Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 328: Supreme Couples Cinema

"All right."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

A group of uniformed men walked up to the second floor and bowed to Mo Zhengzheng: "Miss, the appointed time has come. The boss asked us to take you home."


Mo Zhengzheng sighed, then turned around and smiled at Ye Yang: "Master, my little apprentice is leaving first!"

After that, he swiped his card with the boss, followed a few men in uniforms, got into a luxury car, and left.

Ye Yang shrugged. From the previous conversation, he also learned something about Mo Zhengzheng.

It seems that his family has a company with a very good market value, and he is considered the kind of rich second generation who can pursue their dreams as much as they want.

However, her father seems to be an only daughter like her, who is facing the crisis of giving up her dream at any time and being forced to return home to inherit hundreds of millions of properties, so she has been working hard to prove herself and avoid this tragic ending.

"It's not easy for me as a disciple."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head and said with emotion: "By the way, what are you planning to do in the itinerary later?"

"Let me see……"

Xiao Qingxuan looked at it and said: "We will arrange for Yida to watch a big movie later, and then stay at the Imperial Hotel..."


Ye Yang nodded slightly, this arrangement is not bad: "Then let's set off."

"Ahem, boss, there are dedicated personnel controlling the movie theater. I'll go to the Imperial Hotel to settle your luggage and other things first."

Xiao Qingxuan's face turned red and she kept saying.


Ye Yang was a little confused. Are you blushing like a bubble teapot?

However, out of trust in Xiao Qingxuan, he did not ask any more questions: "Okay, you might as well go and straighten things out first."


Xiao Qingxuan nodded slightly: "I'll send the boss to the theater first."

"Kyoto Yida General Hospital is really impressive."

Ye Yang looked at the magnificent cinema in front of him and sighed.

The entire movie theater looks like a castle.

It not only has a movie viewing area, but also a leisure area, as well as supporting bar, KTV, commercial area and so on. It can be regarded as a very comprehensive cinema.

At the entrance of the cinema, a huge banner said "Welcome to Ye Dong", which can be regarded as a traditional performing arts.

"Haha... This Yida is really capable of making a living..."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The last time he went to Yida Cinema in Magic City, the person in charge there also arranged this.

The occasion was grand and gave the leader a lot of face. Yida was really good at this and had a very official style...

"Director Ye!"

When the person in charge of the cinema knew that Ye Yang was coming, he quickly ran out with his professional team, smiling and respectful.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Well done."

"It's all the fault of Dong Ye's leadership!"

The person in charge of the cinema saluted repeatedly.


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This was his first time here. What a leader. The filming of this shit was really refreshing and refined.

"Hey, Mr. Ye, Yida Cinema has recently launched a private couple's cinema. The privacy and viewing experience are among the best in the world. It has various cutting-edge configurations. It has just been opened recently. We look forward to having Mr. Ye become our private couple's cinema. The first batch of experiencers of the hall! ”

The person in charge raised his eyebrows and winked, but the meaning could no longer be obvious.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Apparently Xiao Qingxuan also saw this detailed arrangement and was the one who blushed and ran away first.

However, I have to say that the Yida professional team arranged it very carefully.

At least he was in his good graces.

"what do you think?"

Ye Yang held Bai Xiaojing's thin waist and asked with a smile.

"Always listen to the boss~"

Bai Xiaojing's pretty face turned red, she lowered her head and said shyly.

Although she concentrates on research, she is not a fool. She is a couple's hall, and she is very intimate as soon as she hears the name!

Being able to live an intimate world with your boss, even if it only lasts for a movie, is something you can only dream of!

"Haha, that's settled then."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.


The person in charge's eyes lit up, and he led Ye Yang and Bai Xiaojing to the CP Supreme VIP Hall in the deepest part of the cinema.

As soon as I walked into this couple's room, I felt a refreshing warm breeze blowing away, sweeping away the coolness of the approaching winter.

There is a faint fragrance floating in the entire viewing room. Just smelling it makes me feel happy and happy.

After closing the door, Ye Yang took Bai Xiao and sat quietly on the only large seat.

As a special seat for couples, this large seat is fully functional. It comes with popcorn and iced Coke. In addition to these two common delicacies for watching movies, there are also other precious snacks and famous red wine, which can be taken at any time.

Of course, there are various modes that can be adjusted.

It can be used as a comfortable chair, or it can be transformed into various forms such as a bed, a hammock, and a sling bed with special tools.

In the box that comes with it, there are also a variety of supporting tools, which are very exciting.


After exploring the various functions of the chair, Ye Yang couldn't help but marvel. This was really just the word "luxury" written on it.

Bai Xiaojing had no experience in this area at all. It wasn't until she saw the box of tools that her face suddenly turned red and she looked at Ye Yang shyly.

There is a warm light source around the chair, which can be switched on or off.

After the movie started, the entire viewing room fell into darkness.

Bai Xiaojing subconsciously grabbed Ye Yang's hand.

After a moment of complete darkness, the big screen lit up again.

The super I-MAX screen, which is exclusive to the two of them, has a very strong visual and auditory impact.

"It is indeed worthy of being the Supreme Edition."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

Such a hall is specially built for the second generation of rich people and wealthy people. Every time it is used, the cost is also very high.

If Ye Yang is not a director of Yida, this movie ticket will cost 30,000 Chinese yuan!

If you drink the expensive red wine in the wine cabinet, you will have to pay for it after you go out.

However, Ye Yang can be regarded as returning to nature. He opened a bottle of ice cola and drank it.


Ye Yang burped melodiously.

An action-adventure romance movie was playing in the field, and it was the uncut version.

When it came to the emotional point of the male and female protagonists, the beautiful scene, the wonderful soundtrack and the beautiful composition made Bai Xiaojing hug Ye Yang and couldn't help but fill in the restless mind in her mind.

It is said that boys are lustful, but in fact girls can also be lustful.

Touching Ye Yang's solid chest and abdominal muscles, she couldn't help but swallow silently...

"If you touch me again, I won't guarantee your safety~"

Ye Yang was being touched all over, making him anxious, and even ice cola couldn't quench the thirst of his lips.

The strange fragrance in the air seemed to be stronger at this moment, making him feel even better.


Bai Xiaojing also smiled shyly at this time. In this wonderful atmosphere, she couldn't help but think in her heart, and said coquettishly: "Boss, I... I'm greedy for your body!!!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, and before he could react, he was pressed on the couple's chair...

(First update)

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