Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 315 Is it popular among the super-rich to drive vans now?

"Thank you, boss!"

Ning Qing's eyes were full of excitement, and the look she gave Ye Yang was full of the brilliance of a little fangirl.

Yu Momo, who was standing by, shook her head with a smile. Her boss was really popular with girls wherever he went.

And this kind of liking was not entirely out of admiration for his money. This was the point that she felt most deeply. Ye Yang did have a personality charm that was completely different from that of ordinary rich men.

As a senior financial management talent, she had seen many second-generation rich men, but it was the first time she had seen someone as special as Ye Yang, so she fell in love with him so quickly.

It started with money, but it was loyal to character.

But think about it, who wouldn't like this kind of man?

Being rich, pretty, versatile, cheerful, genuine and unpretentious, compared to this, being surrounded by a group of girls is simply insignificant, or it can be said that it is a shortcoming that cannot be called a shortcoming...


Bai Xiaojing scratched her head a little embarrassedly, blushing: "Today's team building, I want to take a leave."

Ye Yang rolled his eyes: "There are only two employees in this observatory. You took a leave, and what kind of team building is it."

"I, I didn't mean it, I..."

Bai Xiaojing blushed and waved her hands repeatedly, afraid that Ye Yang would mistakenly think that she was deliberately not giving him face.

To put it bluntly, she is just an academic girl who is obsessed with astronomy, without any complicated thoughts. After her worries were resolved by Ye Yang, she felt very guilty for misunderstanding Ye Yang before.

"Sister Xiaojing should be worried about her mother, right?"

Ning Qing also helped explain: "Her mother seems to be ill..."


Ye Yang asked: "Is it serious?"

"Not serious, mainly because I didn't have money before, so I kept delaying the surgery..."

Bai Xiaojing's face became redder as she spoke.

"Haha, how much does it cost?"

Ye Yang rubbed his chin. Bai Xiaojing is a rare talent. Yu Momo told him on the way that he couldn't let her go just because of the 1.8 million surgery fee.

"It's... 400,000."

Bai Xiaojing twisted her fingers.

"Oh, then I'll advance you half a year's salary in advance, so you don't have to worry about it now, right?"

Ye Yang said with a smile.

"Ah?! Is this... is this reasonable?"

Bai Xiaojing blinked in surprise.

"If I say it's reasonable, then it's reasonable."

Ye Yang smiled and said, "There's no rush on this day. Tomorrow I'll contact the best hospital, find the best doctor, and make full preparations before going. Isn't it better?"

"Yeah, I'll listen to you, boss!"

Bai Xiaojing nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. She didn't know how to express her gratitude. Alas... Sometimes, words are really pale and powerless!

Ye Yang smiled handsomely and patted Bai Xiaojing on the shoulder: "Okay, take a day off today, put all your worries aside, and have fun."


Bai Xiaojing hugged Ye Yang directly: "Boss, you are so nice!!!"

After saying that, she was also stunned, and her face became even redder.

She studies data every day, and she doesn't know how many years she hasn't had any contact with boys other than language. What's wrong with her?

Ning Qing was very open-minded. Seeing Bai Xiaojing rushing over, she was not polite at all. She directly hit Ye Yang with a ball and hit him in the arms.


Although Ning Qing's appearance was only 70%, the elasticity from her chest did make Ye Yang's heart flutter, something was going on!

"For lunch, let's just eat something simple, let's go to Han Pavilion for a Chinese meal."

Ye Yang had a good impression of Tang Ruguo, the owner of Han Pavilion. Now that he was back, he would also go to take care of his business.

Although the Black Dragon Card was free, he was embarrassed to eat for free all the time.

"Uh uh... Although we don't go to the city very often, Han Pavilion seems to be the best Chinese restaurant in Magic City, right? How can it be called a simple meal..."

Ning Qing blinked and shouted that he didn't understand the world of the rich.

Ye Yang sighed, he simply felt that compared with eating French food, it was still better to eat Chinese food. He had eaten a lot of high-end French and Japanese food recently, and Ye Yang felt that there were too many rules, and it was not necessarily delicious, and the money was spent on the sense of ceremony.

Only Chinese food felt very filling, the money was spent, and it was also enjoyable to eat.

Venom only has two seats, so Ye Yang could only make do with the Wuling van that comes standard with the observatory.

Sitting in the van, Ye Yang thought carefully. Since he became rich, he rarely rides in cars below the million level. He really misses this wildness...

The speed of the Wuling magic car is not to be underestimated. It quickly drove back to the city and parked in the parking lot next to Han Pavilion.


The Han Pavilion parking lot manager looked at the Wuling Blue Light that drifted in directly, and was completely dumbfounded.

This is probably the first broken van parked in the parking lot since Han Pavilion was established...

This is Han Pavilion's own parking lot. If you don't go to Han Pavilion to eat, you can't park your car inside... The manager never thought that the people in the car were here to eat.

A few people had a meal in Han Pavilion, and the meal money was enough to buy another Wuling Blue Light...

"How ridiculous! People who are poor now are so self-righteous!?"

He just got up and wanted to ask about the situation.

The car door opened and Ye Yang walked down with three beautiful girls.

For the team building, Ning Qing and Bai Xiaojing both changed into fashionable outfits, which naturally raised their appearance to a higher level compared to their work clothes and white coats.

Even Ning Qing was eye-catching enough, not to mention Yu Momo and Bai Xiaojing, two super beauties.

The administrator was dumbfounded, and the boss with his mouth wide open stood there, not even thinking about going up to manage.

Damn it, I believe in love again!

Where there are beauties, there is always a lack of eyeballs to pay attention, especially the scene of these beauties walking down from the broken van together, which immediately made the people around who saw this scene unable to move.

"No way?! Now beautiful girls still like guys who drive minivans?"

"I'm just an expert!"

"No... isn't that Ye Shenhao!? This year's Shanghai's commercial superstar is basically certain."


"That super boss Ye Shenhao who made Wang Silin come to Shanghai to apologize in person! How long has he not appeared? Have you forgotten?!"

"Damn! I remember now! I was saying... now rich people are driving crappy minivans?"

"I don't understand, I don't understand! Rich people are returning to their roots!"

"There must be a deep meaning behind what they do!"

"That's right, he's a super rich man, maybe this is a way of keeping a low profile!"

"I don't believe him..."

"When poor people are struggling for luxury cars, rich people are already driving crappy minivans to flirt with girls!"

Ye Yang didn't hear the discussions around him. If he knew what these people were thinking, he would probably laugh and scold them. Why are these wild drama queens so dramatic?

(Second update)

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