Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 308 Reluctantly accepting 2 billion

"what do I do?"

At this time, Zhu Zhiqi was completely confused. He didn't dare to make up his own mind anymore and looked at Zhu Mingda repeatedly.

Zhu Mingda turned his face and didn't look at him at all. Instead, he looked at Ye Yang and Mark Jin righteously: "This is a mistake he made himself. It has nothing to do with us people. It was all his own idea." , as an uncle, I am guilty of lax discipline!"

"Now that he has offended you, Mr. Ye, my idiot nephew will be dealt with by Mr. Ye!"

All the big guys around him were shocked. The dignified Chairman of the Commercial Supervision Bureau of Ji Province was so frightened that he even gave up on protecting his nephew and just let him do whatever he wanted.

It's absolutely terrifying!

But thinking about it, the smartest thing to do now is Zhu Mingda's choice at this time.

After all, Zhu Zhiqi had just offended Ye Yang to death. Even if he forcibly returned to protect him, the effect would not be great. It would be better to be smart and sell Zhu Zhiqi directly to save himself!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but admire that Zhu Mingda was really quick-thinking and extremely decisive!

"He just wanted you to check me thoroughly. If you're worried, I think you'd better check it out."

Ye Yang replied with a faint smile.

"No, no, no, Mr. Ye, you are a very upright person, how could you do such a thing! Absolutely impossible! I absolutely don't believe it! This is all what my stupid nephew thinks!"

Zhu Mingda was extremely unjust: "Actually, I have been busy with Mr. Ma's welcome banquet these days. I only heard about Mr. Ye tonight."

"Oh? What's the matter with me?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, his tone a little unhappy.

"No, no, no, Mr. Ye is an upright person. Nothing happened at all. It's my nephew who is delusional tonight. He talks so much and wants to frame Mr. Ye!"

Zhu Mingda swallowed a mouthful of saliva and thought to himself that he almost let his idiot nephew bury him in a trap again...

"I really know I was wrong, uncle..."

Zhu Zhiqi feels that almost the whole world is against him now, no one can help him, and he is very lonely and helpless.

"As the president of the Chamber of Commerce, to say something like that in a public place without paying attention to the facts at all without any evidence is already considered a serious dereliction of duty! If you really want to atone for your sins, resign immediately after this incident. All duties, please wait for the punishment later!”

Zhu Mingda waved his hand coldly. Although his words were full of harsh criticism, he was actually giving Zhu Zhiqi directions and telling him how to calm Ye Yang's anger.

This time, Zhu Zhiqi's IQ finally came online, and he actually understood what Zhu Mingda meant and nodded repeatedly: "Mr. Ye, I will resign immediately after this incident! Waiting for punishment!"

The displeasure on Ye Yang's face dissipated somewhat: "Then what?"


Zhu Zhiqi's expression changed. He didn't know what to say next. He had already resigned, but he still couldn't do it?

Zhu Mingda snorted coldly: "Didn't you use your position to open several companies in your name? Apologize, it's a matter of course, you are such an adult, why don't you still understand?"

Zhu Zhiqi bit his lower lip. That was his lifeblood. His happiness and family income for the rest of his life depended almost entirely on those companies, and he couldn't bear to part with them.

Zhu Mingda couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. It was already here and he still couldn't tell the seriousness!

He just gave the other party a few words of advice out of his uncle's position. If the other party was still as stupid as before and refused to listen at all, then there was nothing he could do.

Seeing Zhu Mingda turning his head, he looked like he had completely given up on himself.

Zhu Zhiqi panicked and had no choice but to nod: "I'll give it to you! The companies under my name are worth more than a billion together, plus my own assets and a set of Zijin antiques worth hundreds of millions that I have collected for many years." Here you go!”

"This is my entire net worth! Mr. Ye... please forgive me!"

Seeing this, Zhang Yifeng also whispered in Ye Yang's ear: "Zhu Zhiqi has accumulated this wealth in almost the first half of his life, which amounts to about 2 billion."


Ye Yang nodded slightly, then smiled lightly: "I don't care about a small amount like two billion, but I hope you have a good attitude in admitting your mistakes, so I will reluctantly accept this gift."


Zhu Zhiqi stared, feeling a knife-like pain in his heart. You are too pretentious! If you don't care about the two billion... If you don't care, don't ask for it!

"Why don't you thank Mr. Ye quickly!"

When Zhu Mingda saw that Zhu Zhiqi was about to say something stupid again, he kicked him on the waist and shouted angrily.


Zhu Zhiqi was stunned. I gave him money, but he accepted it with a look of disgust. He had to thank him! ?

This is too frustrating! I don’t think he is so smart and so proud of heaven, when has he ever been so aggrieved! ! !

He wouldn't even thank this pretender if I beat him to death!

Although I was thinking this in my heart, as soon as I spoke, it turned into: "Thank you Mr. Ye! Mr. Ye is so generous! He is indeed a super boss!"


Zhu Mingda breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Ye Yang's expression again.

This matter should be considered a thing of the past...

"Okay, you have nothing to do here, get out of here. Get the gifts ready and deliver them to Mr. Ye personally in a few days!"

Afraid that his mentally retarded nephew would cause trouble again, Zhu Mingda kicked him again and said repeatedly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Zhu Zhiqi bowed his thanks and ran out of the venue crawling.

Zhang Yifeng looked at his embarrassed back. Although he knew that this idiot would fall sooner or later, he couldn't help but sigh when the fact happened.

Just now, this kid was on equal footing with him and was a big shot that he was extremely afraid of in Chuncheng.

In a blink of an eye, he lost all his identities, was expelled from the core of power, and fled in a panic...

As soon as this idea came out, he was more determined to make friends with Ye Yang.

Ye Yang was a man of great power. He couldn't see how much power he had behind him. As long as he could make friends with such a super big shot, even if the other party didn't help him in the future, relying on this relationship alone would be enough to make his future smooth.

"Mr. Ye is generous!!!"

Everyone present also raised their glasses and cheered in unison.

Ye Yang also symbolically raised his glass and took a sip.

The atmosphere afterwards was quite harmonious and beautiful.

After all, there were these two big shots here.

Everyone present basically had something to ask of them.

Rich businessmen hope to reach cooperation with Ye Yang, the government hopes to attract investment, and celebrities look forward to making friends.

As for some of the projects prepared before, Chuncheng is now Ye Yang's hometown after all, and Mark King has to take care of it, so most of them are agreed.

A banquet, toasts and chips, guests and hosts are all happy, and they are all very happy...

The end of this banquet is not the real end. Tonight, the spread of the legend about Ye Yang in Chuncheng has just begun!

(First update)

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