Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 333: All dealt with, no one left alive

Outsiders watch the excitement, insiders watch the doorway.

At this time, Gao Zheng's hands and feet were cold. In a lawsuit, it is not the more people, the more power. The key is to see who knows more legal provisions, who is better at defending, and who has a higher level.

If the level difference is too big, it is not impossible for a powerful lawyer to take on a rubbish law firm.

However, he knows many lawyers from this Bentley team!

Here, any one of them is a well-known existence in the Chinese legal community!

There are even several who are far above him in terms of level and fame! ! !

"Gulu... My God, how can these people gather together!"

You know, it is extremely difficult to invite such a super elite lawyer!

Now there are a bunch of them! ?

When did the elite lawyers become so cheap!


His hands and feet were cold, and he was trembling all over. The confidence he had just now had long gone to the sky...

These ordinary members of the team are so awesome.

How strong is this seemingly leader! ?

Gao Zheng looked at the blond man who was bowing and apologizing beside Ye Yang. Just a glance at him made his heart tremble: "Could it be... No, absolutely impossible!!!"

"Okay, handle this matter for me, not only will I not hold you accountable, but I will also double your salary this month."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

Ivy and the lawyers behind him all laughed and said that the boss was wise.

After that, Ivy also raised his head and looked ahead with a sharp gaze.

Gao Zheng, who was standing opposite him, saw his face clearly at this moment, and after confirming the guess in his heart that was considered impossible, his legs softened and he fell to the ground...

"How... possible!!!"

His voice was hoarse from fear. As the world's top gold medal lawyer, Ivy would never show up unless it was a super big case.

Today's matter was simply a civil dispute. How could such a super big man show up? !

This is totally inconsistent with his proud character! ?

After hearing about this kind of case, shouldn't Ivy just say: "This is not worthy of me, it doesn't match my noble temperament." Then refuse it outright...

Gao Zheng completely collapsed.

Today's matter was originally their fault, and the other party brought in such a super luxurious lawyer team that can't be described in words.

Not to mention his master Ivy, any one of the team may not be better than them...

"Huh? It's you?"

Ivy raised his eyebrows and recognized Gao Zheng: "The guy who swindled everywhere under my banner!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Isn't he your apprentice? I was staring at him just now."

"No, no, no, boss, you misunderstood, he is not my apprentice."

Ivy shook his head: "It was the apprentice handyman recruited by the law firm before, he came in and stayed for a few days , I saw that he was too stupid, so I kicked him out of the law firm. "

"Later I heard that this guy has been swindling people under my name. But the cases he handled were all small cases, so I was too lazy to care about it."

"Boss, don't be fooled by him! I have nothing to do with him! I will always be loyal to you!"

Ever since Ivy lost to Ye Yang in the noble sports competition last time, he has been 100% convinced of Ye Yang, and even thought that he was the spokesperson of God on earth, otherwise how could he score the kind of goal that only God could score!?


Gao Zheng was completely confused. In his impression, Ivy was so proud. When did the cold and arrogant king of the legal world worship a person so blindly?!

And to a young man in his twenties!

I must be dreaming!!!

He felt that his worldview was distorted...

"Lawyer Gao, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Shabi was shocked to see Gao Zheng fall to the ground: "The other lawyer is here too, let them see how powerful you are! Send this arrogant kid to jail!"

"Fuck you, you old bitch, you're going to kill me!"

Gao Zheng was so angry when he saw Yu Shabi that his brain was congested. He unexpectedly had some strength and jumped up on the spot: "Do you know who these people are!?"

"Who... who!?"

Yu Shabi was stunned. It was the first time she saw the extremely arrogant Gao Zheng and was scared like this.

"This is Dong Ming, the king of Jingnan Law, a five-star lawyer. He handles more cases than you eat!"

"This is Lin Qinghai, the legal pioneer selected by China last year! China's top lawyer!"


"And this is Ivy!"

Speaking of Ivy, Gao Zheng was too lazy to introduce him. After all, anyone who knows a little about the legal world has heard of this name.


After listening to this, Yu Shabi's hands began to tremble. Although her name was Shabi, she was not a real idiot. At this time, she also knew that the young man in front of her was not an ordinary person. His true identity was probably beyond her imagination!

Otherwise, how could so many of China's top lawyers be invited with just one sentence! ?

How long has it been?

From the phone call to now, it has only been half an hour.

The most cutting-edge lawyer team in the entire capital has almost come together...

The meaning behind this, as long as you are not a real idiot, you can understand it!

And she actually just said to let the other party's cousin go...

When she thought of this, she got goose bumps all over her body.

When the students watching around heard this, they all burst into surprise.

"Did you hear that! These are really awesome lawyers. Gao Zheng was directly paralyzed by fear!"

"Haha, this is good now. I was originally worried about this brave brother, but now it seems that, hehe... I think even Yu Shabi will be in trouble!"

"Haha... It's so refreshing! Look at Yu Shabi, her face is so scared that it's green!!!"

"Yeah, haha!"


"We have already learned about the relevant information on the way. We have now contacted some of the parties who have been violated and communicated with them to testify in court. We have also investigated all the people related to this matter through various channels."

"We have also sorted out the criminal regulations and related handling plans on the way. Each plan can involve different numbers of people. It depends on how far you want to go, boss."

Ivy handed the documents and plans to Ye Yang with great confidence.

"It seems you guys haven't been idle on the road either."

Ye Yang nodded slightly, very satisfied. It's worthy of being the world's top lawyer team, it's reliable!

"Routine operation."

Ivy smiled lightly, and the pride of being a top lawyer was looming in his words.

They have handled countless cases that are ten thousand times more complicated than this one. This level is not even as difficult as playing house. The entire law firm was mobilized for this kind of thing, so it was naturally handled clearly in more than ten minutes.


Ye Yang was too lazy to look through the plan: "Everything related to this matter will be handled, leaving no trouble."

(Second update~Add a chapter, hehe, free gifts and urging videos are here!)

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