the spot."

Ye Yang glanced casually.

The villa in the picture is built near the water. It is indeed not comparable to those ordinary shabby villas worth millions. Whether it is the design beauty or the internal space, it is not on the same level.

"This villa has three floors, with an indoor area of ​​1,200 square meters, and comes with a private garden and parking garage. Of course, it is a five-storey parking garage..."

After introducing the parameters of the villa, Tangtang directly revealed the starting price: "The starting price is 80 million, and each increase must not be less than 1 million."


As soon as he heard the price, Ye Yang felt a little boring. This kind of villa was obviously not what he wanted to buy.

too cheap.

"Eighty-five million."

"Ninety-three million."

"One hundred million."


Soon, this villa was auctioned for 135 million.

"This is our second villa for public auction. Please take a look at its actual pictures. Its area... the starting price is 120 million, and each increase in price will not be less than 2 million. The bidding starts now!"


Next, villas were auctioned one after another, but the starting prices did not meet Ye Yang's expectations, so he did not participate.

All the guests who originally paid attention to Ye Yang also lost interest in him at this time. It seemed that they were just impressed. The rich second generation who came to watch the show?

Otherwise, why wouldn’t I be able to afford 100 million?

The auction has reached the final part, yet there is still no word...

"This Peach Blossom Garden is characterized by the attached peach blossom forest. As for its interior furnishings, I don't need to tell you, right?"

"These photos taken on site alone illustrate its unique design ideas. The starting price is 300 million, and each increase in price will be no less than 5 million. The bidding starts now."

Tangtang said with a smile.

"The starting price is 300 million!"

"Hey! It seems that it has entered the final and intense stage."

"Only the most powerful people can compete for this kind of luxury property."

The starting price was 300 million, and the final transaction price was probably not less than 500 million.

Super mansions of this level are also out of reach for ordinary wealthy people.

It's the same as the difference between a five-million-dollar finely decorated house and a one-million-dollar commercial building.

"Beihu Games offered 330 million."

"Capability Finance, 350 million."


"I tell you guys, stop being hypocritical and raising prices slowly. It's really boring."

A discordant voice came, causing everyone who had just called out the price to frown.

When he saw that the strange person was actually Li Changzhi, he immediately didn't dare to say anything.

After all, Li Changzhi came today on behalf of the Li Family Alliance. He holds at least one billion in active funds and is fully qualified and confident to say such things.

"The Li family offered 500 million!"

Li Changzhi looked directly at the audience and sneered with great confidence.

I've suffered so much at Ye Yang's house in the past two days. I've been so shocked that my whole psychology is almost distorted. Now that I've finally found an opportunity to show off, I'm going to feel proud and proud when I say 500 million. , the whole body became smooth.

"Hey! As expected of the Li family! They actually directly increased the price by 150 million!"

"Not everyone has this kind of courage. I can only say that although they lost the autumn hunt a few days ago and suffered a lot of losses, the Li family still has a strong foundation!"


Although everyone present was dissatisfied with Li Changzhi's frivolity and pretentiousness, they were still in awe of the Li family.

"The Yang family offered 520 million."

Yang Haoming said lightly.

No matter what the Li family wants, the Yang family has the obligation to raise the price and disgust the other party.


Li Changzhi sneered: "The Yang family thinks they are awesome? I will give you 600 million!"

"The two families are really at odds."

"Only the Yang family dares to die with the Li family. Alas, these two families are powerful and really rich and willful..."

Just when everyone was sighing and envious...

"Eight hundred million."

A strange and understated voice floated out, causing the whole place to burst into uproar...

(First update)

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