Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 310: Too Many Gifts to Accept

"Two hundred million!?"

Su Shirley opened her mouth wide, with a look of shock in her eyes: "How many zeros are there!"

Now even Ye Xuanting could no longer pretend to be shocked, and repeatedly said in shock: "Two hundred million dollars to buy a house! This is too outrageous..."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and thought to himself that it was lucky that he had hidden a zero, otherwise the two elders would have been too scared to move in.


Although they were shocked, their son had already bought it and could not let him return it. Therefore, the two elders were looking forward to seeing how good this villa worth 200 million would be!

Soon, the car was parked in the garage of Xinghuang Mansion.

"Hey! Is this a villa or a palace? It even has a purple gold plaque!"

Su Shirley looked at the two big stone lions at the gate and the honest purple and gold door plaque, and couldn't help but sigh: "This is much more grand than the princes' mansions I saw in TV dramas!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly. Although the palace was large in ancient times, it did not have the blessing of modern technology. There was a gap between the times.

"Hello, Master~"

At the front of the door, two beautiful white-legged maids performed a standard courtesy and smiled sweetly.


Su Shirley said politely as usual.

"From now on, they will do all the work in the house. It's enough for you two to enjoy your life."

Ye Yang said with a smile.


Su Shirley nodded blankly, obviously unable to imagine the life of the master Ye Yang mentioned.

"Now I really become a prince."

On the contrary, Ye Xuanting's ability to accept things is relatively strong, and he did not forget to make a joke: "Okay, Concubine Su, don't just sit there in a daze, go in and take a look."

"...Go to hell, you old crook!"

Su Shirley rolled her eyes at Ye Xuanting.

Ye Yang also shook his head in confusion, and then led a group of people into the Star Emperor's Mansion.

When he first entered the courtyard, even Ye Yang, who was now well-informed, was slightly stunned.

This is simply a fairyland!

Yundingshan Villa is in Western style, which is completely different from the Chinese style in Xinghuang Mansion.

In addition to architecture, the style difference between Chinese and Western styles is also huge in the construction of courtyards. It is a typical royal garden, with rockeries and streams scattered around, and mist rising from it. I don’t know, but I thought I had walked into a painting.

It doesn’t feel like being in the human world!

This grand yet graceful Chinese-style garden was so beautiful that Ye Yang couldn't help but be stunned.

Before, he thought that buying a house with 2 billion would be a small loss, but just seeing this garden, he felt that it was worth it!

Here, not only can you see the beauty of Chinese gardens, there are also many hidden high technologies in the gardens, and gorgeous stone paths that can only be polished in modern times, which makes Ye Yang sigh with emotion.

No wonder he dared to bid one billion even for the lowest auction price.

"so beautiful……"

Yu Momo's eyes also glowed with splendor. Looking at this garden from different corners, the scenery is constantly changing. It can be said that every step of the way is a scene, so beautiful!

There are also many precious bird nests inside.

She only recognized one kind of precious-feathered canary. Such a beautiful species, one might be sold for more than one million Chinese coins!

And such a luxurious and precious bird is just an ordinary little embellishment in this bustling garden.

Pushing open the entrance door made entirely of black jade, the lobby comes into view.

The fully intelligent furniture is completely built in oriental style, as if this is what Chinese punk should look like.

"Absolutely perfect..."

Ye Xiaozi muttered absentmindedly...

Soon, Ye Yang saw the large rosewood table in the video that was said to be worth 100 million. He put his hand on it, as if he could really touch the weight of its thousands of years of growth.

"Before I saw this house, I didn't believe that there was a house worth 200 million in the world. But looking at it now, I think 200 million is too little. Son, you made a profit!"

Ye Xuanting considers himself a knowledgeable person. When he studies teapots, he also dabbles in some antique carvings. He looks at it excitedly: "This table is very polished. Even if the raw material is ordinary logs, such a large piece of art is probably not worth it." It’s worth millions!”

"Uh...yes, yes, I made a profit."

Ye Yang nodded dumbfounded.

But looking at it as a whole, two billion is really well spent. This villa is really surreal. If he hadn't really lived in it, it would be hard for him to imagine that there would be such a fairyland in reality. The perfect place to live.

"Boss, we are almost ready for the housewarming party. Someone is already here. How about we start now?"

Yu Mo blinked his eyes and asked.


Ye Yang nodded slightly. This housewarming party was proposed by Yang Delin and Zhang Yifeng. Originally, he was too lazy to hold it, but they said that after hosting the banquet, his reputation in Spring City would reach the top and could not be discussed.

If this is the case, after I return to the magical city, my parents will also be able to enjoy the happiness they deserve.

With this thought in mind, he agreed to the matter.

The Xinghuang Mansion is very large and has a special reception room.

It is said to be a living room, but it is actually about the same size as a small palace. It is magnificent and magnificent enough to show the aura of majesty that two billion people should have.

"Yang Delin, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, arrived and presented a 20% stake in Sitong Steel, as well as a golden sculpture of Master Zhang Gong from the Qing Dynasty: [Double Dragons Playing with Pearls]."

Zhu Zhiqi resigned directly, his biggest competitor Li Zihuai slipped and fell to his death, and Yang Delin became the biggest winner.

He naturally took over the position of president of the Spring City Chamber of Commerce.

So the gifts given are quite generous.

Shares plus antiques, it's worth two or three hundred million.

"Zhu Minghan from the Zhu family of Ji Province has arrived, and sent a set of warm jade Pixiu jade ornaments, and 20% of Bei'an Venture Capital's shares~"

As the chairman of the Commercial Supervision Committee, Zhu Mingda couldn't apologize in person, so it was naturally the Zhu family behind him.

After that, there were some celebrities in Chuncheng, and most of the gifts they sent were some gold and jade antiques, real estate, luxury cars and so on.

The value was far less than that of the Zhu family and the Yang family, with more than tens of millions and less than a few hundred thousand.

Most of them came just to make friends with Ye Yang.

The arrival of many members of the former Li family alliance brought this gift-giving event to its peak. The gifts given by each family head were valuable, starting at 100 million.

The many guests present were amazed.

"Didn't the Li Family Alliance have a quarrel with Ye Yang before?"

"Things have changed... Li Zihuai is dead, so of course these people have to express their opinions."

"Well, they are probably testing Mr. Ye's attitude..."

Anyone with a discerning eye knows what these people are up to.

However, Ye Yang had no intention of arguing with these small shrimps who were not even accomplices, and accepted their gifts generously.

The heads of the original Li Family Alliance were overjoyed to see that Ye Yang was willing to accept their gifts. They were so happy that their appetite increased and they were relieved...

After the banquet.

Ye Yang looked at the gifts piled up in the small warehouse No. 1 and Yu Momo, who was coughing softly, and shook his head with a smile: "He really has received so many gifts. Just reading the gift list once, Yu Momo's voice is hoarse..."

(First update, emmmm)

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