Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 347 I want to see what the rules are

"Not only that! Today I actually saw him sneaking into the Centurion Club! There, he was bewitching ladies and socialites! Haha, seeing the smug look on his pretty face makes my teeth itch with anger!"

Zhuge Zhu said coldly.

"Haha, don't worry, brother will help you vent your anger!"

Song Kuan laughed and waved his hand nonchalantly.

If he were a big boss, he would still be afraid to take action. However, for a pretty boy who relied on a rich woman to get his position and had no power or influence behind him, giving him a lesson would also improve his relationship with Zhuge Zhu. It was simply too much. What a deal!

What if Zhuge Zhu and Mo Zhengzheng really come together?

Basically, among the rich second generation in Beijing's business district, Zhuge Zhu is at the top.

Together, Zhuge Group and Mo Group have a market value approaching one trillion.

Together, the two companies can compete with the Yida Group of Wang Silin, the former richest man in China.

What a terrifying concept! ?

And he might be able to get a higher status in the Centurion Club because of this, and he might even be promoted by the headquarters to be the general manager of the branch!

Thinking this way, he felt so beautiful that he tapped the armrest of the stool with his fingers happily.

"With your words, Brother Song, I feel relieved!"

Zhuge Zhu gritted his teeth and snorted: "Damn, this kid made me lose face yesterday! I will let him know today that he is just a pretty boy and can never offend a real boss!"

"Haha... OK, I will definitely help you humiliate him!"

Song Kuan waved his hand nonchalantly: "Just leave, let's just go and drive him out."

He couldn't wait to say that it was strange that he was not in a hurry to do this kind of good thing that cost him nothing but brought huge benefits.

"Okay! Thank you so much, Brother Song!"

Zhuge Zhu also quickly stood up and walked out aggressively...

Ye Yang and his party stopped and walked along the way, especially a few girls. They lingered for a long time in the aristocratic clothing area and tried on a few clothes.

With Ye Yang's style, of course he helped the girls buy all the upper body parts.

"Uh-huh, boss, no...this, this, this..."

Xu Jiaojiao's face turned red. She didn't expect Ye Yang to be so angry.

Originally, a day's salary of 10,000 was astonishing enough.

The clothes here, with their price tags, were all ridiculously long. One look at them made her feel breathless, but the boss bought them right away? !

"Yes, yes, boss, this is too expensive. We girls just see beautiful clothes and subconsciously try them on... No..."

Bai Xiaojing also explained repeatedly.

"Here you go, just keep it. Money is not important, happiness is the most important."

Ye Yang said with a faint smile.


Seeing Ye Yang's insistence, the two girls accepted the clothes shyly.

Xiao Qingxuan was already used to Ye Yang's inhuman arrogance, so she thanked him sweetly and accepted it.

He Muzi chose a very mature and sexy dress, which made Ye Yang's nose feel hot. If it weren't for the internal qi flowing and suppressing the qi and blood, he would probably have a nosebleed.

This can be clearly seen from the mesmerized eyes of the well-informed super international stars beside him.

"is it nice?"

He Muzi puffed up his chest, which kept fluctuating.

" white...ah no, it looks good!"

Ye Yang changed his words again and again, nodded and praised sincerely.


He Muzi covered her mouth and smiled, the boss can be very cute sometimes!


Just as several girls were looking at their new clothes with joy.

Zhuge Zhu and Song Kuan have already arrived here.

"That's him! What I said is right! He's just a pure pretty boy! Haha..."

Zhuge Zhu sneered.


Song Kuan nodded slightly. He basically knew everyone who frequented the club.

In my memory, there is no such person. Moreover, Ye Yang is so handsome. As long as you have seen him, you can basically remember him.

It seems that the truth is almost as Zhuge Zhu said, this is a pretty boy.

After thinking about it, I became more determined and walked up directly.

"This gentleman."

Song Kuan walked up.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhuge Zhu and Song Kuan who were walking up, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. These two people were walking sloppily and had two big black circles under their eyes. That kind of thing.

"I am an executive of Centurion Club, Beijing Branch. We received a complaint from this guest. You just cursed him in public in our club and humiliated our senior VIP!?"

Song Kuan said coldly: "Do you know who Mr. Zhuge is! Someone like you can humiliate him!"

"Who is he? Isn't it clear in his name? He's a pig!"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered.

"Haha, protecting high-level VIPs has always been the purpose of our club. If you break this rule, we will have no choice but to kick you out!"

Song Kuan shrugged.

"What did you say?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, unable to believe what he heard: "Kick me out?"

"What? You have a special status!?"

Song Kuan sneered: "A rude person like you is worthy of staying in a club that only our high-end nobles are eligible to enter!? Haha, call me some bodyguards!"

Ye Yang looked at Zhuge Zhu on the side and acted like he was arrogant, in control of everything, and strategizing, and he understood instantly.

This is probably another 'ingenious plan' that the other party's smart as a pig brain came up with.

These two people are obviously working together and just want to humiliate themselves.

I guess this executive also listened to Zhuge Zhu's deception and really thought he was a guzheng teacher...

Xiao Qingxuan sneered: "My boss has a really special status."

She recently took over the position of secretary and naturally knew about Ye Yang's acquisition of Centurion Club Company.

"Haha? Special?! No matter how special his status is, it's not his turn to run wild in the Centurion Club! Not to mention, he doesn't even have a Centurion membership card and sneaks in to cheat on food and drink."

Song Kuan frowned, and when Xiao Qingxuan scolded him, he immediately retorted angrily: "This is the rule of our Centurion Club. If you don't want to abide by it, get out!"

"Ha...what a rule of the Centurion Club, I want to see it today!"

Ye Yang laughed angrily and raised his chin directly: "Call the general manager of the Beijing branch and tell him to come here quickly!"


Xiao Qingxuan went to do it again and again.

At this time, the head of the branch was experiencing paradise on earth in the Victoria's Secret District. When the call came in and he heard it was from the headquarters, the president, he was immediately frightened and got up again and again to accept the instructions...

(Second update)

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