Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 350 Silin apologized on his behalf

"...Why is Wang Silin walking up there?!"

"Is it possible that he also had a problem with Ye Yang?"

"No, judging from the expression, it should look like we know each other..."


The VIPs around were a little confused. After all, Wang Silin was once the richest man in China, and his status in their hearts was still very high. Ye Yang was so young yet so mysterious.

These two people's style of painting is not in the same channel, so they can't understand why Wang Silin would take the initiative to run over and approach Ye Yang.

"Could it be that the big guys want to make friends..."

There was constant speculation and discussion among each other.

I saw Wang Silin walking up to Ye Yang, with a flattering smile on his face, and bowed: "Boss, you only asked me before you came, and I went to the door to greet you. This caused such a big misunderstanding. I didn’t think carefully!”


Wang Silin's words stunned everyone present.

"Why do you call him boss?"

Ren Buguan didn't react for a while. Is there anyone else rushing to call this boss? !

"He's my boss too!"

Wang Silin puffed up his chest as a matter of course. If he had been asked to say such words when Yida was first acquired, it would have been an insult, but now, he feels that it is an honor!

These are the top group of super bosses in the world. Following Ye Yang, maybe his business and status, which have been somewhat stagnant recently, can break through the shackles and reach a higher level...

"What!? So... the real boss of Yida is this Mr. Ye!?"

There are no fools among the distinguished guests present. If they can get to this point, they naturally have something. In a few words, they can make a general guess, but this conclusion is really terrifying.

At such a young age, he is not only a director of Centurion Club Group Holdings, but also the real boss of Yida today! ?

These two identities are blessed on one person, one represents unspeakable relationships and connections, and the other represents huge wealth and glory.

In an instant, Ye Yang's halo became extremely dazzling in their eyes...

"Yes, Mr. Ye Yang is our real big boss at Yida."

Wang Silin puffed up his chest, he had nothing to be ashamed of.

Just like Ali, Chinese people think that Ma Yun is the real boss, but he is only the executive director, and 70% of the shares are held by a Japanese, so he is the real big boss.

But those who hold large shares know how to keep a low profile and show up much less often than Ma Yun. Even most Chinese people don't know about it at all.

Many things are there, but no one tells you, and you won't check such things out of the blue.

When you suddenly know the truth one day, you will even find it incredible.

Wang Silin thought of Ali and felt at ease.

Now, it's just that the 'hidden' boss behind him has been exposed, but this still cannot erase his glory of being the richest man in China.

Especially when this hidden big boss was still the controlling director of Centurion, telling this fact made him feel flattered.


Ren Buguan looked at Ye Yang with even more awe, this young man is amazing! ! !

Amidst the shocked eyes and heated discussion of the audience, Wang Silin respectfully invited Ye Yang and his party into the food area and reserved a small garden near the lake.

The decoration of the small garden is very luxurious, and all kinds of precious antiques are fully displayed. At first glance, it is not a place that ordinary members are qualified to use.

The semi-open-air structure can connect the inside and outside of the room. You can not only enjoy the warmth and comfort inside, but also have an unobstructed blend with the beautiful blue lake and sky next to it.

It is the perfect place to dine with great enjoyment.

“The place was chosen carefully.”

Ye Yang nodded slightly and praised.

"As long as the boss is satisfied."

Wang Silin was also extremely happy.

Someone had already taken a seat at the round table on the terrace.

Seeing Wang Silin enter, everyone stood up.

"Brother Mo, this is the distinguished guest I told you, the controlling director of Yida, my veritable big boss, Ye Yang, Mr. Ye."

Wang Silin introduced it solemnly, giving Ye Yang enough face.

"Brother Mo?"

Seeing Mo Dongshan froze on the spot, Wang Silin also had a trace of doubt in his eyes, what's going on?

Even if they have known each other for a long time, they shouldn't just react dumbly, right?

Could it be that he was shocked that his boss, so young, was the controlling director of Yida? Or are you surprised that the real boss of Yida is not you? !

"It's actually you...ah, you!"

Mo Dongshan changed his title in the middle of his words. When he saw the Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost that night, he knew Ye Yang's identity. He was definitely rich. However, he had no idea that Ye Yang was the real boss of Yida!

This is simply outrageous!

It's funny that that night, he even suspected that he was approaching his daughter because he wanted to take advantage of his family's property...

He owns a trillion-dollar company, what a fool! ?

Although the market value of Mo Group is hundreds of billions, his own direct holding is only 100 billion.

For a big shot like Ye Yang, a mere hundred billion is not worth a lifetime of marriage.

"Ye, Mr. Ye, last night..."

Mo Dongshan knew that he was wrong, and he wanted to explain himself with a guilty conscience.

"Mr. Mo, you don't have to be like this. As a father, it's understandable to say that. But because of this, I feel that you are a person with passable character."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"Is that so..."

Mo Dongshan finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn't dare to relax his nerves.

"Why, you..."

Wang Silin was confused and a little dumbfounded.


Mo Dongshan also smiled bitterly and recounted what happened last night.

"What!? The boss is your daughter's guzheng master? You don't know? He also helped your daughter identify the scumbag? You also threatened the boss because the boss went home with your daughter..."

Wang Silin felt that his head was about to explode.

What's the connection? ?

"You look familiar too?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

Wang Silin nodded slightly: "Brother Mo is my right-hand man in Beijing."

"Among the local enterprises in Beijing, the Zhuge family and the Mo family are the strongest among the individual groups. Except for my Yida, they are basically the second and third."

"But Yida later became a large enterprise across the country. The Zhuge family and the Mo family have been fighting openly and secretly in Beijing, but with the support of Yida, the Mo family has always been slightly better."

"Brother Mo and I are also friends of life and death. We used to be from the same company, and we have a comradeship."

Wang Silin pondered for a moment, and said with a stiff upper lip: "So, if Brother Mo was disrespectful to the boss last night, Silin apologized on his behalf!!!"

(First update)

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