Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 236 Please accept me as your disciple

"Who is your boss? How can he be so arrogant! I laughed!"

The fat man laughed: "Nowadays, these people are all keyboard warriors. They just want to talk fast. They can't do anything and have no ability. It's so funny!"


Ye Yang shook his head with a smile, thinking that he was a keyboard warrior.

"Are you looking for death? Huh?"

A trace of coldness flashed in Xiao Qingxuan's eyes, staring coldly at the fat man.


The fat man immediately became timid. It was really that Xiao Qingxuan's eyes were too cold and sharp, which made people shudder. He couldn't help but say weakly: "Why, you still want to fight? Civilized society, civilized harmony, justice and rule of law, I warn you!"

The noise here was heard by the diners next to him.

They couldn't help but support the fat man.

After all, in this era, there are too many keyboard warriors on the Internet who have no ability but like to point fingers, which makes everyone arrogantly think that there are really no masters in this world.

"Tsk tsk, a real-life keyboard warrior! If you can do it, come on!"

"That's right! If you can do it, come on!"

The guzheng girl heard the noise on the stage most clearly. She couldn't help but stop playing and looked towards the second floor with some suspicion.

"My idol! He dared to say that your playing was average! I was so angry that I argued with this keyboard warrior. Humph! I was so angry!"

The fat guy felt extremely proud when he saw that his idol actually looked at him. In addition, there were several people around him who were cheering him on, so he didn't hesitate.

He stood up and said proudly.


Xiao Qingxuan frowned: "If you are deaf, go change one. My boss clearly said it was good. When did he say it was just average!"

"It was just average! I heard it clearly!"

The fat man swore: "You want to deny it now? It's too late! Keyboard warriors are really incompetent to yell!"

"You are looking for death!"

Xiao Qingxuan could no longer bear it. She kicked the fat man in the knee and kicked him half-kneeling on the ground. She grabbed the other's neck with one hand. If she used more force, she would strangle the other to death.


Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand.

The most powerful way to fight back after being questioned is to prove yourself. Violence can make people shut up, but it cannot solve the fundamental problem.


Xiao Qingxuan pouted, and then reluctantly let go of the fat man's neck, and kicked him forward with a kick. His head hit the guardrail in front of him, and his nose and face were swollen.

"Wow, idol, I got beaten for you! You have to be responsible for me!"

The little fat boy cried and looked at the zither girl with grievance.


The originally noisy atmosphere was instantly destroyed by this scene. Those who wanted to help the little fat boy to scold him could only laugh and cry. This little fat boy is too weird!


The zither girl smiled: "Since the master thinks that my playing is average, please give me some advice to calm down the dispute, how about it?"

"That's right! Don't dare to say it and not dare to do it! If you can do it, you can do it!"

"Hahaha, that's it!"

"Humph, just a keyboard warrior, what the hell! If he dares to do it, I will kowtow to him on the spot!"



Ye Yang smiled faintly and stood up. He could see that the zither girl had no ill intentions, and there was a glimmer of expectation in her eyes.

Chinese folk music has become somewhat declining with the progress of modern times. Everyone likes to learn Western musical instruments, and fewer and fewer people choose Chinese folk instruments.

The guzheng girl also hopes to meet a true master or confidant in what she likes.

"Then I will play it a little bit. If there is anything wrong, you can correct it."

Ye Yang walked down the steps slowly and sat in front of the guzheng.

"Oh my god... he really dares to come..."

"This alone is much better than many keyboard warriors!"

"Maybe he is a real boss, I believe it now. Who else would have such courage!?"

"You are too much of a fence-sitter, right? Didn't you just say that if someone dares to come up, you would kowtow to him?"

"Hehe, brother, I have no grudges against you in the past or in the present, why are you harming me!!!"

The old man who swore was embarrassed and blushed, arguing: "And maybe he is just thick-skinned. If he is really a master, I will kowtow to him!"


The audience laughed, and the atmosphere was also undergoing subtle changes.


After Ye Yang was ready, he began to play. As soon as he started, the sound of the strings came out, which made the eyes of those who knew the business brighten.

Because many people came for the guzheng girl today, there were many who knew the business.

The echoes and lingering aftertaste quickly made people enter the realm.

"This is, Qianzhong Fu..."

"You dare to play this professional-level music right away, without even wearing artificial nails, you can play such a mellow and quiet sound, it's unbelievable..."


Now no one dared to underestimate Ye Yang, and everyone listened carefully.

Qianzhong Fu is extremely difficult, a professional master-level work, and is divided into three parts: Pipa Dance, Muye Chan, and Qianshui Singing.

The difficulty increases in sequence.

At first, I couldn't hear anything, until Ye Yang pulled the strings and introduced the music to the second part. Whether they understood it or not, they were all very surprised.

They seemed to really see some scenes in the music, and those scenes were naturally derived from the brain after hearing these music, and they could not be stopped at all.


They all looked at each other and asked each other to confirm their feelings.

After confirming that almost everyone was like this, they were even more shocked.

At this time, the guzheng girl had already been intoxicated by this wonderful melody and was intoxicated.

Soon, the music entered the third chapter.

The phantom-like technique kept changing on the eight strings of the guzheng, plucking the strings, sweeping the strings, cymbals, and playing them continuously, all in one go, like a violent storm, and like a gentle spring rain.

The scenes in the minds of all the audience in the venue kept changing with this wonderful melody like a violent storm...

Until the end, the sound of the water flow imitated by the guzheng slowly flowed away, leaving a rippling and endless tremolo, and the audience slowly came back to their senses from the scene.

Everyone looked at Ye Yang with a look of enthusiasm instead of mockery or disrespect.

Many of those who could stand here today had a special liking for traditional Chinese musical instruments. How could they not be excited to see such a super master! ! !

The zither girl's eyes were a little wet: "I didn't expect that after the zither skills were proficient to a certain level... it could reach this level... it was really... unbelievable!!!"

She knelt down without hesitation and said: "Please accept me as your apprentice! No, if it's really not possible, I can just be a little girl serving tea and water!"


(First update)

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