Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 316: The physique that will always be on the hot search list when going out

"It's the Black Dragon Card VIP, Mr. Ye!"

As soon as he entered Han Pavilion, the lobby manager, who had already memorized Ye Yang's appearance, quickly called a bunch of girls to come up and line up to salute.

"It is said that Hange is the best Chinese restaurant in Shanghai, and it is well-deserved today...the service is so good!"

Ning Qing and Bai Xiaojing were both startled by the young ladies who lined up in front to welcome them.

The waiters at Hange are all in excellent appearance and quality. They are all highly trained and are all slim beauties with a bachelor's degree or above.

Of course, their wages are the envy of many office white-collar workers.

I have to say that it is really refreshing to see so many graceful beauties wearing Han palace women's clothes and saluting in front of them.

Manager Li had a smile on his face: "This little girl, Mr. Ye is the holder of our Hange's Black Dragon Stepping Gold Card. Mr. Ye is the only one in China who has this card. Only with his arrival, Hange can Such a high welcome standard! ”

If normal VIPs come, they will only be accompanied by one or two dedicated waiters at most.

"So this is ah!"

The two of them blinked and nodded. They were obsessed with data processing and astronomical research. They obviously had no idea about the Black Dragon Stepping Gold Card. However, as the new boss in China was the only one who had it, he must be awesome!

"Does anyone outside of China have this card?"

Ning Qing asked curiously.

"Apart from Mr. Ye, only Mr. Buffett has one."

Manager Li smiled while leading Ye Yang and his party towards the Black Dragon Pavilion.

"Wow! This is amazing!"

Buffett and others have heard of it. The world-famous No. 1 god once swept away the wealth of all countries with one person.

As a person, it is difficult to judge the merits and demerits of his life. But as a businessman, he managed to make the world remember his name.

It is said that if you want to make an appointment with him for lunch, you have to spend tens of millions to get an appointment!

My boss is actually the same level of boss as this kind of person! ?

Bai Xiaojing and Ning Qing's eyes were filled with sparkle. This new boss is really unfathomable! ! !

The door, made entirely of obsidian and engraved with a golden dragon relief, was pushed open.

The fairyland-like inner room of the Black Dragon Stepping Golden Pavilion made the two girls grow up and be unable to close their mouths. As a poor person with a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan who can only eat instant noodles every day, the next restaurant is a luxury, and even more Not to mention this magical dining environment.

"Oh my God! The decoration alone will cost several million, no, tens of millions!"

Ning Qing praised.

"Ahem, the Black Dragon Pavilion is only open to super VIPs who hold the Black Dragon Gold Card. The original decoration cost was 120.53 million."

Manager Li introduced with a familiar smile.

Introducing the boxes is an important part of giving face to the distinguished guests. She knows the information of each box in Han Pavilion by heart.

"One...more than one hundred million..."

Ning Qing felt that her values ​​had been subverted. Someone actually spent more than 100 million just to create a better eating environment! ?

Moreover, based on the information just now, there are only two people in the world who have the Black Dragon Stepping Gold Card. Doesn’t that mean that this super environment created by more than 100 million is only for Ye Yang and Buffett? !

After sitting down, Ning Qing and Bai Xiaojing were very cautious, for fear of dropping any valuable utensils on the table. According to Manager Li's introduction just now, this cup is worth hundreds of thousands!

Once one is broken, even with their current monthly salary, they will have to go without food and water for half a year to compensate.

"Haha, don't be cautious. It's up to me if you break it. If you go out to eat and worry about this and that, how can you have fun?"

Ye Yang smiled lightly and waved his hand: "You can just take a look at the dishes. As for the wine, I have to choose it myself. I will pay according to the price this time."


Manager Li nodded repeatedly. VIP cardholders have the right to choose whether to use privileges, but most VIPs will use privileges to show their uniqueness.

This is the first time Ye Yang has not used his privileges.

But as the only Black Dragon Gold Card holder in Huaxia District, he must have his own unique reasons and insights. As a small lobby manager, how can I dare to speculate?

When you come to eat Chinese food, of course you have to choose white wine.

"Mr. Ye, these are the best-preserved and highest-grade liquors in Hange today. Which bottle do you want to open? This bottle of 90th Anniversary Gold Medal Commemorative Edition Wuliangye costs 88w8888 Chinese coins per bottle. And This 1960s Wuliangye costs 99,999 Chinese coins, and the last five-star Maotai costs 1,080 Chinese coins.”

The best thing before Han Pavilion, a bottle of Fenjiu worth millions, was squandered by Ye Yang, and what was left was regarded as the treasure of the store and was not for sale.

Ye Yang could only settle for the next best thing and drink a bottle of wine worth about one million yuan.

"Well, let's open a bottle of Five Star Moutai."

The girls' drinking capacity is not very good and they can't drink too much. They basically drink it by themselves.

"By the way, some more LUVID, do you have some here?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"There are some."

Manager Li replied with a smile.

Luvid is the world's top aristocratic beer. It can only be found in the most high-end clubs. Each bottle sells for tens of thousands. It is not high in alcohol and tastes good. It is very popular among aristocratic girls.

While waiting for the food to be served, Yu Momo tapped Ye Yang's shoulder and said in a dumbfounded voice: "Boss, you are on the hot search again..."


Ye Yang was drinking the specially prepared hawthorn wine before the meal to whet his appetite. He almost vomited when he heard this.

How come he just returned to Shanghai and this physique of "being on the hot search list when he goes out" came back immediately...

He opened his mobile phone and looked at it casually.

On the Douyin popularity list, the topic of Ye Shenhao driving a van has already ranked in the top three of the hot list, and it is still rising, which makes him laugh and cry.

The related videos have exceeded one million likes.

Opening the comment area, a familiar ID came into view...

Looking for daddy on the whole network: "Although the video is a bit blurry, I can still tell that this is my real dad! No one can compete with me!"

"Didn't Ye Shenhao just fish in Songhua Lake Fishery a few days ago? Now he is back to Shanghai for a big meal... and brought a few beautiful women with him, I'm so envious! This is a wonderful life!"

"Ye Shenhao hasn't been on air for a long time, I beg you to start!"

"I heard that Han Ge is the most awesome Chinese restaurant in Shanghai. I, a working man, beg Ye Shenhao to start airing so that I can open my eyes."

"Hehe, driving a van to pick up girls, he is worthy of being my dream husband!"

"Husband Ye Yang~Please start airing!!!"


Ye Yang shook his head with a smile and opened his Douyin account. Unknowingly, his Douyin fans are almost 30 million...

He clearly did nothing.

So far, I have only posted two videos and held a few live broadcasts on my account...but my followers have grown wildly to 30 million, becoming a super internet celebrity. There is no one like me...

(First update)

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