Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 320 Ferris Wheel Kiss

"Is there something on my face?"

Ye Yang looked at Bai Xiaojing looking at him foolishly and asked with some doubts.


Bai Xiaojing shook her head: "I just think you are so handsome, boss!"

"Really? I think so too!"

Ye Yang nodded.


Bai Xiaojing smiled, the boss was really honest and rude.

"Boss, thank you..."

Bai Xiaojing suddenly lowered her head and whispered.

"Why do you say this suddenly?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"From the time I was born until now, life has not been can even be said to be a mess."

Bai Xiaojing murmured: "I didn't know until I met you that there is such a beautiful side to this world."

"Thank you, boss, you made me feel another, completely different life. Even if it was only a quick glance, I am satisfied..."

Ye Yang grinned. As expected of an academic girl, she always spoke in a certain way.


Bai Xiaojing pursed her lips, her face flushed, and Ye Yang could hear her pounding heartbeat.


Ye Yang sat sideways on the soft sofa in the double cabin and looked at Bai Xiaojing with some uncertainty: "Isn't it because he has a fever?"


Bai Xiaojing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hit Ye Yang's chest with her small fist: "Oh, boss! Such a romantic atmosphere, you ruined it with just one word! Straight man!"

Ye Yang smiled lightly, a little innocently: "Yes! I am clearly adjusting the atmosphere!"

"Ha ha……"

Bai Xiaojing was so amused that she started to giggle.

Ye Yang scratched his head and smiled too.

Suddenly, Bai Xiaojing's smile faded, and there seemed to be some determination in her eyes, and she came closer.

He knelt down on the sofa with his whole body, holding Ye Yang's shoulders with his hands, and pressed his upper body against Ye Yang's chest.

Gentle lips kissed Ye Yang at this moment.

The Ferris wheel, at this moment, reached its highest point, and the dusk in the distance burned like a golden fire. The warm firelight reflected in Bai Xiaojing's clear pupils at this moment, like the brightest and most pitiable gem in the world.


Those clear eyes and golden-red white cheeks rendered by the dusk made Ye Yang stunned, and his lips subconsciously moved in coordination...

Seeing that Ye Yang did not refuse, the slight caution in Bai Xiaojing's eyes finally dissipated, she let go of herself, and kissed her deeply...

The highest point of the Ferris wheel in wonderful sunshine.

Ye Yang hugged Bai Xiaojing's small but passionate body and kissed her affectionately...


Until the Ferris wheel reached the last quarter of the journey, the sunlight on the horizon was blocked by the fairy tale castle in the distance, casting a shadow in the double cabin.

The two of them were still separated.

Bai Xiaojing licked the fine threads at the corner of her mouth, shrank back, knelt down on the sofa, biting her lower lip, her face turned red, like a frightened little rabbit, and she looked at Ye Yang.

"Hey, isn't it! It was obviously you who forced me to kiss me!"

Ye Yang glared and smiled.

"Well...the boss is indeed a straight man!"

Seeing that Ye Yang didn't think much about it, Bai Xiaojing also let out a long sigh of relief, turned around and sat upright, clasping her hands tightly: "I actually..."

"I know."

Ye Yang patted Bai Xiaojing's little head: "You just need to understand your own heart."

If her kiss just now was just out of repayment or the excitement of welcoming a new life, Ye Yang would not take the next step...

And if Bai Xiaojing really likes herself, then he doesn't mind continuing to develop.

After all, this little girl is really cute...

"I know very well."

Bai Xiaojing puffed up her little face and said stubbornly.


Ye Yang pinched Bai Xiaojing's bulging face and said, "That's good."

At this moment, the Ferris wheel finally stopped at the lowest point.

Yu Momo and Ning Qing, who were in the front cabin, were already waiting at the exit of the Ferris wheel.

Ning Qing looked at Ye Yang and Bai Xiaojing who came out of the door. They were still the same two people, but when they came out, they felt a little different.

But what exactly was different, she couldn't tell for a while.


Although Yu Momo couldn't guess it, he rubbed his chin and guessed it almost exactly. At this time, he secretly laughed secretly in his heart.

Disney entrance.

"Okay, today's team building is over perfectly. Let's all go home."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "By the way, Xiaojing, I will arrange the surgery for you as soon as possible and then notify you."

"Well, thank you boss..."

Bai Xiaojing had her little head rubbed by Ye Yang and watched him leave with some reluctance.

"Hey! What are you looking at! I felt something was wrong just now, wouldn't you..."

Ning Qing waved her hand in front of Bai Xiaojing's eyes and said with a wicked smile.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Bai Xiaojing rolled her eyes: "Shall we take a taxi? If we go home from Disney, the two of us will also take a ride."


Ning Qing didn't think much and nodded...

After returning to the villa.

Ye Yang also directly called Liren Hospital.

Ye Yang almost learned about Bai Xiaojing's mother's condition during the chat.

What a coincidence, it’s also an eye disease...

"Hello? Director Li Qing?"

After Ye Yang dialed the phone, he smiled lightly and said, "I'm Ye Yang."

"Dean Ye! I haven't received any instructions from you for a long time! If you have any instructions this time, please feel free to give them!"

Li Qing said with great enthusiasm.

When he was chatting with the directors of other departments, he had also tested it with words and confirmed that this mysterious dean should have only been in contact with his director so far!

What does this mean?

This is to focus on cultivating yourself! Focus on cultivating yourself!

If he didn't seize this golden opportunity to give Ye Yang a good lick, he would be so stupid!

Last time, Dean Ye had something to do. Although he asked me to perform an operation on his classmate's father, Dean Ye didn't come in person after all, and it was really a pity that he didn't meet him once.

"There's really something wrong."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded: "In a few days, I will take a family member of an employee to see a doctor. I wonder if you can arrange an operation?"

"Family of an employee? Hey, may I ask if it's a female employee?"

Li Qing rolled his eyes. With his many years of experience in society, he could make up countless plots in his mind in an instant.

"Yeah...what? Is there any difference?"

Ye Yang was stunned by the question.

"Ah, there's no difference, of course there's no difference."

Li Qing felt that he understood everything in an instant, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely arrange everything properly! I guarantee that you will be satisfied."


Ye Yang pursed his lips, always feeling that there was something in this old guy's words, smelling like an old pervert, but he was too lazy to think too much.

To be the director of Liren Ophthalmology Department, it is enough that his medical skills are high enough. As for other matters, he is too lazy to take care of them...

"Okay, once you've decided, send me the information so I can arrange the itinerary."

Ye Yang said lightly.

(First update)

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