Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 327 If you don’t work hard, you will have to go home and inherit billions of dollars

If the guzheng girl had done this before, everyone would have thought it was ridiculous, but at this moment, no one said a word, but instead looked at Ye Yang expectantly.

The performance just now was simply perfect!

To be able to play such a difficult piece of music flawlessly is enough to be called a master. In addition to perfection, it can also make everyone on the scene empathize, and even many scenes have been derived in their minds!

This is no longer an ordinary master!

It is simply a master of the times!

They couldn't believe that the one who played the song just now was such a young man!

"At such a young age, he has achieved such an achievement. No wonder he said such words. It is really an invincible loneliness!"

"The realm of the master is not something we can reach! Alas... Just now, you actually maliciously slandered others. It is really short-sighted and shameful!!!"

The audience blushed at this time and bowed their heads and dared not speak.

The fat guy upstairs also lowered his head, rubbing his bruised face, and muttered with some regret: "It's over, this beating is for nothing!!!"

"Forget about taking in a disciple."

Ye Yang shook his head with a smile: "I'm still young and I don't know anything. It's too early to take in a disciple."


The zither girl felt that her worldview had collapsed. You can't do anything! ?

Then I'll just hang myself... Wouldn't my skills be redundant even in a garbage dump! ?

If Ye Yang said this before, he would definitely be sprayed by a group of fans.

But now, they are all very emotional.

"Master is so modest!"

"This is the master's mind! We can't understand it at all... Alas..."

"It's really worth it today! I can catch up with such a great show!"

"Too strong! I have to say, I'm so lucky..."


"Where is the guy who kowtowed upside down before? Don't run away!"

"Yes, yes, now you can fulfill your promise!"

Brother Lishi was stopped by the sharp-eyed audience again.


Seeing that he couldn't escape, brother Lishi waved his hand: "Who wants to run away! A man, a spit is a nail!"

After saying that, he also walked up to the stage with a stiff neck, and without saying a word, he kowtowed upside down.

After the matter was done, he left, leaving behind a sigh of amazement.

"He really does what he says! A real man!"

"I admire you!"


This fool's behavior made Ye Yang and the guzheng girl laugh and cry.

"Master... the matter of accepting a disciple..."

The zither girl pursed her lips and looked at Ye Yang unwillingly.

"Haha, don't talk about the master and disciple. So, add me on WeChat. If you have any questions, I will answer them directly when I have time."

Ye Yang said with a smile.


After a sudden turn of events, the zither girl's eyes lit up: "Great, great!"

After that, she also added Ye Yang's WeChat and jumped up happily.

"Wow... the goddess' WeChat!"

The fat guy on the second floor was envious and burst into tears.

"Mo Zhengzheng... is this your real name?"

Ye Yang looked at the application message and smiled with raised eyebrows.


Mo Zhengzheng nodded repeatedly: "I will still call you Master! Master, what is your name?"

"Just call me Ye Yang."

Ye Yang smiled.

"Then I will treat Master to a meal!"

Mo Zhengzheng was extremely enthusiastic and tried every means to please Ye Yang.

"No need, my meal is a bit expensive."

Ye Yang waved his hand with a smile.

"Don't worry about the price, my family is very rich!"

Mo Zhengzheng waved her hand and smiled indifferently: "Master, this meal is for me, my little disciple!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, but he didn't force it anymore. He was not active in eating, and there was something wrong with his thinking: "Then let's go upstairs first."

On the second floor, the little fat man looked at Mo Zhengzheng eagerly, but Mo Zhengzheng's eyes were all Ye Yang, and there was no other thoughts, so he didn't even look at the little fat man.

"Alas... Fatty is so miserable today, his heart is broken..."

The little fat man can only think that he is unlucky and is in a depressed mood.

"Ahem, Miss Zhengzheng, we agreed before that there is still some time before the end of the performance..."

The boss rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

"Hehe, boss, please be flexible, I'm in a hurry to curry favor with my master!"

Mo Zhengzheng laughed and said, "At most, I will pay you three times the performance fee, okay?"

"...Uh, are you sure?"

The boss couldn't believe it. Although Mo Zhengzheng was not a top-tier internet celebrity, he spent nearly 200,000 yuan on one appearance fee.

More than 500,000 yuan in compensation...

She's a super rich girl?

"Ahem, no need, according to the contract, double the compensation will do."

The boss was embarrassed by Mo Zhengzheng's extravagance, scratched his head, and retreated sensibly.

At this table, one ordered a luxurious meal worth 100,000 yuan, and the other paid him 400,000 yuan.

They are all big customers, so he has to serve them well...

"You are quite rich?"

Ye Yang joked.

"Hehe, it's okay!"

Mo Zhengzheng smiled and said, "Master, if you are short of money, tell me! I think my credit card can be overdrawn by about 10 million yuan."


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Actually, I'm not poor..."

"Oh! Okay..."

Mo Zhengzheng looked at the dishes on the table and her appetite was excited. She was also very happy to meet Ye Yang, so she ate very happily.

"Master, you play the guzheng so well, you must have practiced hard since childhood!"

Mo Zhengzheng asked expectantly.

"Well, actually... I haven't touched the guzheng much."

Ye Yang was not good at lying, so he told the truth.

"How is it possible! Master, you are too modest!"

Mo Zhengzheng pouted.

After asking a few more questions about the technique that had been bothering her, Ye Yang answered according to the answers that automatically appeared in his mind.

Mo Zhengzheng looked at him with brighter eyes, as if she wanted to eat him.


Xiao Qingxuan on the side gulped down her drink, with a bit of defensiveness in her eyes, to prevent Mo Zhengzheng from really eating the boss if she didn't agree with him...

"Ding ding..."

Just after finishing the meal, several Rolls-Royces stopped at the door outside, and some uniformed men walked in.

"Alas... Master, my father has sent someone to pick me up again, I have to leave first."

Mo Zhengzheng raised her fist and said with determination: "I must get the approval of that old antique as soon as possible, otherwise I will have to give up my dream of playing the guzheng and go back to inherit the billions of assets! That won't do!"

(Second update)

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