Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 299: The City Governor Arrives

"Since you think violence is so effective, then I have no choice but to treat others in their own way?"

Ye Yang exerted force with his foot and broke Li Zihuai's shoulder blade, and sneered.

The other party has become so insane that he has no reason to worry anymore.

Even the thugs have entered the scene, which means that the opponent has indeed made up his mind to fight.

In this case, of course it is better to strike first.

Even if they go head-to-head, together with the Xiao sisters, they can completely sweep this area.

However, it is better to be cautious. After all, Yu Momo does not know martial arts. If the other party takes Yu Momo hostage, it will be very difficult to handle.

It is better to control Li Zihuai directly so that the other party does not dare to do anything excessive.

"You're the only one called a sumo wrestler!?"

Xiao Qingxuan slapped Ichiro Furuta on the face, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

These guys actually dare to do such a thing to the boss!

It is simply an unforgivable sin!


Li Zihuai's shoulders were crushed and he started to cry.

Next, his whole body was lifted up by Ye Yang and hung in mid-air.

"You said that if I strangle you to death now, does that count as self-defense?"

There was a hint of coldness in Ye Yang's eyes.

"You...don't be impulsive..."

Li Zihuai was so frightened that his body trembled violently. He could feel the cold chill in Ye Yang's words. He was really not kidding!

"Want to survive? Yes, you can draw up a contract and transfer all the property of the Li family directly to my name."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"you are dreaming!"

Li Zihuai gritted his teeth: "Do you think you really dare to kill someone if I believe you!? At most, you will suffer a little physical pain! If you want the Li family's property, there is no way!"

Some people value money more than life.

It is impossible for him to trade all his property.

Including buying your own life.


At this time, there was also a noise outside.

"what happened?!"

The core members of the Li family were all panicking at this time. They were usually flatterers and flatterers, but now the backbone of the family, the old man, was in someone's hands.

Another unexpected situation occurred outside, which can be said to be a sudden chaos.

"No, the Yang family rushed to the door with their people, asking to see Mr. Li by name."

"You won't stop him! This is the Li family. Did he just come in if he wanted to!?"

"We... stopped it, but the other party was led by Mr. Yang himself, so there was no way he could stop it!"

"Mr. Yang is here in person!?"

The core members of the Li family were stunned.

However, before they could react.

A group of fierce people have already entered outside.

Soon, the spacious hall of the Li family was filled with people.

The thugs on both sides looked at each other fiercely, and the atmosphere was extremely serious.

The Yang family members were separated from each other.

Yang Delin stood behind a person and walked out slowly.


The people of the Li family present were a little horrified when they saw this scene. What kind of background could a big shot like Yang Delin have behind him? ?

After looking closely at the other person's appearance and identity.

Everyone turned pale.

"Governor of Spring City!!!"

The general manager in charge of all aspects of affairs in Spring City has great power!

Yang Delin actually invited the governor of Spring City to come with him! ?

What a grand display!

No wonder those people outside didn’t dare to stop me!

"Mr. Ye, are you okay!?"

The Governor of Chuncheng City walked into the hall. He was not as majestic as everyone imagined. Instead, he ran directly towards Ye Yang and asked with concern.

"I'm fine."

Ye Yang casually threw Li Zihuai to the ground: "But he..."


The governor of Chuncheng was a little surprised. After hearing what Yang Delin said, he rushed over immediately. Mr. Ye had such a strong background that even he couldn't afford to deal with it if anything went wrong in Chuncheng!

But until he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't believe his eyes at all.

It was clearly a Hongmen Banquet hosted by the Li family. Why did Mr. Ye, who was supposed to be at a disadvantage, beat the old man of the Li family to a near-death state! ?

Is it possible that these thugs from the Li family are all undercover? !

It’s simply unbelievable!

That's outrageous!

Fortunately, Mr. Ye seems to be fine.

Li Zihuai struggled to catch his breath and said with a smile: "Governor Zhang, why are you here!"

The visitor was none other than Zhang Yifeng, the current city governor of Spring City!

No matter how powerful he is, he is still within the scope of Spring City and must be under the jurisdiction of others and depends on their faces.

When the big shot comes, how dare he neglect him?

"You are so brave! Do you know what kind of person this Mr. Ye is? You!"

Zhang Yifeng pointed at Li Zihuai angrily: "You don't have to call me City Governor. I'm here today to mediate in a private capacity. Otherwise, you should be in jail now!"

"...Who is he? Isn't he just a young man with some assets? How can he afford to be the city governor..."

Li Zihuai was a little confused.

"Has your brain been damaged?"

Zhang Yifeng sneered: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you. I only give you one way. For tonight's matter, you must pay two-thirds of your Li family's property to Mr. Ye. Otherwise, the relationship between you will be ruined." Zhang will no longer have any involvement in the matter, and neither will the city government. "

"However, I don't think your Li family needs to exist anymore if you offend Mr. Ye."

Li Zihuai was sweating profusely and understood the meaning of the words.

This forces him to give the Li family's assets to this kid! Otherwise, you will become the enemy of the entire city government! ! !

If it were anyone else talking to him like this, he wouldn't be able to agree.

However, the other party is someone he must not provoke, the Governor of Spring City...

"How's it going? Have you thought about it carefully?"

Zhang Yifeng asked in a deep voice.


Li Zihuai's face was dark, his whole body was suppressing trembling, and he nodded in humiliation: "The Li family is willing..."


"Old Master!"

Everyone in the Li family shouted.


Li Zihuai waved his hand, saying that he could risk his life for the Li family's assets, but if he offended the city governor, it would be a loss of both people and money, and it would be completely meaningless.

Moreover, the other party also left one-third of his assets to himself. As long as he did not die, he would always make a comeback...

"Mr. Ye, what do you think of this treatment?"

Zhang Yifeng looked at Ye Yang with a smile and asked what he meant.

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend 7635/5010, Mo Xiu who loves to eat crispy dried tofu~

Thanks to book friend 1472/9586 for the Bobo milk tea!

Thank you book friend for the indescribable reminder!

Thanks to book friends for peace of mind in my hometown, 1931/1297, Ye Xiuzan~

Thanks to book friend Killing Blood* Killing God for a love letter~

Thanks to book friend Wang Kuai, who loves to eat meat and stir-fried green garlic, for the thumbs up~

Thanks to book friends 4344/8802 and 2119/4607 for their love letters~

Thanks to Min Xuan, a book friend who loves spicy and sour rice noodles, for posting the blade!

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