Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 339 You drive very well! Be my exclusive driver

This is also an identity and status that can't be bought with money.

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh again, the system is so powerful.

"What's wrong, boss?"

Xiao Qingxuan has always been concerned about Ye Yang. Seeing him in a daze, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising. He thought he was bewitched. For a moment, he was also a little surprised. He came up and shook his shoulders.

"Ahem... It's okay, I just thought of some happy things..."

Ye Yang shook his head with a smile.

"Huh... You scared me!"

Xiao Qingxuan rolled his eyes: "What are you going to do next, boss?"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and turned to Su Ziyan and Mo Zhengzheng: "You two have been in Beijing for a long time. Do you have any good projects to recommend?"

"Well, after dinner, you can go to Houhai Bar Street to have a high~"

Su Ziyan suggested.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "I didn't expect you to go to the bar?"

"Haha, I rarely go there, but my brother is here!"

Su Ziyan laughed.

"I heard that it's very lively there at night. I've always wanted to go there, but Gu Gu Daddy doesn't let me go there~"

Mo Zhengzheng was also eager to go.

The recording just now was probably enough to make the old man angry tonight. He is probably going to Zhuge Zhu's house to ask for punishment. He probably won't think of me for a while.

In addition, with Master, a handsome and generous boss, here, if I don't go there to have a good time tonight, I'm afraid I don't know when the next opportunity will be.

"Okay, let's go there and have some fun."

Ye Yang nodded slightly and walked down the second floor stairs of Morton Beef.

"Everyone has come down, but I haven't lined up yet..."

"Ah! Rich people are so good!"

The customers queuing outside were so envious that they wanted to cry.

Ye Yang walked to the garage nearby, took the three girls, got into the Rolls-Royce Silver Soul, and waited for the designated driver to come.

"Oh my god, a Rolls-Royce Silver Soul!"

"Although I'm poor, I like luxury cars! I recognized it, this is the Rolls-Royce Silver Soul!!!"

"Today I've seen a real tycoon!"


All the customers were amazed.

At this time, a beautiful girl separated the crowd and walked to the parking lot. After checking the license plate number for a long time, she was stunned after confirming that the little golden man in front of her was the car she was going to drive this time.

As a designated driver, he still knows a lot about cars. This car is now sold for 80 million!!!

If it is hit during the designated driving process, the money earned in ten lifetimes will not be enough to compensate...

What if the owner is still a hateful perverted rich fat old man... and forces her to marry him, what should I do! ?

While struggling with fear, the car window rolled down, but unexpectedly saw the face of a handsome guy.

"Hello, boss... I am your designated driver this time, Xu Jiaojiao, designated driver number 3458, reporting to you."

Xu Jiaojiao looked at Ye Yang's handsome face, her heartbeat accelerated, and suddenly felt that if he forced her to give herself to him... then she would definitely do it!



Ye Yang didn't think too much, and smiled faintly: "Get up and drive yourself?"

"Oh! Oh!"

Xu Jiaojiao came back to her senses and got in the car. Thinking of the shy thoughts just now, her face flushed.


Ye Yang looked at Xu Jiaojiao and sighed in his heart. How could this designated driver be so stupid? Is he reliable? !

"Don't you know how to drive a Rolls-Royce..."

Xu Jiaojiao shook her head again and again: "I am a professional designated driver! Familiar with all kinds of models, I can drive any car! I can make the boss feel comfortable and unimpeded all the way! How can I not drive! It's just..."

As a designated driver, I have come into contact with many luxury cars, so of course I bought insurance.

However, if there is any problem with this car, the maximum insurance amount is not enough to compensate.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and saw what Xu Jiaojiao was worried about: "Don't worry, I have my own car insurance, so you don't have to pay."

"Okay, okay!"

Xu Jiaojiao was relieved and drove the Rolls-Royce Silver Soul.

Beijing is the core of the entire China, where top figures from all walks of life gather.

It is also the concentration of power.

This kind of place is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and you can occasionally see many super luxury cars on the streets.

However, the appearance of a super luxury car like the Rolls-Royce Silver Soul, which is worth 80 million yuan, is still able to overwhelm everything and shine the eyes of all passers-by!

"Damn! Who dares to overtake my car!!!"

The owner of the Ferrari looked out. He was very unhappy about being overtaken, but after seeing that the car in front was actually the Rolls-Royce Silver Soul worth 80 million yuan, he was scared out of his wits and took the initiative to slow down, wanting to quickly distance himself from the car in front.

If he accidentally hits someone, even if he sells his broken Ferrari worth more than 5 million, it won’t be enough to pay for the repairs!

“Damn it! Such an expensive car! And you drive it out to cause trouble! What the hell are you driving!!! I’m scared to death!”

After cursing, the owner was stunned. Why does this sound so familiar! ?

At this moment, he finally understood the feelings of those ordinary car owners who drove hundreds of thousands of dollars after being overtaken by him...


The night makes the noble silver of the Rolls-Royce Silver Soul even more beautiful.

Like a silver dragon, it shuttles through the brightly lit streets of the capital.

Attracting the envy of pedestrians and the jealousy of countless car owners who dared not speak out...

It must be said that as a professional driver, Xu Jiaojiao's driving skills are really amazing, and she is also very clear about the road conditions. She hardly waited for red lights along the way. As she said, she was in a good mood and had a smooth journey.

The car soon drove to Houhai.

"I am very satisfied with the car you drive. It happens that I will also play in Beijing these days, and there will be places where I have to drive. You are so familiar with Beijing, so you can be my full-time driver for the time being."

Ye Yang proposed on a whim: "I know that senior drivers like you earn a lot every day, and the salary..."

"I agree!!!"

Before Ye Yang could say the salary, Xu Jiaojiao nodded and agreed.

"You agree to one dollar a day?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"Yeah! Who made me a face dog! Boss, you are so handsome! It's so happy to drive for the boss."

Xu Jiaojiao said repeatedly.


Is this considered face payment?

Ye Yang thought to himself, "I was just joking. Let's say your salary is 10,000 yuan a day."

"How much more?!"

Xu Jiaojiao felt her tongue was tied.

Oh my god! 10,000 yuan!

Although the unit price of each order of high-level designated driver is not low, there are not many orders that can be received every day.

If you can make 20,000 yuan a month, you are very lucky.

10,000 yuan a day!

"Well, if you think it's too little..."

Ye Yang blinked. He didn't know much about the income in this industry.

"No, no, no, it's enough. If it's more, I will feel guilty~"

Xu Jiaojiao stuck out her tongue and said honestly.

(Second update)

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