"I'll go...what's going on."

The person in charge, Ren Buguan, lifted up his pants in a panic, waved his hand to the Victoria's Secret model below him, and quickly ran towards the clothing area.


As the head of the Hua Xia Capital Branch, he was naturally the first to receive news of the Centurion Club boss change.

I just didn't expect that the new boss's first stop would be at the club he is responsible for.

Moreover, judging from the tone on the other end of the phone, it was obvious that he was very angry!

damn it!

what is going on……

At this time, Ren Buguan was in a panic.


Song Kuan was a little confused when he looked at Ren Buguan, who was disheveled and running over in a panic.

As my boss, I have always regarded myself as an aristocrat, and I was very particular about my clothes when traveling. At this glance, I was in a hurry and rushed over after dressing for a while.

Instantly, he had a bad premonition welling up in his heart...

At this time, Zhuge Zhu was still mocking desperately: "You are the only one who still calls to find someone? Who are you trying to scare? Can the person you are looking for get in here? Do you know where this place is? If you don't have a net worth of hundreds of billions, how can you get in?" Come on! ? It makes me laugh!”

Many ladies and nobles nearby were attracted and looked over, and many wealthy businessmen were talking to each other, wondering what was going on.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, maybe it's a personal conflict?!"

"Sigh... If it's like what they said, then this is really not the place this young man should come..."

The bearded old man shook his head: "Why does an ordinary person have to squeeze into the circle of nobles?"

"I don't think it's like this, with this temperament and this outfit!"

"That's right! There will definitely be a reversal later! If you don't believe it, just wait and see!"

A beautiful woman immediately retorted on behalf of Ye Yang.


Song Kuan criticized Zhuge and had him executed.

"Brother Song, why are you blaming me! I haven't said I'm happy yet!"

Zhuge Zhu didn't respond, so he couldn't help but ask.

Song Kuan was too lazy to pay attention to Zhuge Zhu, and ran up to greet Ren Buguan: "Boss, why are you here! Is there anything you need me to do!?"


Unexpectedly, Ren Buguan ignored him at all, pushed him away, and hurriedly walked to Ye Yang.

"what's the situation!?"

Song Kuan was stunned, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Boss, I'm late! What happened here? If you have any requests, just ask me!!!"

Ren Buguan bowed directly to Ye Yang with a ninety-degree bow and said with great respect.

"Let him tell you himself."

Ye Yang pointed at Song Kuan lightly.


Song Kuan felt like his mind was blank. What the hell? My boss actually calls this guy boss! ?

This identity was completely turned upside down in an instant!

"What the hell! Didn't you say he was just a guzheng teacher!?"

He looked at Zhuge Zhu coldly.

"I...I don't know either. I just know that he teaches Mo Zheng the guzheng..."

Zhuge Zhu was also dumbfounded at this time. Ren Buguan was considered a big shot in the capital, so he naturally recognized him.

"You, you killed me!!!"

Song Kuan was in a state of confusion at this time, and when he saw Ren Buguan looking over, he couldn't help feeling a little palpitated.

The rich and famous people watching around were extremely surprised at this time. This was indeed a reversal!

"Tell me clearly! If there is any concealment, I will deny you any good fruits!"

Ren Buguan roared angrily.


Song Kuan was trembling in his heart. Ren Buguan's attitude was too clear. He was clearly on Ye Yang's side. Even if he lied, it would be useless. He might as well tell the truth.

"Boss, please listen to my explanation. This matter really has nothing to do with me. It's all Zhuge Zhu's fault!"

Song Kuan didn't dare to say a word about Ye Yang, so he put the blame on Zhuge Zhu and told what happened.

"Brother Song, you can't say that! I..."

"Shut up!"

Seeing that Zhuge Zhu still wanted to quibble, how could Song Kuan give him this opportunity, he shouted directly.

After all, Zhuge Zhu was his fair-weather friend. It was possible to talk about the Queen's Heart Sutra, but it was impossible to say that there was any true feelings.

Of course, if something goes wrong, Zhuge Zhu must bear the thunder as much as possible.

"What!? How dare you teach Mr. Ye what rules are!? I'm so fucking embarrassed for you, Song Kuan..."

Ren Buguan covered his face with his hands: "Do you know who Mr. Ye is?"


Song Kuan complained in his heart, of course I don’t fucking know!

If I had known who he was, would I have dared to do this...

"He is the boss of our Centurion Club Company! The controlling director! What are the rules you teach him!? You show him what a big shot is? How dare you!!!"

Ren Buguan was so angry that he almost suffered from cerebral thrombosis. He clutched his chest and found it difficult to breathe.

"I...he...the controlling director of Centurion Club Corporation!?"

Song Kuan was so frightened that his voice changed shape: "I'll go...this, this, this..."


The rich and famous people surrounding him also expressed surprise and looked at Ye Yang in shock.

The mysterious Centurion Group Holdings director, the largest boss, the super boss with the most connections in the world and a network of abilities all over the world, was actually standing in front of him!

Moreover, he is still so young! ?

This is too dreamy! ! !

This kind of status is far beyond what money can compare with, it represents too many things!

He belongs to the level of the international super boss hidden in the dark.

Many ordinary members of Centurion are worth hundreds of billions, but they all want to meet the club director but can't.

Unexpectedly, this ultimate boss actually appeared in front of them like this! ! !

"Damn! This reversal is too gorgeous!"

"Yeah! Oh my... He is actually the boss of his boss... It's ridiculous that this executive just wanted to teach me what the rules of the Centurion Club are... Aren't these rules set by him?"

"Haha... I just laughed at it, I feel embarrassed for that guy named Song Kuan..."

"This guy is probably going to be in bad luck."

"No one can save you if you provoke this super boss."


The audience was enthusiastic, and this kind of thing was not common to them.

"What happened?"

A figure walked over from the food area.

The onlookers avoided him when they saw him.

"It's actually Boss Silin, he's here today too..."

Wang Silin smiled and greeted the person next to him.

As the former richest man in China, his status is still very high. At least among the many members of the Centurion Club branch in Beijing, his status is enough to rank at the top.


Wang Silin was stunned when he saw that the person surrounded by people watching the fun was actually Ye Yang.

He also received a report from his secretary that Ye Yang was coming, so he rushed out to greet him...

(First update)

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