Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 304 He is really not qualified

"Some young people, who have achieved success at a young age, forget who they are after being praised for a few words."

Zhu Zhiqi felt uncomfortable being criticized by Ye Yang and could only complain angrily.


Most of the people present were centrists who did not want to offend either side, and they all laughed and said nothing at this time.

Zhang Yifeng didn't bother to talk to Zhu Zhiqi and just talked and laughed with Ye Yang.

As for the Li family's affairs, he also kept silent. Some things, if brought up without evidence, would appear to have low IQ and EQ.

Next to Ye Yang is Yang Delin. As a representative of the business community, the Yang family and Li family take turns sitting at the core table at the annual meeting.

Originally, Li Zihuai was supposed to take this position this year, but obviously, the other party was not so lucky.

Yang Delin was naturally very respectful to Ye Yang.

This atmosphere was clearly felt by the dignitaries around him, and they couldn't help but look at Ye Yang a few more times.

After all, the person who can make both the city governor and the Yang family so respectful must have something special about him.

This atmosphere made Zhu Zhiqi feel even more uncomfortable. He was used to being the center of attention, but now the spotlight was being stolen by Ye Yang, a young man who ran out of nowhere. How could he not be jealous?

He couldn't help but miss Li Zihuai.

The old man was nice. He licked him comfortably every time at the annual meeting, which made him very satisfied.

When he thought of Li Zihuai, he felt a little clogged in his heart. The only one who licked the dog died...

He narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Is this young man's name Ye Yang? There have been a lot of rumors about you recently."

Upon hearing that Zhu Zhiqi's words were wrong, the eyes of all the big guys at the table flickered.

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Yifeng frowned and had a rough idea of ​​what Zhu Zhiqi was going to say. He shouted, "There are some things that you can just talk about on weekdays. It's the annual meeting now and everyone is here to celebrate. It’s better to think more carefully before speaking.”

"Tsk! When will it be your turn to take care of me?"

Zhu Zhiqi sneered: "If you don't let me say it, then I will say it anyway. Otherwise, wouldn't my job as president of the Spring City Chamber of Commerce be in vain?"


Zhang Yifeng frowned, and then sneered: "You bear the consequences at your own risk."

The other big guys also looked left and right, knowing in their hearts that a storm was coming...

"Two days ago, one of our Chamber of Commerce's most capable men died under mysterious circumstances. There are rumors that this man's death is closely related to this little brother? Is this news reliable?"

Zhu Zhiqi looked at Ye Yang with a sneer.


As expected, all the big guys present laughed inwardly, but did not dare to show it.

Rumors are destined to be useless.

Taking it out and using it in this situation would only serve to disgust people.

"You know it's just a rumor and you still ask? Are you an idiot?"

Ye Yang glared and sneered back unceremoniously.

He was never polite to yin and yang weird people, and he didn't bother to fight with wits and courage. Such people were not worthy of him using his brain, and he could do whatever he liked.


Zhu Zhiqi slapped the table directly: "What did you say?"

"I told you, you act like an idiot."

Ye Yang crossed his legs and looked at Zhu Zhiqi with a sneer: "You are pouring so much dirty water on others out of thin air and there is no evidence. I scold you lightly. If today is not a happy day, you have already been beaten." ”


Zhu Zhiqi was stunned.

The other big guys were also completely stunned, so violent! ?

When they get to this point, even if they don't have a good relationship, they won't quarrel with each other. Most of the time, they just use yin and yang to make each other disgusted.

This was the first time they had seen such a direct and exciting solution like Ye Yang's.

Although it’s a bit rough, it’s really fun!

"What are you? You look like a 250-year-old. You look like a pig, and you hum and growl every day."

Ye Yang said coldly: "I am not someone else who spoils you. If you act weird in front of me again, your mouth will be smashed!"

Assassination of people is just a joke among the rumors.

But once it is confirmed, it is a death sentence!

This kind of 'joke' would be punishable if it were brought up in public.

He has been completely offended to death.


Seeing the cold and fierce look in Ye Yang's eyes, Zhu Zhiqi felt like his breathing was stagnant.

He was just a mediocre person who got into a high position by relying on his connections. His legs were weak from fear under such substantive anger.

When the other bosses saw this scene, they also suppressed their laughter. Comparing the momentum of the two sides, Zhu Zhiqi was simply crushed into scum. There was such a difference in level, and he continued to provoke Mr. Ye like a retarded person. Who.

Seeing the expressions of the big bosses, Zhu Zhiqi also reacted and was filled with embarrassment and anger: "Who do you think you are?! My uncle is the Provincial Commercial Supervisor! If you jump again, I will ask my uncle to investigate your company! Let's do it directly Damn your company.”

"Inventory my company?"

Ye Yang sneered: "Then your uncle's level is probably completely insufficient...or rather, he is completely unqualified."

"Haha, what a loud tone! No matter how awesome you are, aren't you still a businessman doing business in Ji Province? You have a lot of money but you don't know your identity!? My uncle can make you collapse with just one word!"

Zhu Zhiqi was so angry that this was the first time someone dared to be so arrogant after he moved out of his uncle's support!

You didn’t take his backer seriously at all!

Ye Yang shrugged. His assets were spread all over the country. The total amount of assets in Jilin Province was only a few hundred billion. The provincial commercial supervision had the right to investigate only these few hundred billion assets.

As for the largest assets under his control, Yida, Tengxun, Empire Financial Building, etc., were all in Shenzhen, Kyoto and Magic City. The Jilin Provincial Commercial Supervision Bureau really had no right to extend its hands so far.

He was just telling the truth just now.


The big guys watching the show around saw that the atmosphere was a little wrong and wanted to come up and make a few words to smooth things over, but they were retorted by the ignorant Zhu Zhiqi: "Don't even think about protecting this kid! I'm fighting him today! Even if you are Zhang Yifeng, don't think about protecting him!"

Zhang Yifeng spread his hands, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. He thought to himself, how could he protect Mr. Ye? He still had to ask Mr. Ye to invest in some projects in Chuncheng...

This kid still hasn't figured out the situation. If there is a problem later, it can't be blamed on him.

He sneered in his heart, maybe now is a good opportunity to bring down Zhu Zhiqi, the thorn in his side...

Seeing this, the other big guys were silent, each with their own calculations in mind.

The venue gradually quieted down, and it was obvious that the movement at the core table attracted their attention.

"Isn't that Zhu Zhiqi? The only big tiger in the whole Chuncheng who dares to challenge the governor."

"Who let him have someone above him, huh."

"This Mr. Ye is awesome! Even the governor of Chuncheng doesn't want to provoke him, but he directly scolds him!"

"Haha, he's just jumping around now, but I have a little news... This time, the uncle above him seems to be coming with that big shot in a while. When that happens, I'm afraid Ye Yang will be dumbfounded!"

(First update)

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