Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 293 This time, Ye Shenhao is in the atmosphere

"What!? Did I hear it right?"

"Eight hundred million!?"

"Is there anyone here who is so rich?!"

In theory, the value of this Taohua Garden is about 500 million. Li Changzhi called out 600 million in order to suppress the Yang family. This is already a serious premium.

This 800 million is simply unbelievable.

Could it be that some big boss likes this Taohua Garden so much?

Everyone looked over.

Only to see that the person who made the bid was actually a young man.

"It turned out to be him!?"

Seeing that it was Ye Yang, everyone was a little confused.

Originally, they didn't care about Ye Yang at all. After all, he didn't say a word during the whole process before. It was obvious that he didn't have much funds and just came to have fun.

As a result, now it seems that this is not a lack of funds, this is clearly a blockbuster!



Ye Yang's expression was also extremely calm, without any fluctuations at all, as if he had not called out 800 million just now, but eight yuan.


"At such a young age, he doesn't show his emotions. He is not shocked even when he shouts out such a huge sum of money. It seems that I really underestimated him before!"


Seeing that it was Ye Yang who was bidding, Li Changzhi almost fainted on the spot.

Why do you slap me in the face when I try to show off! ?

Can you give me some living space! ?

He was so angry that his eyes were bloodshot, but in a moment he took a deep breath and began to think: "I am now representing the Li family! The entire Li family! There is no need to be afraid of him!"

Confidence returned, and he began to think.

Ye Yang, this kid, humiliated him several times. Since he wanted this Peach Blossom Garden so much this time, how could he let Ye Yang get what he wanted! ?

"Haha, if you don't bleed this time, you can't get what you want!"

Thinking of this, he sneered and shouted confidently: "One billion!"


The whole audience was in an uproar. This price was already doubled. It was too crazy!

Everyone then looked at Ye Yang again, expecting that Ye Yang, who had made a big splash, could create another miracle.

But Ye Yang smiled faintly, put down the sign in his hand, and gave up bidding.


Everyone was confused...

The script is wrong!

Shouldn't he make a big splash and constantly slap his face with his huge money! ?

Especially Li Changzhi, his whole face turned green, and his enthusiasm just came up directly subsided, and his hands and feet were cold.

Originally wanted to raise Ye Yang's price, but ended up being played by Ye Yang?

"You, you don't bid anymore?"

Li Changzhi asked unwillingly.

"Why should I bid? I'm a rich man, not an idiot. It's only worth 500 million, why would I bid more than 1 billion to auction it? Alas, I really can't understand it."

Ye Yang spread his hands, looked at Li Changzhi's face that was white with green, and green with black, and sneered a few times.

"How dare you scold me!"

Li Changzhi was so angry that he almost slammed the table.

"Mr. Ye didn't mention any names. Whoever spends more than 1 billion to buy it is an idiot."

Yang Haoming gloated beside him.

"You two snakes and rats are cheating me!!!"

Li Changzhi completely understood that these two people had planned to raise the price for him in unison to cheat him! ?

The total activity funds given to him by his family were 2 billion, most of which were prepared for the last building king, but in the end, he squandered half of it! ! !

If the head of the family knew about this, he would be furious with him and completely disappointed.

These few incidents have greatly threatened his position in the Li family.

He also worked hard to get this last chance to atone for his crime, but he was cheated by others with just a few words.

With only 1 billion left, the remaining goals had to be abandoned...

After all, the most important thing was the building king...

"Haha, I figured it out. This Ye Shenhao is on the fifth floor!"

"Not just the fifth floor, it's almost the seventh floor!"

"Li Changzhi was fooled and was completely stunned."

"Five hundred million wasted!"

Now, everyone understood.

The Yang family saw that the Li family was interested in Taohuayuan, so they first raised the price and then gave up, making Li Changzhi complacent and confident.

Then Ye Yang saw this opportunity and raised the price again.

Li Changzhi had a grudge against him, and he had reached the peak of his self-confidence, so he naturally didn't let Ye Yang get his wish easily, and calculated that he would raise the price again.

Ye Yang took advantage of the situation and stopped, and severely cheated Li Changzhi.

After this, all the guests who thought that Ye Yang was going to waste their money and show off were ashamed.

This is what they think carefully!

I am ashamed of myself!!!

If Ye Yang knew what these people were thinking, he would probably laugh out loud.

He didn't think so much, he just wanted to make a price to make himself feel important...why did he have so many intentions...

Looking at Yang Haoming who was looking at him like an idol, he shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

The starting price of the next villas was 300 million yuan at the lowest, and gradually, 400 million and 500 million yuan began to appear.

In a city like Chuncheng where land is not expensive, the starting price of a super villa can reach 500 million yuan, and the internal facilities are so luxurious that it is incredible.

It attracted a lot of rich people. The penultimate villa...Binwang Pavilion Villa was finally sold for 880 million Chinese yuan.

"Next, it is the last villa of this trip. I believe that those who are interested have already heard about this super villa known as the 'King of Buildings'!"

"Yes, it is the perfect mansion of the Chinese style, ancient style and modern technology. It is the only super villa king in the whole of China: Xinghuang Mansion!!!"

This time, it is no longer a photo, but a carefully shot video.

I invited the big up master Ai Ge who specializes in introducing luxury houses to make it.

"Hello everyone, I am Ai Ge who can afford luxury houses..."

"This cabinet is made of thousand-year-old red sandalwood and combined with the most cutting-edge perception technology. You can feel the thousand-year-old ancient charm and experience the crystallization of thousands of years of technology... The value is not high, it is probably worth a few hundred Teslas!"

"This set of tables and chairs is also made of precious wood, carved by Master Lu himself, and the cost is only 10 million!"


Listening to the introduction of this up master, everyone present had hot eyes.

Some small rich people gave up directly. Let alone the villa itself, the money spent on decoration is almost as much as their own net worth. What can they buy it with! ?

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends 1143/1213 for the Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to book friends Suo, the warm and light turtle foot giant armor, Sun Yang who likes beans, and Tang Hongliang who loves cold clams for their praise~

Thanks to book friends Missing is the most tender waiting, Zeyi, I love meat, 1931/1297 for a love letter~

Thanks to book friends Li Xiaonan, Wu Xie, and Nanxun~ who love to eat pig's trotters for their praise~

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