Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 307 I feel regret now, very regretful

"Ahem, sit, sit, sit, sit..."

Zhu Mingda smiled awkwardly, and at this time he also recovered. No matter how ridiculous the fact was, it had already happened after all. With his state of mind and scheming, he quickly accepted this fact.

"Ah, yes, let's sit down first, haha..."

The other leaders also smiled dryly to relieve the shock and astonishment in their hearts.

Although Yang Delin and Zhang Yifeng had known Ye Yang's identity for a long time, they still felt that it was a bit unrealistic.

It wasn't until I saw all this with my own eyes that the unrealistic feeling in my heart was completely eliminated.

At this time, when looking at Ye Yang, there was no trace of pretentious awe, but a kind of admiration from the heart!

This is such a big shot that Mark King has to call him boss!

No matter how stupid Zhu Zhiqi is at this time, he still knows what kind of scary big shot he just provoked and what kind of mentally retarded behavior he did!

He was trembling all over, sandwiched between the bosses, and he couldn't even hold the glass of wine...

"Ahem, Director Ma, we really don't know what's going on. To be honest, we are still a little confused until now. I wonder if you can tell me what is going on?"

Zhu Mingda was afraid that Mark Jin would blame him for not notifying Ye Yang of the news in advance, so he kept asking questions to show that he was completely unaware.

"Yes, yes, we don't know at all!"


Several big guys on the side also expressed their opinions one after another.

The ordinary celebrities and noble families present all looked over at this time, with doubts in their eyes, and they obviously wanted to know the inside story.

Mark Jin sighed: "You don't know and it's not surprising that my boss always likes to keep a low profile! Even I don't know his true whereabouts and purpose. He is a real super master!"

He looked at Ye Yang and asked. When Ye Yang said that there was no harm in talking, Mark Jin was relieved and continued: "In fact, Tengxun has been acquired by my boss a long time ago. Now, Mr. Ye is the owner of Tengxun Company." The real big boss! The absolute controlling person! I just work for the boss.”


Everyone present was confused again.

Absolutely control Tengxun! ?

Doesn't that mean that the young man in front of me, who I thought was a little too arrogant before, is worth hundreds of millions!

Richer than Mark Gold, he is truly the richest man in China! ! ?

At this time, they finally figured out why Ye Yang didn't take nephew Zhu Mingda seriously before...

Because his influence has already radiated throughout China, and the mere chairman of the Jilin Provincial Commercial Supervision Bureau is indeed not qualified to threaten him!

I used to think that young man Ye Yang was too frivolous, but now, everyone feels that he is simply too low-key and too humble! ! !

Although he is so awesome, he keeps a low profile. Ordinary people have no idea that he is the big boss behind Tengxun and the actual richest man in China!

But after thinking about it, it’s not difficult to think clearly.

Wealth is not revealed. If someone can shield oneself from the arrow, who would be willing to take on the title of the richest man?

Once you sit in that position, you will gather the envy and jealousy of hundreds of millions of people in China!

Every word and action will be infinitely magnified, making life extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, many wealthy people deliberately hide their wealth.

Even if it is notarized by the state, he will not participate in the evaluation of various private organizations. Even the chairman of his own company will find a puppet to sit in.

There are not a few such people.

After thinking about this, everyone was impressed by Ye Yang's grand structure and high realm. They were all in awe at this time.

"I underestimated Mr. Ye!"

"That's right, but just now I laughed at his youth and arrogance. Now that I think about it, I am too small! I feel ashamed of myself!"

"If you give me another chance, I will definitely defend Mr. Ye just now!"

"Okay, you're just a hindsight, get as far away as you can!"

"Ahem, how can we call it an afterthought when it comes to hugging someone's thigh?"


The wind in the field completely changed direction, and the sound of praise spread to every corner.

"Ye, Mr. Ye, it was me who spoke nonsense just now. You must not take it to heart! I...I was wrong!"

Zhu Zhiqi finally couldn't bear the fear in his heart, screamed, knelt on the ground and slapped himself in the mouth.


Mark Jin frowned, he was completely unaware of what happened before.

"...It's completely over..."

Zhu Mingda sighed deeply, couldn't this pig do the same thing?

Whatever is wrong, he will do it!

Originally, what happened tonight, after Mark Jin arrived, the atmosphere changed. As long as he didn't mention what happened just now, could Mr. Ye, with his status, still embarrass a little shrimp like his nephew in public?

Afterwards, if he brought his nephew to the house to plead guilty, maybe the matter could be turned into a minor matter.

As a result, the nephew was so desperate that he actually blew himself up, insisting on reversing the direction of the wind that had changed.

It sounds like "You can't eat in peace until you kill me."...

At this moment, he completely gave up the idea of ​​saving his nephew, as long as he could save himself. If this kind of pig is eliminated early, he can also save himself a little life.

"What just happened?"

Mark Jin wondered about the situation with Zhang Yifeng next to him.

Since they were enemies, Zhang Yifeng naturally exaggerated what happened just now. Mark King's face darkened after hearing this: "What kind of status does my boss have! He still needs to plot to kill a head of the Li family? If he wants to bring down the Li family, he can crush them with just a flick of his finger! He needs such a boring method!? Your brain is on your butt!"

Even though he has a good temper, he couldn't hold it back at this time. According to what Zhu Zhiqi said just now about throwing dirty water on Ye Yang, it was simply an insult to him.

Super bosses of their level, to kill a small billionaire family, they actually had to be forced to do dirty work? !

It's a fucking joke!

"I'm ignorant. I really didn't know that Mr. Ye's status was so high just now! If I knew, I wouldn't dare to throw dirty water on him even if I had a hundred guts!!!"

Zhu Zhiqi's mentality completely collapsed at this time, and there were two big words in his heart: regret, very regretful!

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Zhatianbang. Yingdi for the praise and the blade~!

Thanks to the book friend Zhatianbang Wuming for sending the blade!

Thanks to book friends XZM and Leng Di for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friends 1098/8698 for sending razor blades!

Thanks to book friends 1574/1082 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Yu Qing for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friend Qing Daddy, the new richest man in the world, for sending razor blades and Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to my own love letter and likes~

Thanks to book friend Zhang Bencheng of Yongchang for the likes~

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