Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 313 Do you think you are rich?

"Sister Xiaojing, the new boss is here."

Ning Qing said repeatedly.

"Are you the new boss?"

Bai Xiaojing stood up and looked at Ye Yang, her eyes brightened for a moment, then dimmed.

"What? Aren't you in a high mood at work?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"How could it be! Sister Xiaojing is a model worker! She works hard every day!"

Ning Qing said repeatedly: "She is just worried that the boss will be like those bosses before. Seeing that we can't make money, he will abandon us..."

"What are you talking about..."

Bai Xiaojing pursed her lips, but the expression on her face showed that what Ning Qing said was right.

"So that's what I was worried about."

Ye Yang smiled lightly, astronomical observation is destined to have a long cycle and slow returns. Commercial observation is considered a long-term project.

Some bosses are impatient and get impatient if there is no reward for three or two years, but for Ye Yang, who has gained proficiency in astronomical knowledge, this is not the case.

"Don't worry, this observatory will stay open as long as I don't go bankrupt."


Ning Qing was very excited and her eyes lit up.

"Previous bosses said the same thing."

Bai Xiaojing muttered.


Ye Yang was stunned. It seemed that this little girl was deceived by the previous bosses.


There was the sound of parking outside.

Ning Qing went out to take a look and said eagerly: "Sister Xiaojing, that's the one named Lan!"

Bai Xiaojing's expression changed and she looked at Ye Yang with unknown meaning.

Before Ye Yang could figure out what was going on.

A man wearing a blue suit, a gold belt around his waist, and holding a bouquet of roses walked in.

"Yo? Is there anyone new today?"

The handsome man looked very familiar. He looked at Ye Yang and said, "Brother, you are the receiver of Nebula Observatory, right?"

"what are you saying!?"

Yu Mo frowned.

"No one wants this crap. It's been passed around several times and you bought it. What are you if you don't take over?"

The handsome man's expression was exaggerated, like a clown.

"This is my territory. If you don't know how to speak politely, I will throw you out right now."

Ye Yang gave a faint drink.

"Hoho!? Still a bad-tempered person? There is..."

The handsome man wanted to say something else, but his exaggerated rogue appearance made Ye Yang upset. He directly picked up his tie, lifted it up, and threw it more than ten meters away, straight out of the door.


Except for Yu Momo, everyone was stunned.

Is it so simple and crude? ?

"How dare you use violence against our young master!"

Several followers were extremely angry.

"You entered my company with my consent? For illegal intrusion, I will send you to jail for ten years with just one phone call. None of you can escape!"

Ye Yang glanced at the followers lightly.


They all saw the Lamborghini Venom parked outside and knew that Ye Yang was not someone to be trifled with, so they did not dare to act impulsively.

Lan Shaoyu struggled to get up from the ground, his blue suit was already badly damaged.

"Okay, I'll count on you!"

He gritted his teeth, but did not dare to get angry. He was afraid that Ye Yang, a ruthless man, would throw him away again and almost throw him to pieces. If he did it again, he might not be able to stand up again this year.

"We don't know each other without fighting. I have no other purpose for coming here today. I want to buy this observatory. Please set a price!"

Lan Shaoyu was supported by his men, his eyes were extremely arrogant.

Ye Yang casually glanced at Bai Xiaojing's expression and seemed to understand something. He smiled lightly and said, "I don't plan to sell this observatory."

"Oh, don't talk about this, it's just money! You spent more than 100 million to acquire this observatory, right? I'll pay 300 million! Do you want to sell it?"

Lan Shaoyu waved his hand generously.

Bai Xiaojing and Ning Qing both looked nervous and bit their lower lips.

"This Lan Shaoyu is getting more and more shameless!"

Ning Qing said, fighting against injustice.

This Lan Shaoyu is a second-generation rich man from Jinling. He fell in love with Bai Xiaojing and would come over to harass him whenever he had nothing to do. This time he even brought a huge sum of money to buy the observatory directly so that he could pick up girls.

"I said, you will be mine sooner or later! Haha, if you obey me earlier, it will be over."

Lan Shaoyu sneered, obviously determined that Ye Yang would sell the observatory for 300 million.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"You? You still won't sell it?"

Lan Shaoyu looked at Ye Yang in disbelief.

"Oh, okay, then I'll add more money, five hundred million, so you have no reason to refuse, right?"


Bai Xiaojing's eyes showed a look of despair. Based on her familiarity with the nature of these bosses, no boss could give up 500% of their profits just for a little inner interest.

She sighed, she had given up in her heart. Do she really have to give up her family's hard work and leave here...

Several generations of their family have worked here, but because it is a private observatory, the information belongs to the company.

If you resign, you cannot take away your previous observation data.

All these years of observation and research will be in vain...

Thinking of this, Rao was as stubborn as her, and his eyes became slightly red.

"You think you're rich?"

Ye Yang smiled, someone actually thought he was rich in front of him?

"Of course I'm rich. If 500 million is not enough, I can raise the price."

Lan Shaoyu curled his lips, looking like he had won Ye Yang.

"Haha, since you are so sincere about buying it, it's okay."

Ye Yang laughed lightly.

"Sure enough..."

Bai Xiaojing was completely desperate...

"Haha, I told you!"

Lan Shaoyu raised a trace of success at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't ask for more, just one trillion."

Ye Yang stretched out a finger lightly.

"He said a lot, how much!?"

Lan Shaoyu thought there was something wrong with his ears, and asked several followers next to him.

"Master, he seemed to say... one trillion..."

"No, that's right!"

Several followers told the truth.

"Are you crazy!?!"

Lan Shaoyu couldn't believe his ears at all, and asked with his eyes wide open.

"If you can't afford it, get out."

Ye Yang pointed at the door calmly: "If you don't want to leave by yourself, I don't mind sending you out personally."


Bai Xiaojing and Ning Qing looked at the scene in disbelief. The insecurity in their hearts over the years seemed to melt away at this moment...

(Second update)

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Ahem, if you check one by one, the workload is too large, so the daily gift summary will be suspended for the time being, and Jiuyang will think of a solution.

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