Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 321: Xiao Qingxuan was hit on?


Li Qing stood at attention on the other end of the phone. Although he knew that Ye Yang couldn't see it, he believed that sincerity would work. As long as the intention was there, the other party would always be able to sense it.

After hanging up the phone, he began to check his surgery appointment list and began to arrange the time.

Soon, Ye Yang received the information set by Li Qing.

"Well, the efficiency is quite high."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "Momo, arrange a flight to Beijing in two days."


Yu Momo agreed directly.

Two days later, private airport.

Ye Yang brought Bai Xiaojing and her mother here.

"Your mother looks very young."

Ye Yang smiled and said politely.

"Xiaojing has always said how good the new boss of the observatory is. Today, I see that it is indeed worthy of the reputation! Even if I have an eye disease, I can see that Mr. Ye is really a handsome man!"

Bai Xiaojing's mother exclaimed sincerely.

"Haha, auntie is too kind."

Ye Yang felt that he should be more humble in front of the elderly.


Bai Xiaojing looked at the Gulfstream G950 in front of her with some surprise. This kind of private toy for the super rich, she had only seen in documentaries and movies.

This was the first time she saw it in real life. The huge fuselage and the furnishings inside, which looked like those in future science fiction movies, amazed her.

"This plane costs a lot of money, right?"

Bai Xiaojing's mother was also stunned. Although she had some eye problems, she could still see such a large super private plane clearly.

"Ahem, it's not much money, because the entire airline is mine, so this G950 was bought at cost price, which is about 1 billion yuan."

Ye Yang explained with a smile.


Bai Xiaojing's mother didn't know what expression to put on. It seems that this boss Ye is really not only handsome, but also rich!

And he even accompanied his daughter to Beijing for medical treatment. It can be seen that he is also kind-hearted.

It's a blessing for his daughter to meet such a boss!

"Then let's set off."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and took the mother and daughter on the plane.

Because he had just acquired a trillion-dollar company like Zijie Jump, Yu Momo had been busy with the handover recently.

The change of ownership of such a super-large company required very complicated specific details and steps.

Ye Yang, a hands-off boss, naturally did not want to ask about it personally, but Yu Momo was used to handling these trivial matters for Ye Yang.

Xiao Xiaozhu was also responsible for protecting Yu Momo for the time being. Although the probability of an accident was not high, it had to be prevented after all.

After all, it was a trillion-level property handover, and Xiao Xiaozhu was careful and could help a little.

The only bodyguard who followed him this time was Xiao Qingxuan.

"Hello, boss!"

Yuan Yuanyuan's flight attendant group bowed and shouted.

Yuan Yuanyuan took a special look at Bai Xiaojing. There was another beautiful woman beside the boss. He was really lucky! ! !

Alas... It seems that I have to work harder to help the boss this time.

It only takes two or three hours from the Magic City to Beijing.

Soon, they arrived at their destination. When they got off the G950, there was a special car arranged by Wang Silin waiting at the airport.

These itineraries were arranged by Yu Momo, who was very reliable.

Ye Yang still feels very lucky to have found such a beautiful and capable personal secretary.

"Mr. Ye, we are the professional itinerary team of Yida Group. Your itinerary in Beijing will be arranged by us. We will do our best to make you feel comfortable and satisfied."

The high-heeled black silk female leader smiled and bowed.


Ye Yang waved his hand: "Get in the car?"

Xiao Qingxuan chewed the bubble gum in her mouth and got in the car first. After looking back and forth, she let Ye Yang get in after confirming that there was no danger.

The commercial extended version of Bentley has a lot of space inside, and it will not seem crowded even if ten people sit in it.

"Boss... Yida Group, you also have shares!"

After Bai Xiaojing got in the car, she carefully leaned close to Ye Yang's ear and asked in a low voice in disbelief.


Ye Yang nodded slightly and smiled.

"More than shares, Mr. Ye is the current big boss of our Yida, holding 51% of the shares, and is the real person in charge of Yida."

The female captain said with emotion with a smile.


Bai Xiaojing now knew why Ye Yang didn't seem to be short of money at all, and could even say that the observatory could continue to operate as long as he didn't go bankrupt...

The controller of the trillion-dollar empire, the money to support the operation of a small observatory in a year may not be as much as the daily food money of others...

It's easier to keep the observatory from closing than to fart!

"Haha, now you don't worry that I will close the observatory, right?"

Ye Yang looked at Bai Xiaojing's little expression of sudden enlightenment, and smiled and patted her shoulders.

"Ahem, no... no!"

Bai Xiaojing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed of her ignorance that day.

Now when I think about it again when I first met the new boss, I actually suspected that Ye Yang was deceiving her, and I feel ashamed.

"The front is Liren Hospital."

The female captain smiled and pointed to the front.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "After arriving, you can leave first, just leave the car behind."

He didn't like having too many strangers around him, especially these big and strong bodyguards, who were too conspicuous.

Bai Xiaojing's mother's surgery is a big deal, but it's also a small deal. For ordinary people, hundreds of thousands of dollars are a lot, but as long as the surgery is done, they can basically recover, so there is nothing to worry about.

It's his first time in Beijing, so of course he has to go shopping these two days.

There are so many big and strong bodyguards with black sunglasses around him every day. I don't know if he thinks he is a bad boy in Beijing, and he's still playing.

"Ah... OK, we have been separated by Director Wang Silin. These days, we will serve you, Director Ye. If you have any needs, just contact us and we will be there within 20 minutes. Please take a look at the next itinerary arrangement suggestions."

The black silk lady sent over an electronic report.

Ye Yang nodded slightly. Itinerary arrangements are all suggestions. How to play specifically depends on his own ideas.

"Send aunt to the hospital first and arrange it first."

Ye Yang smiled and got out of the car.


Bai Xiaojing also helped her mother and followed Ye Yang into Liren Hospital.

According to the address given by Li Qing, Xiao Qingxuan found the ophthalmology department directly and was about to go in.

"Hey! This beautiful lady, please stop!"

Xiao Qingxuan frowned, turned his head, and saw a young doctor in a white coat walking towards him. He couldn't help asking: "What do you want to call me?"

"I am the ophthalmologist here. If you want to enter the ophthalmology department, you need a registration form."

The young doctor stood in front of Xiao Qingxuan.

"We made an appointment."

Xiao Qingxuan explained.

"Appointment? Do you have an appointment form?"

The young doctor raised his eyebrows.


Xiao Qingxuan turned around and was about to explain Ye Yang's identity.

The young doctor smiled and showed his mobile phone: "That won't work! Why don't you add me on WeChat, and I'll give you my appointment form now?"

(Second update)

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