"Kingfu Restaurant is right here!"

Xiao Qingxuan looked calm on the surface, but in her heart she was glad that she had not found the wrong place.

"It's quite close."

Ye Yang rubbed his chin, walked out of the main entrance of Liren Hospital, and turned a corner.

"Invite you, how many are there?"

The waiter came over enthusiastically and asked with a smile.


Ye Yang said calmly: "Give me a private room."

"Ahem, boss, you are joking. I am in a small shop. How can I get a private room? There are only private seats on the second floor, by the window, with a unique view. Hehe, why don't you go upstairs and take a seat? ?”

The waiter is very talkative and keeps talking.

"Yeah, that's fine."

Ye Yang just planned to eat something casually, and there was no room for it.

A group of three people sat at the table by the window of Jingfu Restaurant.

"See what you like to eat and order whatever you want."

Ye Yang smiled and asked the waiter to give the menu to Bai Xiaojing.

"Ah... let me take a look."

Bai Xiaojing browsed the menu up and down, blinked, and showed a troubled expression: "The food here is so expensive!"


Ye Yang casually took it and glanced at it.

For a man like him who is used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas and eating millions of meals, the prices on the menu are naturally very low.

However, the dishes on this menu are very ordinary. For example, this roasted eggplant dish actually costs 180 yuan for a small portion...

According to ordinary people's standards, it is indeed a bit too much.

"Ahem, the area here is so good, and it's close to the hospital. Several restaurants around here have the same price."

The waiter explained again and again.

"Is it easy to make money from patients?"

Ye Yang laughed teasingly and shook his head helplessly, but with his current status, he was naturally too lazy to care about the eighteen hundred dollars.

It was quite expensive to order a table.


Seeing Bai Xiaojing's hesitation, she originally thought that the guests at this table were ordinary, but Ye Yang's rich and generous way of ordering food really opened the waiter's eyes.

This meal alone may cost tens of thousands...

However, there are also many dignitaries coming in and out of Liren. Although such wealthy people are rare, the waiter has seen some before. After a brief surprise, he asked the chef to prepare the dishes.

"As for drinks, let's start with six bottles of Fuelosophy!"

Ye Yang said with a faint smile.

"Sir, are you sure... you want six bottles of Fuelosophy?"

The waiter opened his mouth.

Fuelosophy is a world-class fruit juice drink with only tens of thousands bottles produced a year. It has always been the eye-catching signature of Jingfu Restaurant.

The price of a bottle of Fuelosophy is just 1.8888w Chinese coins!

More expensive than all the drinks in the store!

Six bottles of Fuelosophy?

Including the dishes I ordered before, this meal is almost 100,000 Chinese coins!

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

The reason for ordering juice is firstly that today I am here to perform surgery on Bai Xiaojing's mother, so drinking is not good.

Secondly, it’s because there really isn’t any good wine in this store. The most expensive one is only a bottle of Maotai, which costs more than 3,000 yuan. I really have no interest in tasting it. When I saw that this store actually sells Fuelosophy, I ordered it directly.

"Ahem, we put these top-notch limited-production drinks in the store to attract attention. In fact, there are only three bottles in the store now...this...this...guests, please forgive me!"

They are just a small shop. It is already very difficult to get such top-notch limited edition drinks through special channels. It is impossible to get too many.

Otherwise, the price would not be so high.

"Then bring three bottles."

Ye Yang shook his head. After all, it was a small restaurant, so it was understandable that the portion was small.


The waiter was speechless. In the past few months since he started working, there have been quite a few celebrities coming to the restaurant to eat. This is the first time he orders three bottles of Fuelosophy at once!

The most other big guys can do is order a bottle to try it out.

Next, Ye Yang also chatted and laughed with Xiao Qingxuan and Bai Xiaojing, waiting for the dishes to be served.

As we waited, the downstairs became lively.

The second floor is a hollow elegant terrace. You can see what is happening downstairs by tilting your head.

Although it is a small restaurant, the boss is obviously very thoughtful. He has set up a small stage on the first floor and invites some people to perform every day. It is also a kind of enjoyment to watch the performance and eat at the same time.

This is why this restaurant is so popular.

Sitting on the stage today was a guzheng girl. The girl was wearing a cheongsam. She was pure yet sexy. As soon as she took her seat, she attracted everyone's attention.

"Isn't this the guzheng girl who is very popular on the Internet recently!"

"Hey, the boss can do it, he actually invited her!"

"Haha, the appearance fee is not low, right? Won't you lose money?"

"What do you know? My boss has a business acumen, haha... You will understand in a moment."

"Oh? Then I'll have to wait and see."

All the diners also whispered and smiled.

Enjoying the steaming delicious food and watching the beauties playing the guzheng in the audience is such a joy!

"Although it's not a super restaurant, the owner is indeed a caring person."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

The girl sat in front of the guzheng, moved her jade hands slightly, and started to play with great concentration.

"High Mountain and Flowing Water."

The corresponding name also appeared in Ye Yang's mind.

This song is one of the top ten famous guzheng songs. The artistic conception is very deep and beautiful. It is quite suitable to listen to while enjoying delicious food.

"Not bad."

"It's really nice! It makes sense that she is popular!"

"That's right! I envy you. A girl who can play the guzheng is really irresistible!"

"She is so popular because of her hard power! I feel that her guzheng can be ranked top in China!"


Although I don't understand the guzheng, the ability of music to arouse empathy is very strong. People often don't need to understand the core of a piece of music to be moved by the melody.

Music has no boundaries.

Many people are attracted by the artistic conception created by this song and hum it with their eyes closed.

"It's really nice."

Bai Xiaojing also said with a twinkling look in her eyes.

"Indeed, it's not bad."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded, but for someone like him who has the skill of playing musical instruments, if he listens carefully, he can hear many flaws and areas for improvement.

"Hey, man, you are so arrogant when you say that?"

The fat guy next to him was obviously a fan of the guzheng girl. He got the news and came here to wait for her. He was immediately unhappy: "You can tell at a glance that you don't understand music! What do you mean by not bad! It's simply the peak that the guzheng can't surpass! Haha... young people nowadays are so impetuous!"


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and sighed in his heart, die-hard fans are really scary!

"Don't talk if you don't know how to talk. My boss said that her playing is barely okay, so it's just barely okay. After all... if my boss doesn't understand music theory, then there are few people in this world who can be said to understand it!"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered and looked at the fat guy with a bad look.

(Second update)

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