Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 334 What extraordinary attribute has been unlocked

"What do you mean by leaving no one behind...?"

The corners of Gao Zheng's mouth twitched in embarrassment, and he said shiveringly: "I'm just a hired lawyer, don't you count me in the right place!?"

"No one will be left alive. As the name suggests, all teachers in the entire Yenching University who have participated in shielding foreign students, including all faculty and staff who formulated this rule, and all relevant personnel who caused this result will be tried."

Aiwei glanced at Gao Zheng coldly: "And someone like you, who helps others commit evil, is even less likely to escape."


Bill Wang stood up limping: "They are all low-class people anyway, just check them. I am a foreigner now. You have no right to check us. Your laws can't control us!"

"As for those scumbags who have violated students."

Ivey said calmly: "I will use international relations to prosecute you in your corresponding country. You will all get the end you deserve. No one can escape!"


As soon as Wang Bier struggled to stand up, his feet gave way and he fell to the ground again, his face turned to dust.

"You said you can win if you win?"

Yu Shabi has not given up her last glimmer of hope: "Do you think we can be killed so easily? You think things are too simple!"

"You think of them too simply..."

Gao Zheng, who had long since given up, shook his head in confusion: "You have no idea what it means to call so many top lawyers together for a case of this level."

He looked at Ye Yang with great fear: "Compared with such a big shot, some faculty members are completely insignificant. Moreover, what they do is just in terms of law and justice. Even if the principal sees it, He can only lower his eyebrows and cooperate with others' investigation..."


"how so……"

Yu Shabi's arrogant look disappeared immediately, and she was about to cry without tears.

Soon, the police arrived and summoned and arrested all the people on the list.

Many old rubbish leaders who worship foreigners for their own selfish interests were still confused until they were arrested, not knowing what was going on.

"Okay! This old man...ah no, this gentleman is really too strong!"

"Relieve your anger. From now on, this gentleman will be my male god and my idol!"

All the students who insisted on staying to testify were very excited.

"Everyone who testifies here will be rewarded five hundred thousand yuan."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and said to Xiao Qingxuan.

"We can't take this money."

"Yeah, that's what we should do."


All the aspiring young people waved their hands and refused.

"If you do good things, you should be rewarded. Only in this way will more good people be willing to stand on the right side in the future, right?"

Ye Yang said calmly: "Punishing evil and promoting good has been a truth since ancient times. You must accept this money."

He hated the idea that good deeds should not be rewarded.

Its thinking itself is simply vicious. It not only makes good people ashamed to get the benefits they deserve, but also makes people who are wandering between good and evil refuse to choose to be a good person.

Acting bravely requires not only honor, but also substantial rewards.

Moreover, this thinking must become a matter of course and accepted by everyone.

This is real positive energy.

There are always people who think that talking about money is vulgar! Good people don’t deserve money or what?

Do you have to make the whole society feel that there is no reward for being a good person, just to be happy?

If you are a good person, you can refuse it out of noble sentiments, but as the person being helped, you must never refuse it.


Seeing that Ye Yang would be angry if he didn't accept it, all the male classmates quickly accepted the thank-you gifts. Although they were a little shy, they felt very proud after accepting the 100,000 yuan.

"How generous! Damn it! You can get millions in just one move..."

"A super boss who can call over a hundred elite lawyers to the scene with just one sentence, and millions of dollars, is probably just a spoiler!"

"If you can get this kind of reward for doing good things, then people like me who think they are not good people will want to do good things..."



Ye Yang ignored the reactions of his classmates. Instead, he turned around and rubbed Su Ziyan's face: "Okay, don't cry. This kind of thing will never happen again in school. Brother, please help." You smoothed it all out.”


Su Ziyan nodded repeatedly and threw herself into Ye Yang's arms. She was really afraid that the school would force her to be a companion.

"Okay, would you like to take me around your school?"

Ye Yang smiled and patted Su Ziyan on the head: "I'll take you to a big meal later to calm down the shock."


Su Ziyan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "I'm already in college, why do I still coax others with a big meal!"

"If you don't want to eat, just forget it?"

Ye Yang teased.

"No, you still have to eat the big meal!"

Su Ziyan raised her fist and said seriously: "I will be my brother's guide seriously!"

"Haha, come on for the feast."

Ye Yang raised his chin.

In Ye Yang's impression, Yenching University should be very big, but after walking around, it actually doesn't feel very big.

However, Weiming Lakeside is really beautiful, and the beauty and temperament of the beautiful and elegant Yanjing Xueba beauty makes it even more colorful.

The library and Boya Tower are both antique, but what impressed Ye Yang the most was the girls' dormitory.

Occasionally, you can see a beautiful girl who comes back from the shower and wears not too much. It's really fascinating.

"Really good."

Ye Yang commented with a smile.

"Stinky brother!"

Su Ziyan snorted: "Isn't my figure much better than theirs?"

"But you are my sister?"

Ye Yang shook his head with a smile.

"What's wrong with my sister? Is my sister not good-looking, or is my sister incompetent?... Hmm?"

Su Ziyan came up and stared at Ye Yang's face seriously.

Ye Yang coughed dryly and moved away the burning gaze. It seemed that today's bravery had opened up some extraordinary attributes for his cousin...

"We should go to dinner."

Ye Yang reminded.


Su Ziyan also realized that it was a bit too risky just now, and couldn't help sticking out her tongue, but after all, they are brothers and sisters, it must be normal to make a joke! That's right! Just a joke!

The Rolls-Royce Silver Soul drove out of the school gate.

He drove directly to Morton's Steakhouse.

Morton's Steakhouse is an internationally renowned restaurant. In China, the branch in Beijing is the most authentic and the most expensive.

Generally, only celebrities have the opportunity to queue up.

Ordinary people have to wait in line for weeks to eat in.

However, Ye Yang doesn't care about these.

If he is not allowed to enter, then he can just buy this restaurant and become its owner, and then enter...

(First update)

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