Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 312: Salaries must be raised

"Welcome home, Master!"

The door of the Yundingshan villa opened, and the maids had already lined up, standing on both sides, bowing respectfully and shouting.

"Did you miss me?"

Ye Yang smiled and raised his hand, asking.

"Yeah, without the master, playing games is exciting!"

Guan Ruoyu laughed.


Ye Yang scratched his brows. He wanted to tease the little maid, but he didn't expect to be teased in return.

"Master, we brought you a gift this time."

Guan Ruoyu said repeatedly.


Ye Yang felt a headache when he heard about the gift. He had been receiving gifts these days, and he was dazzled by the gold, jade and antiques.

However, before he could say anything, Guan Ruoyu took out a Mongolian-style leather bag from behind: "The butter tea we make at home is very pure! You can't buy it in other places in China no matter how much money you spend!"


Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and a warm feeling rose in his heart.

If he was given some gold and jade gifts, he would feel alienated, this is the right way!

"And mine! This is the little hat I knitted in my spare time these days, very fashionable! Emmm... If the boss thinks it's ugly, forget it!"

"Haha, no."

Ye Yang took the hat and measured it: "It's quite suitable for me."

"Hehe, I measured it secretly!"

Qin Xiaoshi laughed.

"Uh, you actually measured how big my head is..."

Ye Yang rubbed his chin and looked at Qin Xiaoshi with a smirk.

"Master, why do you drive as soon as you come back? Why don't you apply for the job of the car god of Akina Mountain!"

Qin Xiaoshi blushed.


Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

After a while, the state banquet-level lunch was served.

The food back home is indeed better than that in my hometown.

After all, it is difficult to find a chef for a state banquet.

Although several chefs were hired, they were not at the state banquet level after all, which made Ye Yang feel a little regretful.

After eating and drinking to his heart's content and playing with the maid for a while, he took a leisurely nap.

"Boss, according to the next planned itinerary, we should go to the newly taken over observatory to have a look."

Yu Momo reminded.


Ye Yang nodded slightly. The Nebula Observatory was a reward given by the system when he auctioned the Star Emperor Mansion.

If he was rewarded with a small company with a market value of 10 billion, he would definitely not have any impression of it now.

But the observatory, a novelty that does not exist in ordinary life, still makes him very curious.

The first stop after returning to the Magic City is also to go to the observatory.

"I have contacted there, let's go directly."

Yu Momo said repeatedly.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, without saying much, only took Yu Momo, sat in the long-lost Lamborghini Veneno, stepped on the accelerator, and started racing.

Because observing the starry sky requires avoiding strong light electromagnetic interference, observatories are generally built in remote suburbs.

The car was driving very fast, but it took a long time to see the shadow of the observatory in front.

The huge radio telescope was like a huge eye rising from the ground, looking up at the stars on behalf of humans.

At this time, in the Nebula Observatory.

"Xiao Jing, why are you still insisting? The last boss was quite sentimental, but he sold us out. There is no future for us to stay here."

A man with glasses in white clothes was packing his bag.

The girl named Xiao Jing was studying the data observed last night and ignored the man with glasses.

"Oh, really, quit your job. Sentiment is not a meal. I have found a job in mathematics research, and the salary is ten times what it is now!"

The man with glasses looked at the stubborn Xiao Jing and sighed: "And your grandfather's illness also needs money, right? And that Lan..."

"Don't say anymore... This place carries the dreams of our family."

Bai Xiaojing shook her head.

"Who knows who the new boss is?"

The man with glasses didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What if he's the same as the one with the surname Lan..."

Seeing Bai Xiaojing's eyes, knowing that persuasion was hopeless, the man with glasses sighed helplessly: "If you really have any problems, come to me. I asked the boss for an empty position, ten times the salary, waiting for you anytime."

"Thank you, but... there's no need."

Bai Xiaojing bit her lower lip, turned her head and continued to process the information.


The man with glasses carried his luggage, shook his head, and walked out.

The work at the observatory is boring and ordinary, and the key is that the salary is low. In the Magic City, the monthly salary is only more than 4,000 yuan, and there is no other income. Live like an ascetic.

What's more terrible is that the Nebula Observatory is a private observatory. If it has not produced results for several consecutive years and does not bring benefits, it will be abandoned by the boss.

So, many people in the observatory chose to leave.

After he left, only Bai Xiaojing and another girl were left.

With a sigh, he chose to leave.

As soon as he went out, he saw an extremely luxurious super sports car parked at the entrance of the observatory.

His eyes widened. Even if it was his new job, he would probably not be able to afford this sports car in his lifetime.

The beauty in the car was even prettier than Bai Xiaojing! She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in real life!

Such a beautiful woman took the initiative to get out of the car and open the door for the young man of the same age, which made the man with glasses extremely envious: "One day, I can be like this...right?"

He couldn't help but lower his head and walked over silently.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the young man who passed by him: "Isn't he a staff member of the observatory?"

"Well, maybe he resigned. After all, the original salary here is too low."

Yu Momo said.


Ye Yang shook his head indifferently. Everyone has their own ambitions, and he was too lazy to care: "Is the salary here very low? Is it 10,000 yuan a month?"

"No, it seems to be only 4,000 yuan."

Yu Momo obviously did his homework and understood everything.

"How can this be!"

Ye Yang shook his head: "It's too much!"

The salary must be increased!

Poor man with glasses, he doesn't know what kind of opportunity he missed.

"Didn't you notify the boss that you are coming? You didn't come out to greet him! It's too much."

Yu Momo frowned. The boss came to inspect, at least a few people came out to greet him?

"Go in and take a look first."

Ye Yang didn't care much about these.

After entering the observatory, Ye Yang was a little surprised: "This observatory is so deserted."

"Are you... the new boss?"

A faint question came.

Ye Yang turned his head and saw a quiet little girl, probably a college graduate, cute, wearing an observatory uniform, with a beauty score of about 60%.

"Well, what's your name? Where are the other members here?"

Ye Yang asked in confusion.

"Ah! Hello boss, my name is Ning Qing. Besides me, there is only Sister Xiao Jing here. She is still studying the observation data from last night."

Ning Qing scratched his forehead and said softly.

(First update)

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