Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 335 I have someone in my heart

"Ahem, boss, Morton's Steakhouse has aristocratic privileges. If you enter the second floor, you don't need to make a reservation."

Xiao Qingxuan said after checking the information.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Aristocratic privileges?"

"Yes, as long as you spend 288,888 Chinese coins to open a noble VIP in Morton, you can enter the second floor to dine. Generally, there are only a few such users, and there is basically no need to queue."

"Those who need to queue are ordinary users dining on the first floor. After all, the per capita consumption on the first floor is only 2,000-3,000 Huaxia coins."


Ye Yang nodded slightly and said in realization: "That will save me money to buy this restaurant..."

If this restaurant was like those stupid restaurants he encountered before, and they wouldn't let him in until he got a number, then he would have to buy it with great pain.

At this time, the owner of Morton's Steakhouse could only rejoice in his heart that the restaurant had already established a VIP dining system, thus avoiding the fate of being acquired by Ye Yang today...

"We're here. I've just finished applying for the noble status online. Let's just go in."

Xiao Qingxuan smiled.


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

“It’s time for a big dinner!”

Su Ziyan was very happy: "I told my classmates before that I wanted to eat here, but I couldn't get in the queue. I can finally eat here today!"

Outside the door, a group of people lined up in a long queue. Many people who had booked dinner tonight arrived early and were waiting outside for permission to enter.

"Da da……"

At this time, several beauties wearing black high heels and professional black silk maid uniforms walked down the parquet stairs on the second floor. They curtsied to Ye Yang and his party, and said sweetly: "Dear noble guests. Guys, please come with us.”

Xiao Qingxuan explained: "Morton's Restaurant knows in advance that distinguished guests are coming, and will arrange a special reception team to greet them outside the door."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the ordinary customers outside the door, whose faces were flushed by the cold early winter wind in the capital. He couldn't help but sigh, it's different if you have money...

Seeing Ye Yang and his party being respectfully escorted up the special stairs by the maids in black stockings, the customers lining up outside were extremely envious.

"That's great...I've been waiting here for an hour."

"Ah ha? Who would treat someone as a VIP? You spend three hundred thousand to get a card here, and they will immediately treat you like a father."

"How about getting a card for 300,000 yuan? I can't afford it, I can't afford it..."

"Whenever I can be so rich..."

All the customers were filled with emotion.

"Dear distinguished guests, this is your reserved seat tonight."

As soon as he reached the second floor, Ye Yang suddenly felt a warmth.

The professional warm air made him feel like he was back in the summer. The decoration on the second floor was also very luxurious, and the overall lighting tone was warm and wonderful.

The second floor is not very big, but because of the few dining guests, it seems a bit empty.

"The first floor was crowded, but I didn't expect there was no one on the second floor."

Ye Yang said dumbfounded.

There are only a few tables occupied on the entire second floor. With a casual glance, you can basically see everyone.

Ye Yang was stunned when he saw the table for two by the window.

There is actually an acquaintance?

At this time, the girl at the double table by the window obviously noticed Ye Yang and waved to him in surprise: "Master!!!"

"Mo Zhengzheng? She is here too...what a coincidence..."

Ye Yang cursed and waved his hand in response.

Opposite Mo Zhengzheng, sat a young man with an aquiline nose, wearing a crisp suit, carrying himself dignifiedly, sipping red wine, and if it weren't for his somewhat sinister eyes, he would look a bit handsome overall.

Of course, compared with a handsome man like Ye Yang, he is more than one level behind.

"What a coincidence, we meet again."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"Master! Hehe, have you missed my little apprentice?"

Mo Zhengzheng blinked at him and chuckled.


The man with gloomy eyes on the side saw that the two of them were so intimate when they met and didn't take him seriously at all. He couldn't help but become jealous. He stood up and walked forcefully between the two of them. He raised a stiff smile at the corner of his mouth and stretched out a hand. Hand: "My name is Zhuge Zhu, and I am the young master of the Licai Group. I wonder what I call this gentleman?"

Ye Yang glanced at him before he could speak.

Mo Zhengzheng said continuously: "This is my master! A super guzheng master that is rare in the world!"


When he heard that Ye Yang was a guzheng teacher, Zhuge Zhu's sense of crisis instantly decreased. He didn't even want to pretend to be shy anymore, and directly put down his outstretched hand: "It turns out he is a guzheng teacher."

"Don't look down on my master! In my heart, he is the most powerful person in the world!!!"

Seeing Zhuge Zhu's attitude, Mo Zhengzheng suddenly felt a little dissatisfied.

Zhuge Zhu shrugged and sat back indifferently: "That's really awesome."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Who is this?"

" antique dad arranged a blind date for me."

Mo Zhengzheng's little face puffed up: "I'm here to deal with dad."


Ye Yang nodded meaningfully. As someone who was always urged by his mother to get married and go on blind dates, he felt the same way.

"Zheng Zheng! How can you say that! We are childhood sweethearts who grew up together! I have always had true love for you! This time Uncle Mo is determined to make things happen for the two of us..."

Zhuge Zhu frowned dissatisfied and wanted to emphasize something.

"You're just your self-proclaimed childhood sweetheart!"

Mo Zhengzheng stuck out her tongue at him: "I don't like you."


Zhuge Zhu's face turned red with anger. In his opinion, Ye Yang was just an outsider, and Mo Zhengzheng actually said that to him in front of an outsider! ?

"You can eat by yourself, I'm going to share the table with Master."

Mo Zhengzheng took Ye Yang's arm and said, "Master, you came at the right time, otherwise I would have to escape the bill."


Ye Yang shook his head dumbfounded. He could see that Mo Zhengzheng really didn't like Zhuge Zhu, and he also hated the drama of the older generation forcibly arranging the marriage of the younger generation for their own benefit.

"What did you say!? We are on a blind date! You actually want to go to another man's table!?"

Zhuge Zhu was so angry that his face turned red, and he even considered turning over the table.

"Anyway, we are just here to do a mission. How many times have I told you, I don't like you!!!"

Mo Zhengzheng snorted: "Please let me go quickly and cause harm to others!"

"Do you have someone in your heart?"

Zhuge Zhu slapped the table and roared angrily.

"Yes, there is someone! It's none other than the person in front of you, my master!!! Super handsome guy! Ten thousand times better than you!!!"

Mo Zhengzheng said proudly.


Ye Yang was confused, how could he suddenly change from a melon-eater to a corner of a love triangle...

(Second update)

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