Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 323: Directly Expelled from the Medical Community

"Dean... Dean!? Director, you really know them..."

Wang Laji was also confused and stuttered.

"You are such a troublemaker!"

Li Qing was completely angry and slapped Wang Laji in the face, turning him 360 degrees on the spot. His head hit the door frame and a big bump appeared.

This idiot directly lowered the boss's first impression of him!

This is an opportunity to make money in the future!

If the boss really loses trust and attention to him from now on, and still expects to get promoted and make money? Dream on!

This new boss is so young that he will probably be the dean until he dies. If he is really dissatisfied with him because of this incident, he will have to prepare to stay in the position of director for the rest of his life...

When he thought of this, he was angry and afraid.

Cutting off someone's wealth is like killing his parents!

At this moment, Li Qing's heart was filled with endless anger. He stared at Wang Laji with bloodshot eyes, just like the enemy who killed his own father. He swung his hand with such force that he was shocked.

"Mr. Li! I respect you because you are my director, so you should respect me. Don't be ungrateful! I am my uncle who intervened! My uncle is the vice president! Don't be so arrogant! You dare to hit me!"

Wang Laji gnashed his teeth and looked at Li Qing, extremely angry.

Li Qing laughed: "What uncle, uncle, even if your ancestors come, you have to be polite and say good things to Dean Ye! This time, no one can protect you!"

"What school is he the dean of?! Bah! Li Qing, you old man, you have been unhappy with me for a long time, and you are setting a trap for me! Don't you just want to find a reason to fire me? It makes me laugh to death. If you have the guts, let my uncle come, I will see if you dare to be arrogant!"

Wang Laji was angry.

"Which hospital? Mr. Ye Yangye is the new director of our Liren Hospital! You are so stupid that there is no hope for you."

Li Qing was so angry that he laughed: "You are fired. From now on, there is no place for you in Liren Hospital! I will use all my connections to make sure you can't find your place in any hospital in China!"

"You... this, this is impossible! Who are you fooling!"

Wang Laji roared: "Do you think I was scared? I will ask my uncle and uncle to come over and see how you can continue to act!"


Li Qing rolled his eyes and laughed: "Then hurry up!"

This may be an opportunity!

I usually feel disgusted when I see Wang Laji. I have long wanted to take the opportunity to kick him out. Now my attitude has also shown that the impact of this incident on me should have been minimized.

If I can take the opportunity to get rid of that vice president, there will be a vacant position above, and I will have a chance! ?

If he wants to take the initiative to cheat his father, how can he stop Wang Laji! ?

Soon, the vice president and the director of internal medicine came over.

"What's going on? Li Qing, you don't even take me seriously!? You're so bold!"

Wang Bai frowned. He was already full of aura before he even arrived.

"The dean is so mysterious. My words still carry some weight here. You..."

He stopped talking halfway.

The information about the new dean has not been made public to those below the director, but they, the vice presidents, know it well.

Suddenly seeing Ye Yang at this time, he felt bad.

"Vice President Wang is here!"

"I didn't expect that Vice President Wang would be alarmed..."

"I really want to see Wang Laji finish his job. He harasses this and that every day. It's disgusting."

"Well, fire him quickly! He's bullying others with his connections. I'm so annoyed..."

The doctors in the department were talking about it.

"Dean!!! Why are you here all of a sudden!"

Originally, Uncle Wang Baige, who was still dignified and ready to reprimand his subordinates and act like a vice dean, suddenly became timid, with a smile on his face, and said politely.

"Ahem, Dean!"

Uncle Wang, the director of the Department of Internal Medicine, was sweating profusely at this time, and glared at Wang Laji fiercely: "You evil beast, you really know how to pick on people!"


Wang Laji thought that his uncle and uncle had come and would help him turn the situation around. As soon as a smug smile appeared on his face, he wilted directly: "Uncle, he is really..."


Uncle Wang punched him on the head: "Say less!"

"Dean...what happened? What you said on the phone just now was vague, this..."

Wang Baige rubbed his hands. He was old and cunning, and he had long been familiar with the game of power. The top and second in command seemed to be only one word apart, but the actual power was very different!


Ye Yang frowned.

"Ahem, look at my stupid brain."

Wang Baige was frightened by this look. This sentence just now was also to test Ye Yang. From this reaction, it can be seen that this new dean is not a good person. He is obviously used to the ups and downs. There is a strong aura in his words and deeds. Even he can't compare with him.

From this, he also concluded that this new boss is a person who really can't be provoked...

"What are you still standing there for? Explain the matter to me clearly!"

Wang Baige glared at the ophthalmologists who were watching the excitement on the side.

Wang Laji is arrogant and domineering, and has few friends among his colleagues. He was wrong in the first place, but his colleagues exaggerated the story and turned it into a story of a vicious villain provoking the wise dean.

"No, it's not like that! They lied!!!"

Wang Laji's face turned green.

"Shut up! Do you think you haven't caused enough trouble?!"

Uncle Wang hit him hard on the head again, hitting the big bump just now. Wang Laji grimaced in pain, but he didn't dare to be arrogant this time. He could only lower his head and endure it.

"This idiot has this day too."

"Haha... It's so cool to watch!"

"It's said that he acts recklessly on weekdays, and one day he will fall into a trap..."

Colleagues are all gloating and secretly enjoying it.


Wang Baige said without hesitation: "Dean, this kid has a bad character and is not worthy of practicing medicine! I will ask him to revoke his medical license when I go back! He will be completely expelled from the medical profession!!!"

"Uncle, is this..."

Uncle Wang originally thought that expelling his nephew would be a great punishment, but he didn't expect Wang Baige's move to be so cruel and merciless! He completely cut off all the escape routes for his nephew!

"Shut up! Such an immoral person is not worthy of practicing medicine at all! You idiot! If you say anything more, I will expel you too!"

Wang Baige glared and shouted angrily.


Uncle Wang lowered his head again and again, and smiled bitterly in his heart. What medical ethics and character are all pretexts, just to please the dean and protect himself...

Although he felt that this punishment was a bit too severe, his uncle was so angry that he didn't dare to say anything more and could only accept this punishment for his nephew.

Seeing that even his uncle had given up on him, Wang Laji knelt down on the ground in a daze...

(Second update)

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