Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 349: Boss Ye, you are an expert


After listening to the person next to him briefly describing what happened, Wang Silin's eyes widened.

My boss is actually the controlling director of Centurion Club Group! ?

No wonder, he has so many magical powers, countless funds, and seems to have strong connections. The last time I had dinner with Mark King, Mark King was in awe of him...

It turns out that he still has this identity! ! !

This time, his original intention to be Ye Yang's subordinate with peace of mind changed slightly. It was not enough to be someone else's subordinate with peace of mind!

Then if you have nothing to do, you should take the initiative to show your courtesy!

This kind of super boss is simply too powerful! You must firmly believe it in your heart and hold Ye Yang’s thigh tightly!

"Director Ye, I was wrong!"

At this time, Song Kuan felt more uncomfortable than eating shit. He was trembling with fear. Without saying a word, he knelt down in front of Ye Yang and said, "I really don't know your identity! Please be magnanimous and spare me this time." Bar!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "So, if the guests are not respectful of their status, you can ignore the club's rules and frame, slander, and insult other members at will?"

"No, no, no...I didn't mean that...I meant..."

Song Kuan was stunned. Just as he was about to explain, he realized that this was indeed what he meant...

"Haha, you don't deserve to be an employee of Centurion at all, you don't deserve it."

Ye Yang shook his head: "With your ability and attitude, there is no need to come tomorrow."

Song relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief. If he offended such a big boss, he would just be fired...

Before he could relax, Ye Yang sneered: "Firing you is a punishment for your disregard of company discipline. You will have to deal with your slanderous remarks on me."

"Ah this..."

Song Kuan was completely confused. He thought it was over, but it turned out that it had just begun!


But now he can only accept his fate, he has offended a big shot, that's it, what else can he do? Even if I resisted at the time, it would be a long time in the future. How could such an awesome boss still not get the ending he wanted?

If you meet a perverted boss with a weird temper, it would be extremely easy to forge evidence of leaving the country and make yourself 'permanently disappear' abroad.

Thinking of this, he became even more frightened: "Say what you say, Song Kuan will accept your punishment."


Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction. After all, Song Kuan was also bewitched by Zhuge Zhuge. He was not so perverted that he ruined other people's families just because of such a trivial matter. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Slap this kid a few times first, and then talk. other."

When Song Kuan saw that Ye Yang was referring to Zhuge Zhu, his eyes instantly turned red.

It's all because of him that he has fallen to this point!

Now that he was fired, knowing that he had offended a company with Ye Yang's level, who would dare to hire him! ?

What's the difference between this and cutting off his financial path! ?

He had long wanted to beat Zhuge Zhuge to death, and now that it was Ye Yang's request, he was naturally willing to do so.

"What are you going to do!!! I'm warning you, don't mess around! I'm a pig..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Kuan slapped him in the face.

He was blinded directly and fell to the ground.

Song Kuan rode up directly, opened his bow left and right, and slapped Zhuge Zhuge's mouth wildly, until his face was swollen like a pig's head.


Zhuge Zhu was beaten so hard that he couldn't speak clearly, so he could only sob and didn't know what to say.

By the end of the beating, there were no more whimpering sounds, and it was obvious that he was knocked unconscious directly from the beating.


Ye Yang waved his hand, and it could be seen that Song Kuan was really driven crazy with anger. He didn't hit him lightly or hard. If he continued to hit him, the living pig would really be beaten into a dead pig.


Song Kuan gasped tiredly.

"I won't embarrass you. All the profits you have received from the Centurion Club over the years will be returned to the club, and we will be settled."

Ye Yang said calmly: "Including your connections, resources and money, your future life must not have anything to do with the Centurion Club."


Although Song Kuan knew that things would not go away easily in the end, he did not expect that it would cost him such a heavy price.

This means that his aristocratic life is completely over from this moment on. He has reached middle age and has to start from scratch. What can he do...

Thinking about the miserable life in the future, he couldn't help but want to cry...

I can no longer spend a night with a big-breasted model! ! !


He staggered and prepared to leave here quickly like a defeated dog.

"By the way, this is Zhuge Zhuge who knocked you unconscious. Send him back yourself."

Ye Yang waved his hand and said calmly.


Song Kuan's heart trembled, and he suddenly woke up. The Zhuge family was a powerful force after all, and now he had become an ordinary person. If the head of the Zhuge family knew that his son was made like this by him...

Ye Yang is a super boss, and the Zhuge Group does not dare to provoke him, but he is different!

When the time comes when the anger is involved on him, he won't be able to bear it...

Only then did he fully understand Ye Yang's terrifying plan to plot against him in just a few words...

He was full of bitterness, but he didn't dare to disobey Ye Yang. If he did something wrong, he would be beaten, especially if it was a super boss like this who he couldn't resist at all...

Carrying Zhuge Zhu on his back, Song Kuan prayed in his heart, hoping that the head of the Zhuge family would be able to breathe for a while...

Looking at Zhuge Zhu and Song Kuan who left in a panic.

Everyone was talking about it.

"As expected of someone who became the controlling director of Centurion Group at such a young age, he is really cruel!"

"And he is cruel in a reasonable way. With just a few words, he completely destroyed all his escape routes, and he didn't have any handle in the hands of others."

"Anyway, I don't want to provoke such people in the future..."

"But I think Zhuge Zhu is the one who deserves the most punishment, right? Is he just going to be beaten up?"

"Haha, Zhuge Zhu was beaten like this, can the head of the Zhuge family not ask about it?"

"What do you mean?"

People who didn't understand Ye Yang's thoughts asked one after another.

"With the connections of the Zhuge family, it is not difficult to find out what happened today. If he chooses to retaliate against Boss Ye, then Boss Ye will have a legitimate reason to completely destroy the Zhuge family."

"On the contrary, the Zhuge family will take the initiative to apologize and seek peace."

"In any case, he is the absolute winner."

"Moreover, it will not give people a chance to talk about it. Even people who hear about this matter in the future will probably praise Mr. Ye for his generosity."

"Oh my... Awesome!"


There was constant discussion around, and Ye Yang shrugged his shoulders. He didn't think so much, but he had been in this circle for a long time, and he learned it by himself. How to deal with things has become instinct...

Wang Silin, who saw the whole process, seemed to have made up his mind and walked up again and again.

(Second update)

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