Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 301 Hurricane can’t take this order

"Just kill him!!!"

All the senior executives of the Li family swallowed secretly and were completely confused.

This suggestion made them tremble inwardly.

Although the Li family has done a lot of bad things over the years, there are almost no people who are really capable of such extreme things, and even if they are, they don't know about it.

Li Zihuai looked at the faces of the people in the field, and a trace of scorn flashed across his face: "You juniors, this thing scares you so much. In the early years when the Li family was making a fortune, you were still wearing crotchless pants!"

"At that time, it was really fought with blood. Killing someone is nothing!"

Li Zihuai's words made everyone in the Li family shudder. It turned out that the old man actually had such a past...

"However, if such a big shot is assassinated, the government will spare no effort to investigate, and the truth will be easily exposed..."

People in the Li family were all worried.

"Oh, of course I have already considered what you said."

Li Zihuai sneered: "But...since I proposed this plan, I must be absolutely sure."

"Absolutely sure?"

The Li family members all expressed doubts.

"Well, as of now, I won't hide it from you anymore."

Li Zihuai let out a long sigh: "The reason why the Li family was able to develop and grow back then was that there was a major crisis. It was during that crisis that I met a noble man, and from that noble man, I obtained the greatest assassination in the world. Organization’s contact details.”

"The largest assassination organization?"

"Could it be the famous one..."


Everyone in the Li family looked over.

"Yes, it's the Hurricane Company."

Li Zihuai's eyes suddenly burst into sharp light, and his whole body erupted with a huge glow of confidence.


Upon hearing this name, all the Li family couldn't help but take a breath.

Hurricane Company! ! !

That is the largest organization in the world!

It does not belong to any country, but its business has expanded to every corner of the world!

Even the life and death of the head of a small country can be controlled!

The old man actually has such a super existence’s contact information! ?

It’s simply beyond imagination! ! !

"No wonder the old man dared to be so brave just now!"

"It turns out that we already have a complete countermeasure!"

"I admire you! You are worthy of being the head of the family!"


The Li family members relaxed at this time and returned to the familiar route of boasting.

Naturally, Li Zihuai raised the corners of his mouth high in the praise, and his eyes returned to coldness. He looked outside the hall, in the direction Ye Yang was leaving, and sneered: "Boy, fight with me, you are still too young!!!"


Li Zihuai dialed the sacred phone carefully and solemnly.

"This is the hurricane line."

A cold voice sounded without any emotion.

It reminded Li Zihuai of the fear he felt when he first dialed this number when he was young.

"I...I want to buy a life."

Li Zihuai said nervously.


There is no nonsense, just open your mouth and ask for the most concise information.


"Chinese Spring City,"

It was obviously not the first time that Li Zihuai had done this, and he reported back again and again.

"China... needs to pay more."

There was a trace of hesitation there, and it was obvious that business in China was difficult.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Li Zihuai said repeatedly.


The other party continued to ask.

"The sooner the better..."

Li Zihuai said repeatedly.

"Expediting it requires extra money."

There was another reminder to add money.


"The identity can only be confirmed as the owner of Songhua Fishing Ground for the time being. Oh, by the way... the other party should have some hidden identity... and it may be quite a lot."

"Unless you're in the upper echelons of our hurricane, anyone else on the planet can try it, it's just a different price."

A cold voice replied.


Li Zihuai's eyes lit up.

"The last item, name."

"Name: Ye Yang."


For some reason, Li Zihuai felt that after he said this, the other party fell silent. This was something that had never happened in all these years of contacting the other party.

The rare silence there made Li Zihuai feel even more uneasy.

"Please confirm your name again."

Finally, the other party responded.

"Ye Yang."

Li Zihuai said repeatedly.

"...This person is not found in the database. The hurricane cannot accept this order."


Li Zihuai wanted to say something else, but found that the other party hung up very simply...

"Holy shit!"

Li Zihuai was completely panicked now, Hurricane, refused to accept! ?

Is this person missing from the database or is there something else hidden? !

China has always been a black hole in the entire international killer world. It is normal for some data to be inconsistent.

But if there is another hidden secret, then things will become scary...

This matter was stuck in his throat, making Li Zihuai feel uneasy.

The last trump card was immediately discarded before it could be played.

He clenched his fists: "It seems that the only option is to post hunting posts on the international dark web..."

After that, he also stood up. The shocks Ye Yang brought to him became stronger and stronger. Before Ye Yang died, he could no longer feel at ease.

Offending such a super big shot, the Li family is in danger of being completely overturned at any time! ! !


In Jingyue Villa, Ye Yang tasted red wine. This dinner really made him angry.

He rarely got really angry, but every time he got angry, it represented a real disaster.

He had asked Yu Momo to prepare a plan. This business war would destroy the Li family in all aspects.

Threatening his personal safety was his bottom line!

Since he dared to do something to me, let him realize what true despair is!


Yu Momo walked in with his mobile phone.

“Is it ready so quickly?”

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

“It’s a call from Hurricane Security.”

Yu Momo explained repeatedly.

“Hurricane Security?”

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. This was the first time that the other party took the initiative to call him in addition to contacting him.

Hurricane has always been regarded as one of his biggest trump cards.

Since he took the initiative to call me, something extraordinary must have happened...

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend 3773/1231 for Bobo Milk Tea!

Thanks to the book friend Origin Creator, Ka, a love letter from those who provoke me must die~

Thanks to the book friend 1931/1297 for the likes and love letter~

Thanks to the book friend Zhixian Yuanyang for the likes and love letter~

Thanks to the book friend Chicken Dinner Teammates All Go S, Zhatian Gang Youlong Elder: Diving, 6268/0023,3443/3227, for the likes~

Thanks to the book friends 2581/2627, 1098/8698 for Bobo Milk Tea!

Thanks to the book friend Murong Zhaoleng who likes Spotted Stone Turtle for the seven love letters!

Thanks to the book friend 1112/3583 for the urging talisman!

Thanks to the book friend TM Gu for the likes~

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