Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 300 Li Zihuai's far-sightedness

"Is this good? This is not good."

Ye Yang shook his head: "This does not calm my anger."

"Don't go too far!"

Li Zihuai frowned, even if you have some relationship with Governor Chuncheng, the Li family is not without background. Two-thirds of the Li family's assets are close to 10 billion!

Ten billion still can't calm your anger?

Why are you so angry? ?


Zhang Yifeng was stunned for a moment, but nodded slightly: "Then please make your own decision, Mr. Ye. No matter what decision you make, I will fully support it."

"Governor, you..."

Li Zihuai's face turned completely dark: "Even if you are the governor, you can't bully my Li family arbitrarily. Times are no longer what they used to be. If you want to cover the sky with one hand, you have to ask the law!"

Zhang Yifeng was happy: "Sooner or later you will understand that I am actually protecting you tonight."

"Protect me? Divide my Li family's property to protect me?"

Li Zihuai's angry veins popped out.


To Li Zihuai's surprise, Zhang Yifeng nodded and admitted without hesitation.

He laughed completely angrily: "Haha, Zhang Yifeng, don't be too strict in doing things!"

"I said that I am here to mediate on my own behalf tonight. You don't have to agree to the proposal I mentioned, but if you don't agree, I cannot guarantee the consequences. This consequence is not brought to you by me, but by me. ...Mr. Ye brought it to you.”

Zhang Yifeng said calmly.

"Just him?"

Li Zihuai sneered and looked at Ye Yang: "Now, I really want to hear how big your appetite is."

"I want 90% of your Li family's assets."

Ye Yang said calmly.

Ninety percent of the assets is considered a very serious punishment.

Although you can live on the remaining tenth, it must be extremely miserable compared with before.

He didn't bother to say 100%, because that was impossible. With the way Li Zihuai was risking his life for money just now, this proposal was in vain.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Li Zihuai laughed crazily: "This appetite is really big enough."

"Forgive me, the Li family, for refusing."

Li Zihuai rolled his sleeves: "Besides, I will not apologize for what happened tonight. If it happens again, the Li family will make the same choice."

Ye Yang's eyes flashed with a subtle coldness: "This is your own choice, remember your choice."

After that, he waved his hand and took the three Xiao Qingxuan girls out of the door without any regrets.

Yang Delin looked at Li Zihuai sympathetically. He knew that his old rival had really missed a glance and might be gone tomorrow.


Li Zihuai looked at Yang Delin's eyes before leaving, and felt a little awe-inspiring in his heart. If he didn't understand Ye Yang, it didn't mean that he didn't understand this old rival.

"What exactly does that mean……"

Before he could figure it out, Zhang Yifeng sighed and patted his shoulder helplessly: "Take care of yourself and wish for more happiness!"

After that, he stepped out of the hall and left directly.


Li Zihuai watched calmly as these people walked away completely, and his mood slowly returned to a calm level.

"What should I do? Old man?"

"Master, this..."

These members of the Li family asked again and again.

What happened tonight was clearly beyond their expectations.

A hint of coldness flashed in Li Zihuai's eyes: "No matter what the facts are, whether the city governor's purpose is to protect me or harm me... At this time, it is meaningless."

"Old Master, what do you say?"

"Yes, Master, what should we do now?"


The Li family were all confused by Li Zihuai at this time.


Li Zihuai let out a long breath and slowly sat on the seat.

"If the other party is really a big shot as the city governor said, then do you really think he will be so kind that he will let us go as long as he only needs 90% of our assets?"

"What do you mean?"

"Old man..."


"The real purpose of asking for 90% of our assets is to completely eliminate our power. It is not difficult to think clearly. As the backbone of the alliance, we have been fighting with the Yang family for so many years and have made too many enemies. Once 90% of our assets are really eliminated."

"Then, our former enemies will directly devour us without mercy."

"He doesn't even need to take action at all."

"Do you understand?"

All family members suddenly realized.

"That's it! What a vicious plan!"

"I'm so stupid that I didn't even see the sinister intentions behind this proposal!"

"It's really scary... If we really agree to the other party tonight, then we're probably going to be doomed."

"Old Master, you are really far-sighted and thoughtful!"


Li Zihuai nodded slightly: "Actually, from the moment the city governor showed up, I already knew that this son's identity is not simple. Although he is an ordinary family, I am afraid that he has developed very powerfully in the magic city, so that The city governor had to step in to protect him."

"If you have this status, if the Li family fights against it, the hope of winning is very slim..."

"However, after having done this to him, such a big man will never let it go. Therefore, our only choice is to fight!!!"

Li Zihuai stood up again: "Even if the fish is dead and the net is broken, this is the only way we have left."


Many members of the Li family looked pale. They thought the head of the family was angry just now, but they did not expect the stakes that followed.

They only thought that Ye Yang might be very powerful, but they did not think of the two layers behind him.

It turns out that the old man had already thought of so much at that moment!

"So, what should we do now?"

"Yes, since we have to fight, we will go all out. Old Master, please give us a way, and we will do it immediately!"

Everyone in the Li family knows that it is now a matter of life and death.

This is related to the core interests of everyone present, and they are all worthy of death.

"A person who can make even the city governor fear him must have a very high status, and the resources he can mobilize are beyond our imagination."

Li Zihuai pondered: "Whether it's a business war or any other way of fighting back, we are bound to lose."

Seeing the gloomy faces of everyone in the field, a cold and cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "However, it is not impossible for us."

"You mean!?"

Everyone in the Li family was shocked as if they thought of something.

"You guys go down first."

After the irrelevant people were screened out, only the core members of the Li family were left.

Li Zihuai rubbed his neck with a sinister expression: "Our only chance of winning is to kill Ye Yang directly!"

(First update)

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