Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 351: Frank and outspoken Wang Xiaocong

"I have already said that I admire him very much."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "If I am really dissatisfied with him, I won't hide it at all. It's okay, but it's not necessary."


Wang Silin suddenly realized, yes, the boss is a crazy super boss. Ever since he met him, his behavior has never been consistent with common sense!

If you have any dissatisfaction with this character and status, you don't need to hide it at all, it will be dealt with directly on the spot.

Just like Song Kuan and Zhuge Zhu today.

"Yes, the boss is also the executive director of the Centurion Club, so there is no need to avoid this."


Mo Dongshan was confused, why did he keep talking more and more awesome?

What kind of super big shot did my daughter become her teacher outside?

He wants to slap himself to death now because Mo Zhengzheng insists on learning guzheng. He also blames her for not doing her job properly and wants her to go home and take over the business of Mo Group.

But now I think about it, if I really strangled my daughter to death about learning the guzheng, where would she be able to meet Mr. Ye?

They were even lucky enough to have him as their disciple, giving the Mo family the opportunity to get involved with such a big shot!

Thinking of Mo Zhengzheng, Mo Dongshan slapped his forehead: "Brother Wang, Zhengzheng and Xiaocong..."

"Holy shit!"

Wang Silin also suddenly remembered something, and slapped his forehead, extremely annoyed: "I was so excited just now that I forgot about it."

I came to Ye Yang today with the intention of introducing Mo Dongshan to Ye Yang.

Let Ye Yang know that Wang Silin is not the only one who can mobilize forces in the capital, and the Mo family is also in their group.

And he and Mo Dongshan also brought their sons and daughters over.

By the way, let's arrange this marriage.

Wang Silin has been very busy recently and did not know that the Zhuge family wanted to seek peace, so he arranged for Zhuge Zhu and Mo Zhengzheng to discuss marriage.

When he approached Mo Dongshan about this, Mo Dongshan already knew Zhuge Zhu's sinister intentions, so he didn't refuse.

Now that we know that there is such a relationship between Mo Zhengzheng and Ye Yang, it's a waste of time to bring them together!

Who knows what the boss thinks!

If the boss really cares about Mo Zhengzheng, wouldn't his son be looking for death?

It's all my fault that I placed my boss's position too high in my mind. When I was thinking about things, I subconsciously put Ye Yang on the same level as an old man.

After all, anyone who can become a big shot is at least not a middle-aged person. Wang Silin has never encountered someone like Ye Yang who has reached this level at such a young age.

But if you think about it carefully, Ye Yang and Mo Zhengzheng are the same age!

Wang Silin broke into a cold sweat at the thought of this possibility, and quickly ordered his secretary to find Wang Xiaocong and Mo Zhengzheng who were playing in the nearby area.

The secretary seemed to know the urgency of the matter and ran out quickly...

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yang looked at the two thieves, Mo Dongshan and Wang Silin, and frowned.

"Ahem, it's okay. We just suddenly thought of something. Oh, by the way, Zhengzheng is here today too."

Wang Silin kept saying.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, smiled and sat down: "You're welcome, everyone can sit down."


Wang Silin and Mo Dongshan both sat down one after another.

Xiao Qingxuan directly found a seat and sat down. He was very relaxed along the way and did not feel any discomfort. After all, he was the top 'bodyguard' of Hurricane and had never seen anything like this before.

When I was on mission in Africa, I had dinner with the top leaders of many countries.

Xu Jiaojiao, Bai Xiaojing and He Muzi couldn't calm down at all. Although they knew that the boss was very powerful, he still joked with them every day and still had the image of a handsome guy. In the end, it didn't give them much sense of majesty.

But today the impact is really quite big!

Whether it is the legendary Centurion Club or the director of International Centurion Holdings, the most impactful thing is Wang Silin directly bowing his head and calling the boss.

Ye Yang is actually the largest director of Yida Group.

Yida can be said to be famous to every Chinese people. For such a legendary company, the real boss is the man next to him. It is so surprising that it makes people feel numb.


Not long after, the secretary found Mo Zhengzheng.

Hearing that Ye Yang was also here, Mo Zhengzheng was extremely happy and jumped over directly.


Wang Xiaocong looked unhappy: "Dad, if you want to talk about business, just talk about business! Why did you call me back!"

"Come back as soon as I ask you to come back, there is so much nonsense!"

Wang Silin shouted deeply.

"Huh? It's rare to see a young face?"

Wang Xiaocong's eyes lit up when he saw Ye Yang. Those who had dinner with his father were usually old guys, which he didn't like very much. Unless necessary, they would find a reason to sneak out to hang out with Internet celebrities.

"Be respectful, this is what I'm telling you, the real big boss of Yida now, my immediate boss, Ye Yang, Mr. Ye!"

Wang Silin gave a deep drink and said.


Wang Xiaocong looked at Ye Yang in disbelief and blinked: "Isn't it true that he looks younger than me!?! Dad, are you confused about me?"

"Ahem, my son came back from studying abroad. He is outspoken and outspoken. He is not polite to me. Don't blame Mr. Ye..."

Wang Silin felt embarrassed and said respectfully again and again.

"It doesn't matter, I like straightforward people."

Ye Yang waved his hand. These old foxes who do business are very cunning. It is better to have a straightforward conversation.

"You didn't do anything to her just now, did you?"

Wang Silin looked at Mo Zhengzheng and asked worriedly. His son's private life is not decent. He is famous throughout China. He changes to an Internet celebrity every other day. He lives up to the name of a playboy in terms of love.

"... You know, I like Internet celebrity faces. I don't like her looks. She is too beautiful. She doesn't look like an Internet celebrity face at all."

Wang Xiaocong shrugged and said, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay... I didn't do anything."

Wang Silin breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried that his son didn't like Mo Zhengzheng before. Now he saw that his son really had no interest in Mo Zhengzheng, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Brother Xiaocong is very good. He also took me to meet a few friends. After leaving me to those friends, he ran away by himself. I don't know what he did."

Mo Zhengzheng added.


Wang Silin sighed inwardly, probably because he had abandoned Mo Zhengzheng and was thinking about running out to flirt with internet celebrities again: "You are not allowed to go anywhere today. If you dare to run away, I will break your legs when I get home!!!"


Wang Xiaocong saw that Wang Silin was so decisive and did not dare to disobey. He was still a little afraid of his father in his heart, so he nodded and sat down obediently.

"Serve the food!"

Wang Silin waved to the waiter and said proudly.

(Second update)

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