Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 311: Yu Momo has a sore throat?

"Thank you for your hard work, Mo Mo."

Ye Yang rubbed Yu Momo's face with some distress.

"Hey, work for the master, you won't be tired at all! Ahem..."

Yu Momo came up to her affectionately and threw herself into Ye Yang's arms acting coquettishly.

Only in an intimate environment would Yu Momo call his master such an inexplicable name. After all, Ye Yang is also a person of status now.

If you call me that in public, it would be bad if someone misunderstands you as an old gentleman...

"I see you're coughing. Does your throat feel uncomfortable? It seems you need throat lozenges."

Ye Yang pinched Yu Momo's little face.


Yu Momo blushed and nodded softly: "Yeah, the master is right!"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang smiled and took Yu Momo back to the living room of the villa.

After taking the medicine, Yu Momo's throat was finally cured.

I have to say that it is so pleasant to treat diseases in such beautiful scenery!

Enjoyed the comfortable life in Xinghuang Mansion for a few days.

Ye Xiaozi was about to start school, and Ye Yang calculated a little and found that the National Day holiday was indeed over.

"Oh, time flies so fast, the National Day holiday has passed in the blink of an eye."

Ye Yang said heartbroken.

"Brother, what difference does it make to you whether you have a holiday or not!?"

Ye Xiaozi rolled her eyes and complained while packing her luggage.

"That's different!"

Ye Yang thought for a while: "I have to start working conscientiously again when I go back! After all, I still have to support your education! Life is very stressful!"

"The smelly old man is lying again!"

Ye Xiaozi wrinkled her nose and snorted: "I think you obviously look relaxed every day!"

"Ah?! Is there any!"

Ye Yang touched his chin. It seemed like this was true. Since he obtained the Get Rich System, in addition to persisting in the business of brushing money tirelessly every day, he seemed to have really relaxed a little!

It seems like you should find some work?

I once thought about living in a rented company, but I still have to run from house to house every day, exposed to wind and sun, which is too hard!

Let’s leave the rent collection to Fang Sijin with peace of mind!

"I can't think of anything at the moment. I'll think about it later when I get back..."

While he was thinking about it, Ye Yang was suddenly startled. Ye Xiaozi had suddenly flashed in front of him.


"Brother, I was joking just now, don't take it seriously!"

Ye Xiaozi said seriously.

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He dared this little girl to think that she was sad because she was distracted just now...

"Harm! Don't think too much..."

After rubbing the little girl's head, Ye Yang smiled fondly.

"Actually, I know... it must be very hard to build such a big career alone! Although Xiao Zi can't help you now, Xiao Zi will definitely study hard and get into a good university!"

Ye Yang looked at his old sister in surprise, why was she suddenly so emotional?

Ye Xiaozi looked serious: "When I return from my studies, I must help my brother share the pressure!"

Suddenly being hugged tightly by his old sister, Ye Yang was at a loss...

But at such a tender moment, it was hard for him to say something like, 'I'm actually really free' to ruin the atmosphere.

He had no choice but to pat her little head: "It's always right to study hard, Oli!"


It seems that this sentence ruins the atmosphere even more...

Sure enough, Ye Xiaozi burst out laughing: "Brother, you are indeed a super straight man!"

After packing his luggage, Ye Yang said goodbye to Ye Xuanting and Su Shirley.

"Xiaoyang, you don't have to work too hard outside. You are doing well now. Don't tire yourself. Go to bed early and eat on time..."

Su Shirley warned.

"Oh, Xiaoyang is already so big, you don't need to remind you of this little thing!"

Ye Xuanting waved his hand, then turned around and patted Ye Yang heavily on the shoulder: "Your mother said those trivial matters, but dad has a task for you! Bring me back a good grandson or granddaughter as soon as possible!"


Ye Yang's face turned dark. His father was scarier than his mother!

"Ahem, fight for it, fight for it..."

Seeing Ye Yang's embarrassment, several girls laughed meaningfully.

"What are you laughing at!"

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Driving a stretch Bentley with a group of beauties, we soon arrived at the airport.

G950 has been waiting here for a long time.

"Hello, boss~"

Flight attendant Yuan Yuanyuan and the flight attendants all shouted sweetly when they saw Ye Yang and others coming up.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, smiled lightly and sat on the seat.

The G950 quickly ascended into the stratosphere.

"Boss~ Do you want to experience a comprehensive in-flight care this time?"

Yuan Yuanyuan looked at Ye Yang expectantly.


Ye Yang was very sorry that he didn't have an in-flight spa on his last flight home, so he just happened to make it up on the way back this time.

"Hmm~ Comfortable!"

Ye Yang squinted his eyes and lay on the nursing chair. Yuan Yuanyuan's professional and strong hands applied nursing essential oil to him and took good care of his whole body.

"If the boss wants, you can call me anytime. Now the entire crew belongs to you, boss?"

Yuan Yuanyuan smiled softly and her beauty in uniform added a bit of allure, which made Ye Yang feast his eyes.

When the plane landed, the care just ended.

Ye Yang stretched out and had a spa in the sky. It was an indescribably wonderful experience.

"Yundingshan Villa, I'm back!"

Ye Yang shrugged.

"Then I'll go back first, Brother Ye Yang. It seems that Douyin will hold a host carnival in a few days. I still need to prepare."

Lin Xueer rolled up her hair in front of her forehead and smiled.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "If you need any help, don't be embarrassed to ask."

"I know!"

Lin Xueer stuck out her tongue, smiled mischievously, and went back to Linjiang Community first...

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend for the praise~

Thanks to the book friend who sent the update talisman to all the teammates in the chicken game!

Thanks to the book friend Xiao Guonan for a love letter~

Thanks to the book friend 1931/1297 for the praise~

Thanks to the book friend 1662/0958 for sending the blade!


Everyone, take a look at the free gifts and update urging videos! Jiuyang thanks you~ Hehe~


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