Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 298: A speed that is difficult for humans to reach

The Yang family's general office.

"What did you say!!!"

Yang Delin stood up with a bang, glaring and shouting.

"Ye... Mr. Ye was invited to dinner by the Li family..."

The secretary was startled and said repeatedly.

"Did Mr. Ye agree?"

Yang Delin was a little surprised.

"He should have gone by now... We just got the news from the Li family."

The secretary said.

"Damn it!"

Yang Delin knocked on the table angrily, with a gloomy expression on his face: "This Li family must have bad intentions."

Their two families are rivals, and they know each other's tempers very well.

He knows who the Li family is.

In the early years, the Li family made their fortune by gray business.

They are gangsters themselves, and they have a tendency to solve problems violently.

Now that they suddenly invite their rivals to dinner, it must be a Hongmen Banquet.

If it was a few years ago, maybe they couldn't reach an agreement on this meal, and they would directly find a gunman to kill the rivals and forcibly merge resources.

Although the Li family certainly wouldn't dare to go so far now, it's definitely not a good thing to invite Mr. Ye over.

Yang Delin was very worried. He remembered the real identity of Ye Yang recorded in the blue book given to him by Jincheng Law Firm, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

The blue book not only recorded Ye Yang's identity, but also a warning. It clearly stated that if anything happened to Ye Yang in Chuncheng, the law firm would put the responsibility on him, Yang Delin.

That was simply not something he could bear!

"What happened, Chairman... It's probably just a normal meal. Mr. Ye is not an ordinary person, so it shouldn't be a big deal..."

The secretary was about to comfort him.

Yang Delin waved his hand: "What do you know!?"

"Then... what should we do now?"

The secretary asked repeatedly.

"Gather all the people that the Yang family can gather, now, immediately, gather here for me, and come to the Li family with me to visit old friends!"

Yang Delin's face showed a majestic look, and he shouted in a deep voice.


The secretary looked at Yang Delin's face and knew the urgency of the matter. He hurried down to inform the Yang family members below.

Li family, banquet scene.

"You are not qualified to comment on my bodyguard."

Ye Yang glanced at Li Zihuai and said lightly.


Li Zihuai sneered: "Okay, in this case, Boss Ye pretends to be confused, so I will not play dumb with you anymore."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Today, the purpose of my calling you here is to make up for the loss of my Li family!"

Li Zihuai stood up and raised his glass with extraordinary momentum: "No one can eat the benefits of my Li family for nothing and not spit it out!"

Ye Yang laughed, thinking it was some conspiracy... The result is just this?

"What are you laughing at?"

Li Zihuai frowned, and a bad premonition rose in his heart, but thinking that this is his territory, he didn't care.

"I'm just laughing at your stupidity."

Ye Yang glanced around: "You want to ask others for money just by talking? You are taking it for granted, aren't you?"

"Ye Yang! Who do you think you are!"

Li Zihuai shouted angrily: "You are too arrogant!"

"You are a kid from an ordinary family with no background at all, and you dare to be so disrespectful to my Li family!"

"I have seen countless young people like you who are arrogant after making some achievements at a young age."

"In the early years, if these young people were If I had encountered this, I would have gone to hell long ago!"

"I advise you not to be too arrogant!"

"I'm inviting you to dinner as a gift. If you don't agree to my Li family's proposal, you may not be able to bear the consequences later!!!"

Ye Yang sneered: "Really? If this is what you want today, then I have only one thing to tell you."

Looking around, looking at the serious-looking Li family members, he smiled faintly:

"Old man, take care of yourself!"

After this sentence came out, all the members of the Li family stood up angrily.

"What do you mean!"

"Too arrogant!"

"You must be taught a lesson! It's simply too outrageous!"

"How dare you do this to Old Master Li!!!"


These Li family members were so angry that their faces turned red.


Xiao Qingxuan frowned and looked around again.


Thinking of the scene where Li Shunyuan was beaten just now, these Li family members were instantly scared.

Li Zihuai laughed: "Do you really think you are invincible?!"

"This is my territory!!!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

"Hua La La..."

A crowd of people rushed in.

The leader was a strongman weighing more than 200 pounds. He looked very strong and should be a sumo wrestler from Japan.

"Look at you! This is the work of the head of my family. If you don't sign it today, you can't leave the Li family intact."

The man spoke stiffly in an awkward Japanese-accented Chinese.


Ye Yang shook his head, very disappointed: "I thought that as the patriarch of a big family that dominates Chuncheng, your methods would be more sophisticated. Now this performance is no different from street hooligans!"


Li Zihuai raised his eyebrows and laughed: "Violence is the foundation of my fortune. It may seem low-end, but it is the most effective. If you don't want to suffer this physical pain today, I advise you to sign this agreement!"


Ye Yang glanced at the agreement casually and couldn't help laughing: "You old thing, you have a big appetite."

"What do you mean?"

Li Zihuai's eyes were gloomy to the extreme: "My tolerance has a limit. If you make such a joke again, I won't guarantee your safety."

Ye Yang shook the agreement casually: "You want half of my property? The Li family, which is as small as a sesame seed, is not afraid of bursting itself!"


Li Zihuai was about to say something, but he felt a flash in front of his eyes.

The next moment, Ye Yang's sandbag-sized fist was handed to him.

A feeling of weightlessness surged into his heart, and the whole person fell heavily to the ground.


"What are you doing!"

"Let go of our old man!"

"Hurry up!!!"

The core members of the Li family were stunned when they saw Ye Yang stepping on Li Zihuai.

Li Zihuai had never expected that things would turn out like this.

Xiao Qingxuan had shown her bodyguard strength before, so the thugs who rushed in were all on guard against the two beautiful bodyguards.

No one expected that as a boss, Ye Yang, who looked like an ordinary young man, would be so strong!

Obviously, the top sumo wrestler, Ichiro Furuta, who had a great reaction speed, was standing in front of him.

How did he bypass the opponent in an instant and subdue the old man Li! ?

Could it be that he has an inhuman speed! ?

(First update)

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