Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 302 Spring City Dinner

"Boss, we received an assassination order was for you. We rejected it. The specific information has been passed to the Xiao sisters. What should we do next?"

The voice on the other side was full of awe.


Ye Yang's eyes suddenly became silent, and an uncontrollable murderous intention surged in his heart. He originally thought that times were different now, and he would never encounter such a thing again, but he didn't expect...

This happened just like that.

Fortunately, the person he looked for first turned out to be his own assassination company...

Now that his life has been threatened, he will never be soft again.

"...Since he wants to die, let him be satisfied."

Ye Yang replied calmly.

This was the first time he had made the decision to kill, but there was no hesitation or strangeness in his heart.


There was a concise and powerful reply.

Ye Yang hung up the phone and his face was a little gloomy. The world was still the same. If people were pushed into a hurry, there would always be people who would fight to the death and directly plot the lives of others.

"What's wrong?"

Yu Mo asked in confusion.


Ye Yang told the story roughly.

Yu Momo was also very angry: "This old guy has gone too far, and he deserves to die!"


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"I was frightened tonight, give my boss a shoulder massage~"

Yu silently knelt down behind Ye Yang and kneaded it carefully.

It was obvious that Yu Momo had a lot of research in this area. The strength and position of his techniques were very good, making Ye Yang relax instantly and feel a lot relieved.

"Your massage is very comfortable."

Ye Yang squinted his eyes, enjoying it very much.

"Hehe, Mo Mo lets his master enjoy it. Master... when will Mo Mo let his master enjoy it?"

Yu Momo leaned against Ye Yang's ear and said softly.

"If you want, you can, now."

Ye Yang turned around and laid her down on the quilt, looking at Yu Momo with bright eyes.

"I'm ready!"

Yu silently exhaled, eyes firm.

"Then I'll start!"

Ye Yang smiled lightly and closed the quilt directly.

Amidst the ups and downs, all the previous unhappiness and vague worries were forgotten...

The next day, Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu walked into the bedroom.

"You came quite early. Has the matter come to an end?"

Ye Yang asked.


Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu both nodded slightly and handed over a report.

Ye Yang opened the report and raised his eyebrows slightly.

In this report, there is the record of the entire phone call last night after Li Zihuai found the hurricane, as well as relevant intelligence. The reward on the dark web was also forcibly erased by the hurricane.

Li Zihuai himself was also made without a trace last night. He lost his footing and fell from upstairs to his death.

Relevant news reports have been on the hot list of online news sections today.

"Shocked! Li Zihuai, the old man of the Li Family Alliance in Spring City, accidentally slipped and fell into the Li family villa late last night. He died at the age of 70. His life was filled with mixed success..."

"It is reported that Li Zihuai, the head of the Li family and chairman of Spring City Tiantong Group, died mysteriously last night. According to preliminary investigation, it is determined that he died from a fall from a high altitude."


"So fast?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

When Huan Huan sent him a message last night, it was already late at night, which meant that he had just given the order to counterattack, and Li Zihuai died within a short period of time...

This execution efficiency is terrifying enough.

It also made him feel that the so-called world's number one underground organization did not live up to its name.

"In a hurricane, senior executives have different levels. The orders issued by executives at different levels have different priorities. You are the chairman, so orders are naturally the highest priority. Use all the highest resources to deliver the most effective, optimal and fastest method to kill the target."

There was also a hint of chill in Xiao Qingxuan's tone: "It's a pity that in order to avoid suspicion and possible risks, I was not allowed to carry out this task in person. Otherwise, I would never have let him die so happily!"

The corner of Ye Yang's mouth twitched. He fell from the tall building and his brain was cracked. In Xiao Qingxuan's words, it was actually a happy way to die...

"How dare you threaten the boss!"

After Xiao Qingxuan learned the news, she was very angry. After all, Ye Yang is the man she cares about most now!

Xiao Xiaozhu squeezed her shoulder to tell her not to get too excited, and then smiled at Ye Yang: "Boss, for the sake of safety and confidentiality, this report material needs to be burned after reading."

Ye Yang nodded slightly and returned the report to Xiao Xiaozhu.

After processing the report, this matter has turned a chapter.

Hurricane's work is very reliable and guaranteed.

Especially when a small matter like last night was treated as top secret, it was carried out even more carefully and rigorously, leaving no trace of evidence.

After investigation, it can only be determined that Li Zihuai lost his footing and fell from a height.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Li family was in chaos.

After all, everything at the core of the Li family can be controlled by Li Zihuai. The entire family relies on him to run, and others have no access to the core.

Now that Li Zihuai has stopped cooking, the entire Li family is in chaos.

They don't have time to grieve. External forces have already started mergers and acquisitions and started to acquire the assets of the Li family.

Without Li Zihuai as their backbone, they would not be able to defeat Yang Delin in a business war in just one or two days.

A huge family that originally dominated half of the sky in Spring City and was extremely powerful quickly showed signs of decay and was on the verge of collapse. Who knows when it will truly collapse.

Relevant news and reports dominate the headlines every day. People who don't know the inside story are confused that such a behemoth collapsed so quickly.

Just like a dream...

Those who could roughly guess the inside story were trembling and lamenting Ye Yang's thunderous methods.

The entire Spring City business community has been immersed in a wave of turmoil and shock these past two days...

However, the next day, a piece of news came out, which quickly put an end to all the controversy and turmoil.

The waves caused by Li Zihuai's death seemed to be insignificant in the face of the big waves caused by this incident, and were quickly submerged.


Jingyue Villa.

"Spring City Dinner?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the golden invitation in his hand.

"Yes, this is a super gathering held once a year in Spring City. Celebrities from all walks of life in Spring City will gather together. But this time, it is completely different from previous years, so it has caused an unprecedented response."

Yang Minghao kept saying.

"completely different?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "What's the difference?"

"This time, a super big man is coming to the Spring City dinner party. The entire Spring City has been secretly preparing for his arrival for a long time."

Yang Minghao said repeatedly: "Among them, the Li family has invested the most, but... obviously they are completely useless this time."

"Super big shot?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked, "Who is it?"

(First update)

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