Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 338 Special Consumption Critical Hit Reward: Centurion Club

I enjoyed this meal very much.

Ye Yang also taught Mo Zhengzheng a lot of guzheng skills that she had never heard of before. The little girl was so excited that she called the master a hidden master!

But in the end, Mo Zhengzheng, who had no money, could only ask her respected master to pay by credit card.

The beautiful lady in black stockings walked over, holding a POS machine that looked like a special work of art inlaid with gold, and said with a sweet smile: "Please pay by credit card. If you use Jingjin Bank's black card to pay, you will get a 10% discount." Great deal.”

Scanning codes and other things always give people a lighter feeling.

Rich old aristocrats still like to pay with credit cards.

Because when you swipe your card, you can show off your precious high-level credit cards from various banks, or membership cards.

All the VIP diners present who had been attracted by Ye Yang's arrogance were looking over at this moment, looking expectantly.

For a super boss who spends hundreds of thousands on a meal, the bank card he uses to swipe his card is probably unusual, right?

"I think it's at least a black card from a Class B bank."

"Tsk, even if it's a black gold card from a super big bank in China, I wouldn't be surprised."

Each bank issues different cards to VIPs with different balances and statuses.

The names of the highest-standard cards in each bank are also different. Some are called black cards, some are called king cards, and there are many names such as black gold cards...

“I just don’t know what level of cards this big guy can produce.”

"I think he is a young rich second generation or a nouveau riche who only wants to spend money. He is not strong enough and doesn't have much money. He probably doesn't have any impressive cards."

"That said, it's possible..."

All the distinguished guests present started whispering among themselves.

After all, no matter how much money you spend on a meal, it may be an explosive show, and having a bank card that represents your awesome identity can reveal a person's true background.

"Wait a minute, I have too many black cards... I probably won't be able to find any from Jingjin Bank for a while. Forget it, just pick one out."

Ye Yang took out his wallet, scratched his head, and smiled sheepishly.


"God damn it, there are too many black cards..."

"...This is too pretentious!"

"Alas! But he is really capable!"

All the VIPs were dumbfounded. Many of them were in the industry and were already very powerful if they could get black cards from one or two banks.

What the hell is there with too many black cards...

Is it possible that this guy's deposit balance in so many banks exceeds 100 million or even 1 billion? !

That's too scary!

Savings balance and net worth are completely different concepts.

If you are worth tens of billions, you will generally have a cash flow deposit of one billion in your bank account, which is considered very good.

After all, most assets are real estate and stocks, which are usually difficult to convert directly into money deposits.

"That's it."

Ye Yang casually took out a black card and handed it to the black silk maid.

The maid in black stockings was stunned and her breathing became rapid: "First... Sir, what are you..."

Seeing that the maid in black stockings was breathing rapidly and her face was red, she was very excited.

All the diners were surprised.

As the maid of Morton Steak, you should be used to seeing all kinds of black cards! ?

What level of card could make her so excited?

Could it be that... is...

"Sir...are you the Centurion Black Card!?"

The maid in black stockings asked again and again.

"Yeah...what's wrong? Your store doesn't support Centurion painting?"

Ye Yang asked with some confusion.

"No, no, no, sir, you misunderstood. Our store has special regulations. If you are a Centurion Black Gold Card user, your first order is free!"

The maid in black stockings said repeatedly.

"Huh? Isn't it mentioned in the information I checked before?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"That's because there are so few Centurion Card owners, and it doesn't make sense in terms of explicit rules."

The maid in black stockings smiled apologetically, this is a super boss! Never offend!

The more you get in touch with the upper class, the more you understand the weight of the Centurion Black Card.

That is something that only the super nobles with the highest status in the world are eligible to get!

"I see."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

This is also done to take care of those customers who don't have Centurion Black Card. You originally wanted to show off by getting a high-end black card, but the waiter told you that Centurion can waive the order. I'm afraid the thought of showing off on the spot was gone.

"Taking care of the poor, I understand."

Ye Yang nodded to express understanding.

Rich diners around: "???"

Do you think we have become poor? !

But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed true.

Everyone can afford the Centurion Black Gold Card. The overdraft limit in the Huaxia District alone is 10 billion! ! !

Their combined assets are not enough to cover the overdraft limit of one card. In front of others, are they not a bunch of poor people? !

"'s not scary to be pretended to be. What's scary is that it is indeed the case!"

"Damn! Comparing people with each other is so irritating! I have to work hard to make money so that my poor savings of 300 million can reach 1 billion as soon as possible!!!"

"Well, come on, then your assets will be worth one-tenth of their overdraft limit!!!"

"...are you comforting me or sarcastic?"


Although the diners in the venue claimed to be rich, most of them saw the Centurion Black Gold Card for the first time in reality. At this time, they all looked around and wanted to see it clearly.

"Well, sir, take care!"

The black silk maid also bowed respectfully to see him off.


Ye Yang received the Centurion Black Gold Card. It turned out that this card is so useful!

I think it's a bit of a loss!

Maybe other stores have similar discounts for taking Centurion to get a free bill! ?

Damn, it's all because I have too many black cards. I used a black card from another bank to swipe the card! I missed the chance to get a free bill! ! !

Thinking of this, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel a little regretful. He shook his head and sighed.

However, as soon as he went out, the system's prompt sound followed.

"It was detected that the host used the Centurion savings card to make a special consumption, triggering a super critical reward: the Centurion Club Company has absolute control."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He only knew about the Centurion Black Gold Card. What the hell is this Centurion Club?

He casually took out his phone and checked, and was immediately shocked.

This Centurion Club is a club composed of all the people in the world who have Centurion Black Gold Cards.

The usual expenses and operations of this club are controlled by the Centurion Company.

Becoming the owner of the Centurion Club means that he can check the detailed identity information of all the most powerful people in the world who have Centurion Black Cards!

It also means that he has control over the world's most powerful private club, which is composed of the most prominent nobles in various countries, the most influential international stars, the richest businessmen in the world, etc.!

(First update)

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