Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 322 Dean! Li Qing is late

"Not interested in."

Xiao Qingxuan frowned, obviously a little impatient.

"If you're not interested, I'm afraid you won't be able to get into this department."

The young doctor smiled lightly: "I am doing this for your sake, right?"

As he spoke, he also looked at Ye Yang and his group.

Xiao Qingxuan and Bai Xiaojing are both great beauties!

Ye Yang is the only man, what a waste of resources!

"We have an appointment with you, Director Li. If you stand in the way again, you will bear the consequences."

There was already a hint of evil in Xiao Qingxuan's eyes. According to her temper, if she had encountered such a rogue pervert outside, she would have punched him in the face.

"Director Li's appointment?"

The young doctor smiled: "You really don't know where this place is? Liren Hospital! The strongest private hospital in China! Our Director Li, is that the one you can contact? I can't find anyone reliable. Come and bluff me, if you say you have placed an order with my colleague, I might still believe you."

"What's wrong, Brother Wang?"

The movement at the door made colleagues in the department poke their heads out.

"These people actually said they had an appointment with Director Li, which made me laugh!"

The young doctor was obviously very embarrassed about Xiao Qingxuan's refusal to add him to WeChat just now, and he said in a strange tone.


The colleagues all laughed softly.

Anyone who can establish a relationship with Director Li is not an old man in a high position. It is ridiculous for a few young people to say that they know Director Li Qing...

"But I don't know. By the way, are you harassing the patient's family again and asking for their WeChat account?"

When several female doctors saw that Ye Yang was so handsome, they couldn't help but take the initiative to stand up for justice for him.

"What is harassment! I don't do it."

Doctor Wang waved his hands repeatedly.

"It seems that this is not the first time you have done things like harassing patients and asking for their WeChat messages."

Ye Yang nodded lightly.

"What do you mean?"

Dr. Wang frowned, a little unhappy with Ye Yang's attitude. In addition, those female colleagues actually spoke for an outsider, and he couldn't help but feel jealous: "Even if I do it often, it's none of your business!? Can you control me?"


Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "About this, you will soon understand."


Dr. Wang glanced at Ye Yang: "I'm too embarrassed to expose you. Don't you just want to show how awesome you are in front of beautiful women? It's a pity that you came to the wrong place! You've blown your bragging! You really need to know Director Li Just give him a call?”

"Just hit me! Don't be scared and wet your pants later!"

Xiao Qingxuan on the side took out the phone. After a while, her face turned ugly: "Boss, the phone is being turned off..."

"Haha, it looks like an act! Have you seen it? Hahaha..."

Dr. Wang smiled exaggeratedly.


The beautiful doctors all sighed, and some of their original expectations disappeared.

"I'm laughing so hard. If you want to show off in front of a beautiful woman, look no further. This is Liren Hospital! You can't get along with me here, haha... You'll be responsible for the consequences!"

Dr. Wang became even more unscrupulous.

"There are still a few minutes until the appointed time..."

Ye Yang looked at his watch, frowned, and ignored Dr. Wang. He didn't need to take care of such a small role personally.


Xiao Qingxuan clenched her fists. If she hadn't made a three-part agreement with her boss not to be too violent, she would have kicked this scoundrel's teeth into pieces.


Bai Xiaojing tugged on the corner of Ye Yang's clothes and said worriedly.

"Li Qing will be here soon. Let him clean up the house by himself. There is no rush."

Ye Yang waved his hand lightly, not even bothering to look at Dr. Wang, and sat directly on the rest chair nearby.

"Why don't you speak? Are you scared? Weren't you very arrogant just now? You look well dressed, you are a small boss? Are you useful in Liren Hospital if you have money? I have seen many bosses, big and small, who wouldn't ask me to treat you? sick?"

When Dr. Wang saw Ye Yang ignoring him, he continued to jump up and down: "I thought you were quite powerful! You are pretending to be cool with others in other people's territory. I think you have no brains!!!"

"What's going on? Why are you making so much noise?"

A majestic voice with a hint of exhaustion came.

Dr. Wang, who was originally extremely arrogant, suddenly fell silent. He turned around and looked at the visitor with a flattering smile: "Director Li, there are a few patients here who don't understand the rules. I'll tell them the rules."

"You are the only one in the department who doesn't understand the rules and still teaches others."

Director Li Qing frowned. Wang Laji was brought in because of his connections. He didn't like this guy very much, but for the sake of other directors, he usually just turned a blind eye. .

"When did ophthalmology become your territory?"

"Ahem, I just said it casually... Director, don't be offended..."

Wang Laji rolled his eyes and said to Ye Yang and others: "It's true that these people just talked so wildly. They didn't even have a registration form. They actually said that they had made an appointment with you, the director, in advance. But in the end, they didn't even have your phone number." No, you’re still pretending!”


Li Qing then focused his attention on Ye Yang, and his expression suddenly changed.

It was almost time to make the appointment with the dean, so I had a bad feeling when I saw a dispute at the door. It turned out to be the dean!

"Ahem, Dean! I just came out of the operating room, and as soon as I got off the operating table, I changed my clothes and ran back. I'm really..."

Li Qing was instantly frightened and broke out in a cold sweat. Needless to say, just from Wang Laji's personality and the few words he just said, he could almost figure out what had just happened.

When he thought that he had finally met a dean who valued him, but before he could officially meet him, he was offended by a fool like Wang Laji, he couldn't help but feel fear and anger.


Ye Yang sat there, raised his chin casually, and said lightly: "Handle it yourself."

When doctors perform surgery, their mobile phones must be turned off. After all, the patient's life is the first priority, and he also understands it.


"Did the director just call that young dean? Is my ear okay?"

The doctors in the department looked at each other, not daring to believe their ears.

"I know what the vice presidents in our hospital look like. They are all old seniors in their 80s. This... is so young, it is impossible for a vice president to be so young!"

"I heard that we changed the dean some time ago... could it be..."

"That's even more nonsense! Li Ren is the largest private hospital in China! What level of person is the dean of Li Ren? Even the governors of various provinces have to respect each other! How can he be so young?"

"You are right... but the director did call him... the dean!!!"

At this moment, the whole department was silent. These doctors looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, and they could not accept the fact for a moment...

(First update)

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