Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 314: A monthly salary of 100,000 is a little too little


Lan Shaoyu was shocked by Ye Yang's strange power that threw him ten meters at once. He didn't dare to say anything more at this time. Seeing that Ye Yang was angry, he laughed and said with a cruel and cowardly smile: "Funny! Today, this young master will not bother with you! You are so cruel!"

After that, he tilted his head and said: "Let's go."

The other brothers were eager to run away. According to Ye Yang's strange power just now, they were afraid that they would not be able to win even if they fought together.

Maybe they would be beaten up in return. No one wanted to be beaten for no reason.


Looking at Lan Shaoyu and his group who left in embarrassment.

Bai Xiaojing looked at Ye Yang in disbelief, and her eyes were completely different from before.

This new boss seemed to be different from the previous bosses...

"What's wrong? Suddenly looking at me like this?"

Ye Yang turned around and was suddenly stared at by two girls. If Bai Xiaojing was not very beautiful, it would be like watching a horror movie.

"No... I just think the boss seems very different."

Bai Xiaojing pursed her lower lip and smiled a little embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry that I doubted you just now!"

As she said that, she also bowed to Ye Yang to apologize.

"Ahem, no need to do that!"

Ye Yang laughed and helped Bai Xiaojing up: "By the way, I heard that your salary was only 4,000 yuan before?"

"Uh uh, yes."

Bai Xiaojing and Ning Qing were both a little confused. Why did the boss suddenly ask this? Could it be that he could give them a raise?

It's impossible, okay! ?

"Four thousand? How can that be possible?!"

Ye Yang shook his head.

"Uh uh... Actually... I've been used to it for so many years."

Bai Xiaojing smiled. She was obsessed with astronomy and didn't care about money, which was something outside of her body. Besides, how much could the raise be?

She was the kind of person who would bend over backwards for 1,800 yuan a month!

But Ning Qing was different. She had just graduated and her internship was converted to a regular employee. She was still eager for a salary.

"Let me think about giving you a salary increase, how much should it be?"

Ye Yang touched his chin: "Why don't you decide it yourself?"

"No salary, I just want to add five additional insurances... No, three insurances and one housing fund will do..."

Ning Qing whispered.


Ye Yang was silent.

"I knew you weren't sincere, how could you let employees decide! You don't even want to pay for the three insurances and one housing fund!"

Bai Xiaojing felt disappointed with Ye Yang again. It's not that she didn't trust Ye Yang, but it was because the previous bosses broke her heart.

"What about you? Give a practical suggestion? The one just now was really too..."

Ye Yang didn't even say the word "less".

Bai Xiaojing smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Forget it, boss, you can continue to support the observatory, and it is my biggest wish that you can continue to support the observatory and not close it down or sell it..."

If you don't even want to add the three insurances and one housing fund, what's the point of talking about salary increase?

The annual equipment maintenance and parts replacement of the observatory are a considerable expense. When the enthusiastic new boss has no return after two years, it is time for the new boss to sell the observatory.

She thought so.

Ye Yang shook his head in disappointment. How come these employees have no dreams at all! ? How can this be possible!

"What's more, if I decide, I will ask for ten times the current salary. Will you give it to me?"

Bai Xiaojing shook her head: "So, it's fine like this..."

"Huh? Ten times?"

Ye Yang touched his chin: "This is a decent reference."


"Wait, you, what did you say?"

Ning Qing blinked, obviously not believing her ears.

Even Bai Xiaojing, who was about to go back to work, was stunned. She just laughed at herself casually, and the boss just said that this was a decent reference? !

However, this thought only flashed through her mind, and she smiled bitterly and shook her head again, how could it be possible...

"Let's do this, first increase it by 25 times, and make up a monthly salary of 100,000. When you have results in the future, I will increase it for you."

Ye Yang said after a while of hesitation. He has always believed that talents engaged in high-tech research need special preferential treatment. Solving their life problems and having a favorable scientific research environment will make it easier for most talents to produce results.

He can't control others, but the observatory under his name must not give people an impression of "poverty".

He wants everyone in the world to know that doing scientific research and looking at the stars can also make a good living!

This was also a dream he had once had. Now that he has money, he will realize it.

The changes in the Nebula Observatory will only be the first step for him to realize this idea.

Sooner or later, he will have his own high-tech company, using high salaries to attract talents from all over the world, and eventually make China's scientific and technological level occupy the forefront of the world.

Of course, this is a long process, and Ye Yang is not in a hurry to realize it all at once.

Now that he has no worries about food and drink and has money to spend, why not use it to realize his past dreams and ideals?

"What did you say!!!"

Ning Qing was so scared that he almost bit off his tongue.


Bai Xiaojing couldn't believe her ears at all and stood there dumbfounded.

"Ahem, it does seem a little less for the time being."

Ye Yang scratched his head embarrassedly: "But I will set up another 100 million reward fund. Anyone who makes an international discovery in the observatory will receive a corresponding reward."


Ning Qing and Bai Xiaojing were both completely stunned.

"Am I really not dreaming?"

Ning Qing muttered: "Sister Xiaojing, pinch me!"

"Ah! You actually pinched me! It hurts..."

Bai Xiaojing's eyes were red: "Boss..."

"Don't thank me. If the richest people in this society don't spend their money for their dreams, then what progress can we expect from this society?"

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand: "Now, do you believe me?"


Bai Xiaojing nodded firmly. A big boss who can take out hundreds of millions will never cheat ordinary people like them with such things. There is no benefit and it will damage their reputation. What's the need?

Her eyes, which had been dim for a long time, seemed to be rejuvenated.

Ye Yang was slightly stunned.

Although Bai Xiaojing looked beautiful before, she always felt that something was missing. Now, he understood that it was this kind of expectation for the future and this vibrant aura.

The girl at the observatory with light in her eyes is really charming!

"Thank you!"

Bai Xiaojing bowed deeply, tears welling up in her eyes: "This may seem like a small thing to you, but it means so much to us!!!"

"Haha, you're welcome."

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand: "Let's go, you've worked hard before, today I'll give you a day off, the boss will take you to team building!"

(First update)

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