Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 303: Would it be too cheap to drive a car worth 30 million?

"With my level, I naturally don't know who is coming..."

Yang Haoming scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Well, it's okay, you'll know when the time comes."

Ye Yang nodded slightly. He was still very keen on eating for free.

As for the existence that makes the whole Chuncheng extremely important, even the Yang family regards him as a super big figure, he should not be an unknown person in China, and maybe he has some intersection with me.

It's not too late to recognize each other then.

After sending the invitation, Yang Haoming left.

"Brother, you have to take me with you this time, right?"

Ye Xiaozi laughed.

Ye Yang didn't let Ye Xiaozi know the details of the Li family's Hongmen Banquet, otherwise, according to the girl's nature of telling everything to her parents, I'm afraid her parents will worry about him again.

"Okay, I'll take you this time."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and nodded.

"Hmph, the damned stinky old man finally remembered your poor sister."

Ye Xiaozi cheered and went into her bedroom to prepare dinner clothes.

Ye Yang shrugged helplessly, looking at the Xiao sisters who were trying not to laugh, and rolled his eyes: "Why don't you get ready quickly?"

"Okay, boss!"

Xiao Qingxuan stuck out her tongue and retreated in a flash.

Ye Yang came to the garage and nodded his chin in distress.

Because of his parents' driving habits, he didn't let Yu Momo buy a supercar. If it wasn't a supercar, the price was generally not high.

The most expensive thing in the garage was just a top-of-the-line Rolls-Royce five-seater SUV-Cullinan worth more than 30 million.

If it was to attend such a formal dinner, wouldn't it be a bit uncool?

"Boss, what are you thinking about?"

Yu Momo blinked and asked.

Ye Yang told Yu Momo about his worries, and Yu Momo laughed out loud: "I can only say... you are worthy of being the boss!"

"This kind of dinner party focuses more on commerciality. This kind of grand and solemn SUV model is actually more eye-catching. This Cullinan is customized. There should be no better car than this in Chuncheng. The owner can drive with confidence."

Yu Momo laughed.

"Is that so?"

Ye Yang was relieved: "Then let's take this one."

After choosing the car and putting on the dress, the four beauties and Ye Yang got in the car.

Yu Momo and Ye Xiaozi sat in the front.

The Xiao sisters sat on Ye Yang's left and right, rubbing against Ye Yang from time to time to take advantage of him.

For this, Ye Yang could only turn a blind eye, resisting in his heart, but his body was extremely honest.

It's really troublesome to be handsome. The girls all want to take advantage of me! ! !

For such a big event as the Chuncheng dinner party, it is natural to choose a signature location like the Yingbin Restaurant.

For this reason, the Yingbin Restaurant was booked by all the big families tonight, and outsiders were not allowed to enter.

"Mr. Ye."

Yang Haoming had been waiting in the parking lot for a long time, waiting for Ye Yang to drive for him.

This card also made the bigwigs in the business circle stunned.

After all, Yang Haoming's status in the Yang family is obvious to all, and he actually came here to be a car boy for a person of the same age?

But when they saw the face of the young man who got out of the car, they were all surprised.

This Mr. Ye has been very popular in Chuncheng recently.

In just three or five days, one after another anecdotes about him have spread throughout Chuncheng.

The owner of the super fishing boat Taichu worth more than 400 million yuan.

He spent 500 million yuan at the concert of the popular star Han Jingjing to reward him.

At the Xingsheng Real Estate Auction, he pushed 2 billion Chinese yuan and strongly won the Spring City Villa King: Xinghuang Mansion.

There have been rumors in the past few days that the head of the Li family offended him and fell from a high place, which directly led to the decline of the Li family...

However, no one can confirm the last point, and it is not public, and many people do not believe it.

"Mr. Ye, please."

Yang Haoming bowed.

The Yang family and the Li family have roughly the same power and have been mortal enemies for decades.

But this pattern was completely broken by the young man in front of him in just a few days. In order to please Ye Yang, the Yang family swallowed up most of the assets of the Li family in a few days and prospered.

And the Li family, because of angering the other party, directly fell.

This fact is cruel and true, which makes Yang Haoming understand that this person in front of him must be served with all his strength.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, and walked into the Binyue Restaurant with several women.

"Gulu... Really awesome, with four super beauties around, can you stand it at night?"

"Haha, young man, are you healthy?"

Some big bosses obviously saw this scene, shook their heads in self-mockery, and followed him in...

In the super-large banquet hall on the first floor, there were bright lights and wine, and a luxurious atmosphere.

Every one of them came from a well-known force in Chuncheng.

Seeing Ye Yang enter.

The atmosphere suddenly became more heated.

Countless big guys stood up and greeted him.

This scene made Ye Yang quite emotional. In just a few days, his reputation in Chuncheng has been turned upside down.

The waiter was also very sensible and directly led Ye Yang to the most core seat.

This table was obviously distinguished from other tables.

Sitting on it were all important figures in Chuncheng. Each of them was a big shot who could make Chuncheng tremble with a stomp of his feet.

Seeing Ye Yang coming.

The governor of Chuncheng stood up directly. Seeing that the governor had stood up, other big men who didn't know Ye Yang well didn't want to show off. They all stood up one after another to welcome Ye Yang's arrival.

"Mr. Ye is here as expected."

Zhang Yifeng smiled and gave up the stool beside him: "Please sit down."

"Even the governor stood up and gave up his seat. It's a big show."

Beside the governor, a middle-aged man with long eyebrows smiled lightly and said in a yin-yang tone.

Zhang Yifeng frowned. This Zhu Zhiqi has someone above him. He doesn't get along with him in Chuncheng, but he is the boss after all. The other party dare not go against him openly, so he can only be yin-yang and disgusting.

"This is the character of President Zhu. I hope Mr. Ye doesn't mind."

Ye Yang smiled faintly and shook his head: "I never get angry with Yin-Yang people."


Zhu Zhiqi suffered a loss and became depressed...

(Second update~)

Thanks to book friends Liushui Guanfeng, 3333/3460, for the likes~

Thanks to book friends Laiyibeichao Bobo Milk Tea!

Thanks to book friends 3040/8638, Su Xin who loves to eat clay pot grouper, and a love letter from Ye Xiu~

Thanks to book friends 180/6102 for the likes~

Thanks to book friends Hongheiren for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to book friends 2101/8645, the military advisor of the Zhatian Gang - Zhuge Qing for sending a blade!

Thanks to book friends 2049/1367 for a love letter~

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